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I caught my girlfriend skyping another guy


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I first meet this girl throw a dating site on which we then started chatting via Skype, Whatsapp and Telephone......After spending 6 months chatting with her, we then started making plans to meet in person, so we both planned a trip to Mexico....We meet in Mexico as planned and spent two weeks together........ I flew from the US and she flew from Brazil....... I felt that we had good chemistry when we meet in person, I felt that we had great time together; then when we had to say good bye at the airport we both had tears in our eyes. I felt like if we really belong together and that we had made a great connection, I even told myself perhaps this was the woman of my dreams.....But right after she arrived at her country, she started showing signs of not being too interested in me as much as before the meeting.........She suggested that we both make our relationship public in Facebook on which I had agreed upon, but right away I've noticed that she will make this relationship private so that only she and I can see it......I had a fit and confronted her on it and she immediately made it so that all of her friends and my friends would see it.........That action from her made me feel a gut feeling that something may be going on......So I managed to find out that she had 7 Skype accounts on which I was only aware of two, one that she stop using and the second one that she would use to video chat with me, but I was able to check on the other 5 and found that she just recently used a different account to video chat another guy and I saw their conversation, right after I saw that it made me so angry, they were calling pet names to each other back and forth, and I noticed that they had also video chat that guy, so I saved his phone number for future references in case I need it...........Then I calmed myself and confronted her........I asked her if she is been talking to other guys and she totally denied it, I kept asking her for several days until she said that yes she used the Skype to send a person from a company a copy of her resume so that the person can help her get a job, and she said that she chatted one day only and it was not personal.........Well some how her story did not set well in my stomach coz my gut feeling that something was not right and it felt weird......So I kept insisting for her to tell me the truth or her truth shall I say, so finally she confessed to me, she said that she had meet this guy at the international airport in Brazil, and that they chatted for a long time and that they exchanged numbers and Skype......But she said that she was not interested in him and neither was him for her.........But when she was in Mexico with me that guy one time sent her a Whatsapp message to find out how she was..........This whole gut feeling had me worried..........So I started checking the times and dates both will come online in Whatsapp.......daily and different times of the day.............I did a final confrontation and I asked her if she was still talking to that guy she meet and she denies it...............I felt I was going crazy and loosing sleep over it so I decided to end the relationship with her.....


Is texting othe guys cheating?........is skyping other guys cheating?..........how could I have avoided being played?


I welcome everyone on this forum to participate and give their opinions.



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I get a very strong impression that this girl is playing the field until she finds what she is looking for. I also get a strong impression that after meeting you in real life, she lost interest in you because she found you were NOT quite what she thought, or hoped for. Now, the fact that she continues to skype other guys tells me that if you are wanting a relationship with this girl, then you have chosen the wrong one - it aint gonna happen, imo. Yes, I would say you have been played.

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Unfortunately yes I did pay for her trip since she did not have a job at the time, and though I could give her a hand financially........

Way before we meet in Mexico, I had asked her if she had guy friends whom she slept with as friends on her Facebook page and she said no.......I told her that in case she did for her to do a clean up on her Facebook coz I did not wanted to be surprised one we are together In Mexico.......After a fews days being together right after we did the wild thing, she said look babe this guy whom is on my facebook used to be my boyfriend, but we don't talk any more, and look he looks pretty aged and runned down....... > kept my calm and then I asked her why she still would want to know the life of someone who is not with her any more, and I also told her to keep this guy and any other guys she slept with around; that I did not wanted to part of......That I was ending our relationship right there in Mexico........After a few minutes she came crying like a baby and asked me not to leave her...........I felt as if she truly likes me and decided to continue with her..............Was I played again?

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The trouble with "abroad" as in "cyber abroad" is the net is thronged with the scammers, makers and takers of this world. The home/grown variety and the abroad variety.

If someone from abroad is your thing, then you travel there, in person, and get to meet people locally.

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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......... I laugh because you said the exact same thing as my sister, my sister told me this.

Look bro she does not have a problem doing the wild thing with you, coz that for her is the way she gets things her way, that for her does not mean anything, and such huge opportunity to travel abroad with everything paid for.


Dannnnnnng !......... It does hurt a lot in the gut !


Thanks for your comment " mhowe"

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