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trying to move forward but theres this thing....

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I have no idea how to handle this situation. I met an amazing guy who i got in a very serious relationship very quickly. In the span of 3 months we moved in together, met eachother's families and he even brought up the topic of marriage once I thought i was ready but maybe I wasn't. I really loved him but it was my only serious relationship so i don't have anything to really compare it too. I made a mistake and got entirely way to drunk. This guy held very high expectations of me and when he saw me being a drunken idiot it crushed him. He didn't even want to talk about it he just wanted to break up and i was devastated. It was like pulling teeth to get my stuff from his apartment but once i did i told him i was sorry and he deserved better than what i did. We hugged and he said when i returned from my trip for work to give him a call and we would talk about it. I couldn't think of anything else. When i got back i called and i didn't get an answer. I went threw the huge trash bags of my stuff he threw together and he didn't give me a camera that's worth a lot of money i am an artist and i use it for work. i sent him a text asking if he had it and could return it to me. No response. I tried again two weeks later. I was crushed not to get a response. I decided to move forward and give myself sometime to heal and think more rationally and not use the camera as an excuse so i can see him to get some closure. I have moved forward and i feel fine about the break up. However I need my camera for my next project and it is ridiculous for me to replace it. I figured i would wait a month before contacting him again but i would feel better if i had a game plan set in motion. I have a feeling he is not going to respond if i text or call. Maybe i should try facebook? The last thing i want to do is show up at his place especially if he is seeing someone else or ask his friends (i don't want to bring anyone into this).

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I think he has trust issues He had to leave his job to come pick me up and i was completely blacked out and told him like 5 different stories and a bunch of idiotic things. Hes extremely embarrassed and i dont think Ive ever felt worse about anything i have ever done. But since then I have gone above and beyond to improve myself and I've been kicking ass at work. I feel like it was a move to tell me to call but if he has the camera i cant write it off that is dumb. I spend way more money than i earn with my art.

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If he's not responding, that's about it. Getting his friends involved isn't likely to help.


Despite you two having moved quickly, it was in fact only three months. What exactly did you do while drunk? Do you remember? For some people, having a partner who's willing to lose control getting blackout drunk is enough to call it off. It's a discipline and "Am I going to have to take care of this?" kind of thing. Not that I've ever dumped someone over it.

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My life has changed dramatically in the last year. I used to party insanely hard my first year out of college. But here I am a year later working really hard and not going out very much. Like it used to be bars every night now my happy hour is yoga and making art. But my ex and i the first night we met we were both got pretty drunk but not the level i was at when he dumped me. I feel like i have come a long way but he doesnt know alot about my past. Hes only seen the good things. I dont have the tolerance i used to and this experience taught me that when i get around people that are throwing down really hard i cant and should not try to keep up with them. I was hurt when he didnt want to talk. But at this point all i can do is learn from it. Morphing into a responsible adult can be quite the process sometimes

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