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These cruel dreams are teasing me!


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Lots of people probably have these dreams. I don't have them every night but maybe once or twice a month.


The dreams go something like this:


I finally find my "dream girl", she's perfect, everything I ever wanted. And, after wanting her for a long time, we finally get together and start a relationship and its perfect and we love each other and everything is great. And I have this huge feeling of relief. and I think to myself "Finally its happened!"


Then I wake up, alone, and angry for being teased like that.


Luckily I have a pretty busy/active life so I am only depressed for a few minutes and then I'm happy do something else again.


But it just seems so cruel.



I can imagine that some people have this problem to a much worse extent than me and it must be especially hard on people who are already depressed. And it doesn't stop just at relationships, it could be anything that you have wanted for a long time.


Do others suffer from this?

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Yeah that happened to me not that long ago. It was actually a dream of my ex-girlfriend, but it went like this:


We broke up and she started seeing someone else. He proposed to her and she accepted, only to realize how unhappy she was without me. Then she came back to me a few months later and we rekindled our relationship. We lived happily ever after haha.


It was really stressful for me upon waking up...I was so happy in the dream. But now I just chalk it up as nothing more than a dream. I realized that she isn't as perfect as I thought she was at the time of the dream.

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I used to suffer from this. I would dream of finally having a girlfriend, and then wake up with noone. It was harsh. Yet, reality cannot always follow your dreams. That is the harsh thing of reality. Yet that's life. We have to accept dreams that are in reality. Otherwise, we'll be following a phantom. So, don't worry, your not alone. Good luck!

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I haven't been able to have any dreams of anyone showing any kind of affection to me for over a few years now without stopping the dream immediately and waking myself up. And I can tell you, that's really no fun either.


I remember feeling the same as you do about the dreams you all describe, but nowadays I view them more as if they were little vacations from reality. A wonderful dream or fantasy could sustain me for a long time, emotionally, and I miss them a lot. Perhaps you should just enjoy them and hope they never pass.

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It IS really hard having dreams that don't mess up with the reality we actually live in. I've had several dreams about my ex since we broke up, about us getting back together and stuff... and it's really tough when you wake up to a world you wish was different, but hang in there!


The last person that posted said that dreams can tell our future. This is really far-fetched in my opinion, but I guess we can believe it to make us feel better, at least that's what I do sometimes...

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I have had a couple of dreams about a girl that I have like for a long time now. We were suposed to hang out and stuff, but that never happened. When I dream about her, shes never the main subjsect, shes always just there in the background or something. Its one of the worst things in the world.

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Hey, this is going to sound weird, but mine goes a step further than your's.


When I was going to school, my mother would always turn on the lights and wake me up. I had plenty of dreams where I would know a pretty girl and we would be about to have sex. As we are about to have intercourse, right before I insert "you know who" the lights come on and my mother wakes me up. It happened a ton of times, and the timing was eerie.


Needless to say I'm 31 with no intercourse in my history, so maybe these dreams are telling me something.

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Yeah I had one of those dreams one time except it was dumb.


I dreamed that some girl that I was attracted to just places her hand in my pocket and grabs my wallet. She proceeds to run off with all of my money and I end up chasing her around my old elementary school. I thought it was quite amusing actually even though I was disappointed that the dream had to go like that.


They happen. But I think experiencing it in a dream is better than nothing I suppose.

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