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I am sorry this is not working out the way you had hoped but you will come away having learned something from it.

It gets you that much closer to the right one. . You take away the lesson of things you do and do not want in a partner. . . And it wasn't all bad.

He seems like a nice guy and you did enjoy the time together. . He's just not the one. . Carry on!

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I think, after this ends, I'm going to leave my OLD profiles inactive and just concentrate on myself for a couple months. I really need to get back into healthy eating and going to the gym - and I actually want to, too. After getting the results of that catscan a few weeks ago, I'm realizing how bad I let me health get over the years. I'm only 25, but I feel older.


I was talking with a girlfriend the other day about sex, and what it meant to each of us.


For me,. I always wants it. Always. I think it's because I waited so long to have it, and when I finally did, it was with someone that didn't want to learn more about it with me. So, I guess you could say that my curiosity has never been fully satisfied. And... I so very rarely feel good about myself. So when I get really turned on... And I feel the fire coursing through me... I feel wonderful. And good. And sexy. It's a feeling I fight to capture as often as I can, since I don't feel that way on a normal basis. And talking it over with my friend, made me understand how truly little confidence I have in myself. If I think of sex as one of the only ways to make myself feel good about myself, then I feel like it's a serious problem. And I really want to work on that.

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He came over to spend the night. Tried being intimate, got as far as him getting his and apparently we were done. Then he left because his back was hurting him, instead of staying the whole night.


I'm over it. I'm done. I'm just tired. I want to be alone now.

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I'm probably going to get some hate for saying this...but I would do it over the phone. Not over text...but in a phone call. I would just say, "Tyler, I'm dating to find my future husband, and it recently occurred to me that we won't make it to that point. I don't want to waste your time." And you can say nice things about him if it makes you feel better...but I would just get it over with.


I've never been a fan of in person break ups. If a guy is breaking up with me, I don't want to go through the motions of preparing for a fake date, only to have it end before it begins. But that's just my preference. If it must be in person, cancel your date tonight and rebook for when his mom isn't there....because that's awkward.

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Well, he's never asked me to stay overnight at his place (but I feel like he would do so if I expressed an interest in it), and we've tried twice for him to stay at mine, but the first time he felt bad because he wasn't tired (he works overnights, so our schedules are completely opposite) and this time he was going to but his back was hurting him and he said he didn't want to keep me awake by constantly moving.


Also, he probably would have spent the night with me more often, but I had that bug issue and I was too embarrassed.

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