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What Is The Worst Ways To Get Dumped?

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In my opinion...online. If you have met the girl in person and one day she wakes up and says to herself, "Gee, I am going to break up with my boyfriend." and then she does it, it is a rather sickening and horrific way of getting rid of you. Sadly in some cases there isn't a choice. This has happened to me nearly a year ago but I know friends both male and female who are victim to this. I think the worst thing is it seems easy for them. They do not see the pain in your eyes when you are told the news. They cannot see your facial expression to see how much it affected you. They cannot see the torture you have just endured for that second you read that note. They cannot see how all of your hopes and dreams have been wiped off the face of the earth and so has all of your efforts of being with that person. It is a horrible way to die and trust me, I feel for you guys out there because I been there and I would rather be lonely for good than to even imagine what the dumper is thinking in their mind. It appears so horrible for the fact that this person APPEARS to have put no effort into getting rid of you. I seen chickens receieve a better ending than that.


So what ways do you think are horrible ways to go out? Let's hear some experiences and get the loads of crab dung off our chests.

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yup my exs did it via phone. suckers! at least when i dumped my ex a few yrs ago i told him via phone but i met up with him to really talk about it. i wasnt cold or anything i welcomed a face to face discussion. meanwhile exs that broke up w/ me didnt have the guts to see me. thats probably why they came crawlin back. they couldnt face their mistake as they were making it. HA!


i think the dumpers should man up.


i think thats the way it should be at least.



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I thought the worst way was when I figured out she was cheating, but that really was not getting dumped. I dumped her after If ound out. So, . . .


I think it is the worst when you do not see it coming. When you think things are jsut honky-dory and you cannot get enough of the dumper, and all the sudden they have had enough of you.


And the more impersonal, the worse too.

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I think it is the worst when you do not see it coming. When you think things are jsut honky-dory and you cannot get enough of the dumper, and all the sudden they have had enough of you.


And the more impersonal, the worse too.


i agree!



Agreed. Although, I've never been dumpted, nor have I had a g/f. In my opinion, the worst way would be just the dumper breaking off all connections with out the other person knowing it. Like one day its fine, then next day the other person acts like you were never born.

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Yup, That's a prefect description of what my girlfriend did with me. Wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with her family, her asking when I was going to propose (I had bought the ring and had it on me, just waiting for the right moment) then 3 days later, boom, she's gone, doesn't even give me a reason and won't talk to me anymore. Oh well.. I'm definitely better off without someone who can inflict so much pain on another living being without even showing any remorse.

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Well.. How about shopping for engagement rings in October, and finding out in November that she has been cheating on you, is in love with some one else, and was only keeping you around to help pay bills.. That and as a backup in case things didn't work out with the other person.. Mostly, learning all of this on your own, while your SO refuses any idea as such, and constantly tells you "I love you more than life", and a million, zillion other things to give you a false sense of security..


There is no closure in a situation like this.. No caring what so ever from the other person.. This after a relationship of over a year.. Bah..


There really is no good way to break up, and how hard it is, is going to be proportional to much time you've spent/wasted with that person..

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hmmm....what is the worst way to break up? Well I'm gonna have to say "hearing that your boyfriend who went on vacation and came back MARRIED" is the best one! hahaha, its not a joke, my ex went away and his family set up an "arranged marriage" and he didn't even know her more than a week...and I found out from his sister in law! Otherwise I would have kept the relationship going...Try and beat that! hahaha


If someone can top that I'll buy them dinner!




Well, at least thats not really his fault, I mean if you're in that culture of arranged marriages then its kind of hard to get out of it. He probably didn't want to do it.


But, ya, it sucks!

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hmm heres one. after 7 months of being in a relationship. not a perfect relationship, but not a completely messed up one either; the girl acts weird a lot of one day. i ask her 'do u wanna talk about soemthing?'. nothing happens. later at nite i receive an email saying:

'im sorry if i led u on, but i thought we were jus ppl who liked each other, not bf/gf.'


mind you this is right out of the blue. we had fun, talked on the fone for hours, hung out with common friends. and BOOM i get an EMAIL. not a call not in person a friggin EMAIL. sayin IT NEVER HAPPENED???!! well where the hell did 7 months of my life go?

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And think about the amount of effort, time, money that you put into this person. And then they just say "I don't want to see you any more"

for no good reason.

How can they live with themselves? its like stealing.



Its like, you build up the courage to ask a girl out, you take her out on say 3 or 4 nice dates that you have planned and mostly paid for. You try to please her and make her feel nice. And then just when you think its about to go to the next level she dumps you, just like that, its over.

I think shes owes you something for all that. I think you deserve at least a handjob or something

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In my opinion, the worst way would be just the dumper breaking off all connections with out the other person knowing it. Like one day its fine, then next day the other person acts like you were never born.


hey i jus read this....kinda like my post above aint it?

So thats two for me, and I have never been dumped. Although, what I said did kind of happen to me and a "girl" friend.

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lol 69_king, u make it sound like we are dating ho's!




The difference is we want way more than that. And we want to make the other person happy too. Now it may never work out but thats the whole point of dating. But you need to give someone a chance, don't just cut it off for some dumb reason.


Anyone who takes a free dinner and then ceases all communication is worse than a ho!

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Man those are some of the worst things I have heard in recent times. Especially for those of you who put so much time into these ANIMALS and for those of you who were planning on getting married. It is a shame how people can be so heartless and expect to be treated with respect. It makes me sick to my stomach. Let's face it people, this is one cruddy roller coaster ride and quite frankly (and in real life) I HATE roller coasters.

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hey now,

i broke up w/ the last guy by email. yes, it was a cowardly way to go but it didn't occur to me until afterwards how cold it might seem. i tried to be sweet. now, i could care less. he was the animal, not me. and for the record i did apologize and ask to talk to him face to face.


otherwise i guess i get when the getting is good. i don't wait for it to gey worse.


best dumper story was a gf of mine that lived w/ a complete j.a. who treated her like dirt. when he was gone she packed all of he stuff, moved out and he had no way to get in touch w/ her. he deserved it though.

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Yeah, I think it's pretty crappy when you fly out to Atlanta from Texas after not seeing your husband for 2 months... stay for a week (leaving the children at home) going home, being put into ICU for 7 days because you are so damned sick and discovering that your husband cheated on you before and after the trip through his cell phone records and voice mail.

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That's a good one Belle. And do not worry Sleuth, I got dumped by instant message. Then again I was half way accross the world but it still stinks to be dumped that way. As for Hells_Fairy, I am sorry to hear about that, especially since you found out on your own, that's what really hurts.

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well my ex, unknown to me, moved out all his stuff from the flat where we lived together while i was on a business trip. During these 3 days that i was away he was on the phone to me and texting me as normal. he then collected me from the airport and just before we reached the flat he told me he had some bad news, he was moving out and it was over. He didnt want to marry me but he did want to settle down and get married and have kids just not with me and then he dropped me off at the empty flat refusing to discuss it further saying his mind was made up and there was nothing to discuss.


I was with him for 3.5 years and was oblivious that he had doubts about us but what shocked me most was the way he did it and how cruel his words were!!

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Men can be horrible creatures. I hate it when people mislead you (and most of them know they are misleading you) and THEN drop the truth on your head. That is a really lousy way t treat a person. No one ever considers another's feelings anymore and it is quite sickening.


By the way Admins, Moderators, and other high ranks, I apologize for the double post, my computer was acting up.

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I have a friend who mpulled this on his ex, but maybe even worse.


There were issues he had with her, so his wanting out was not entirley unjustified. And he went to a divorce lawyer, who advised him to move out when she was not around. The divorce lawyer wanted this so that there was no way there would be any violence or accusations of violence.


My friend waited until his then-wife went on a business trip and mvoed every single thing he thought belonged to him, not property theat belonged to his wife or to them both, and left a note. She walked in, and there was not much there. He did not even leave her the mattress for her to sleep on.


I would have at least left the matters and a set of sheets and a blanket for it.

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