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Ok..brief history. Met this girl online. 4 weeks ago. Shes in LA...me in TX. We started with texts, then to emails, to then phone calls & IMs. We're supposed to see each other for the first time in 7 days.


Now. Everything seemed well and dandy. She texts me almost every morning...and sometimes through the day. We IM..and have phone convos. etc etc. Seemed fine.


The this morning. I called her...after about 10 mins...she says she's going to eat breakfast and will call me back. OK...no problem. She calls me back 2 hours later. In my head I think it's a tad long..but ok..NP.


But in 5 mins..she has another call and she says she'll call back. doesnt call back. After 6 hours she sends me 2 texts.


"Hey sorry for not getting back to you earlier, but I knocked out after I got back home from running errands. I'm going out with my friends in a bit so I'll catch up again later, but I just wanted to say hi"


Now I think something is odd. But wanted to see what you guys thought? Am I reading too much? or Not a biggie?

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she doesn't owe you any more then what she is giving you. You're not exclusive and you're hardly on her radar. I too wonder if you're able to handle something long distance. Why not set your sights on someone closer to home where you can actually nurture the relationship one-on-one rather then through electronic means that will have you angst ridden in the ambiguity.

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You haven't even met in person yet...for now, you two are strangers who don't owe each other anything. With that said, yes, you are definitely not a priority right now (rightfully so).

I wouldn't necessarily say you're insecure, but I'm not sure you are cut out for a LDR. You may need to meet someone local instead.

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yea...i mean..i personally don't see myself as an insecure person in general. ive had several healthy relationships. even 2 LDRs. One which was 5 years, and another that was 8 months.

Now...that being said...I may be reading too much into this? Maybe some sort of psychological overthinking or over analyzing. Which probably isn't healthy.

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I think Im generally pretty laid back. I also dont consider myself needy either. But what I am sensitive to is when patterns change. And when they do...I tend to over analyze. That is my issue. I am glad that you guys are pointing out that I am being irrational. Actually quite helpful.

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