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Visiting a city where there are active protests going on??? (not political)


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Disclaimer: This is NOT a political discussion.


It's been all over the news lately there are peaceful but political protests in Hong Kong. In a way, it has become a tourist attraction because of all the art and free speech and stuff coming out of there. I have been keeping up with the news coming out of that city via online news, and talking to my uncle. I am very curious to see what is going on, aka go take pics and take in the atmosphere. My uncle says it is safe to be around there since it is mostly young adults and teenagers occupying the streets and main thoroughfares. The protestors have made a lot of artwork that is very amazing and beautiful.


If you were me, would you take a few days off, fly out there to check it out as well as visit my uncle??? Or would you avoid going to visit a city with any type of disturbance going on?


I do have some time off saved up and air tix is not that expensive (probably due to the issues going on there at the moment). I would probably go for 3-4 days total (not including travel time)

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I'd visit the city but keep far away from any disturbance going on. Things like that can be highly unpredictable and get out of hand abruptly, literally from one second to the next. It's too easy to get swept up in a crowd and either get hurt, killed or arrested along with everyone else. Good luck trying to disentangle yourself from that one when the system is overwhelmed and nobody is interested in paying attention to any individual person. You are basically putting yourself in the wrong time wrong place type situation, except you'd be doing it on purpose. Nothing may happen, but if something does happen it might cost you a lot. Ultimately only you know your risk benefit ratio.

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I was in the middle of the L.A. riots during the Rodney King Trials and I've been caught in a civil demonstration in another foreign country once that I barely escaped with my life from. I avoid any area that has civil unrest ever since then. What you need to understand is that even the most peaceful and fantastic demonstrations can turn ugly and deadly really, really fast. Literally in the blink of an eye you can go from admiring and chanting and feeling good about what you're doing to total chaos where people are running and screaming and tear gas or worse is flying at you and making it impossible to get out of the way or find a way to safety. You can be trampled, hit with flying objects (hint: a bottle accross the nose makes a bruise that lasts for weeks and prevents you from being able to see), thrown into jail and beaten since people tend to get savage during such time, even those who are supposed to protect you. Also let's not forget this is the government that once thought tanks were a good way to break up demonstrations and I don't see any major reform that tells me that wouldn't happen again there. Sorry if I offend anyone, but you really have no idea how fast it can turn ugly and deadly until you've been in the middle of something like that.


Not worth it in my opinion based on personal experience. All it takes is for one chaos creator to decide they want to see a little action, do or say the wrong thing to the wrong cop, and it's total anarchy. And being in the middle of anarchy is not like in the movies and it's not fun.

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If I do go, I would only visit the protest sites with my uncle. Because of my small size and stature, I do watch out for my safety.


If I were to go on this trip, my uncle says we can see the protest sites within a day, and then do a day or so of sightseeing.


As of now, this would depend on money and my vacation days allocation.


How do you figure your uncle could possibly protect you if something were to erupt? At that point it would be down to luck and chance whether you get away unscathed. The conflict is serious and not a peep show for tourists. While it is mostly peaceful, there have been physical clashes and I don't think you are fully grasping how fast something peaceful can turn to bloodshed. Both sides are serious about their cause and neither side is willing to back down. Only a matter of time before it comes to a boiling point.

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Thanks for all the advice. I hope you guys know that I understand the seriousness of the whole situation. I don't think of it as just a "tourist attraction". I was planning to visit my uncle sometime this year, and thought this might be a good time as any.


I'm still on the fence post, mainly because someone did bring up a point that things can get out of hand quickly with even peaceful protests like this. We'll see what I decide to do.

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