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Haven't heard from him?


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I met a guy about a month ago and we didn't start talking until a couple of weeks ago. The majority of our interactions have been face to face, several hours worth of conversation before we exchanged numbers. First he suggested we do something together then texted me telling me the same thing, I agreed, but now I haven't heard from him!

It's been nearly a week and nothing... I'm so confused! I know he went out of town for a couple of days (saturday and sunday) but I don't understand why he would suggest, twice, that we go do something then go awol.

I want to contact him, but don't want to be aggressive (sometimes I come on too strong lol). Any advice?

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If you didn't have a time and place plan to meet then there was no real plan. It is flaky on his part not to tell you that he doesn't plan to follow through but he probably met someone else or lost interest- don't take it personally! Even in platonic friendships I'm sure you've had people vaguely suggest getting together and then not following through. It's frustrating I know!

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The fact is he's probably dating several women at the same time and he simply hasn't gotten around to you yet. Time to text and suggest a time and place to meet. Then if he can't make it and doesn't step forward with a time and date soon you delete his number and move on. In dating, as in all things, sometimes the eyes are bigger than the calendar so to speak and people overbook themselves trying to fit too many people into the mix too soon.


It's nothing personal, but he definitely has other things and people to occupy his time than just you. It's not aggressive to try and nail down a plan to meet and it's one of the fastest ways to know if they're really into you or just sort of like I said adding too many people to the mix and you aren't higher on the list. Nothing wrong there, but don't put all your eggs into a basket that hasn't even made a date with you.

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Hi there; I agree with Batya. A very similar thing happened to me recently - we had a day set, but no place or time. He went AWOL. However, I reached out to him only to receive no response. Then I felt worse. So while there is no harm in reaching out, you may want to ask yourself how you will feel if he does not reply. I know this feels badly right now. You may hear from him at some point, then you have a decision to make - if you want to see someone who dusted you like that.

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