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I want to get away to find myself


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Hello all,


I'm 21 years old and currently serving in Active Duty air force. I'll be getting out within the next 8 months. I have my GI bill ready for school, about 10k in my pocket and don't know where to go. I just got out of a 2 year relationship and I know my family will always be there for me when i'm home but I don't want to go home. I want to be able to start fresh when i'm out. If anyone has been outside of the US, what country is a safe environment for a young single 21 year old male. I love the outdoors and meeting new people from different cultures. Thanks everyone

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I think you'd do well in just about any "Western" Nation.


So Europe, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, India. The world's your oyster.....there's a pearl out there somewhere!!


I'd look at job opportunities and industries that suit your desires and / or strengths and lean toward the countries that might have more opportunities for you.

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Focus on school/education. To save money, live with your family (still contribute of course) and go to local community college > transfer to University for Bachelors.


Just about everywhere you go in this world is full of good and bad, remember, good people usually outnumber the bad. If you like outdoors and nature, New Zealand is probably your best bet, but don't count out US. We have tons of land and tons of nature.


Sometimes we can't always have what we want, you might need some time before you get to that place. Life....

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I would go to school. Get it done. Because if you don't, you might put it off. You might come back to it in 4-6 years and then feel you are so much older than everyone else. You will have more opportunities if you went to trade school or dove into college first and found yourself that way, then found yourself the other way by using summer semester to drift around. And being able to write your own ticket a little better.


You don't have to go to your home town - but you don't need to leave the country. there is so much diversity in geography, industry, climate, etc. depending on where you go.


To save money, live with your family (still contribute of course) and go to local community college


If he's on the GI Bill, I thought school was paid for because of his service.

I wouldn't go to the community college if you are itching to get away from the home town.

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Look up countries with "working holiday visas" for Americans.


If you like the outdoors, consider NZ.


If you want to study and not just find yourself, note, in a lot of countries, university is a lot cheaper than in the States even for international students. For example, university tuition in France for a normal public university is around $500/year and there are lots of universities that offer courses in English.

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