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I have hyoerhidrosis. I have since I was a kid. My hands sweat like crazy but not all the time. It made school hard for me because my hands would sweat and make it hard for me to write. I have dealt with it and been fine because it's not all the time. Mostly when I am anxious or hot.


Well recently it's gotten worse and I can't get it to stop. Its getting really bad annoying. My hands and feet sweat like crazy. I thought maybe I was too hot because the heat is on and I have long sleeves on. So I've been wearing short sleeves. It makes me feel a tiny bit better but my hands are still sweaty and uncomfortable. Its not just claims either. I tried turning the heat down but now I get cold and sweaty. Ugh.


I have been more anxious lately with family issues and holiday stuff. But I am not anxious all the time. I don't understand the change. I can sit and read a book, enjoying the book, and my hands are still sweating profusely. I carry a cloth napkin wiping my hands off frequently. Or blowing on my hands. My hands sweating is making me upset and anxious which makes it worse too I think.


I have lots of crochet projects for christmas and I can't even do them because if my hands.


Anyone else suffer from this? Any ideas i can try? I don't know why the change, why it's so much worse now and constant

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No I haven't. I only really started reading about it online the last few years and realized that's what it was. I didn't think there were any medical treatments for it except surgery which is really risky


I thought that they were doing botox injections now to stop excess sweating? I know they're doing it for the underarms.


This link may help some?:


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You aren't on antidepressants are you?


My antidepressants make me sweat a lot as a side effect. I went to the doctor and was prescribed an anticholinergic. I take it when I know I am going to have a stressful day and it stops or significantly reduces my sweating.


I agree with the others - go seek professional advice. Make sure that you really stress how much of a problem it is for you.

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