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Hey guys, I posted on here before about how I was having a set back after a month of NC with my ex-girlfriend (she dumped me). Basically she just sent me a text saying she hoped i was ok. I left it a day and replied back thanks, hope you're too. Just hearing from her sent back a lot of emotions and I've had a bit of a rough week because of it. She didn't reply back to that.


I was using tinder as a bit of a joke with some mates to try and get past this and we were just liking everyone that showed up. Unfortunately that meant I occidentally liked my ex, a couple of her mates etc. This happened a few weeks ago. Well today it appears she has liked me back and it has made us a match. I haven't said anything on it yet (happened a couple of hours ago) and neither has she, me or her haven't removed each other either from it. Almost in a kind of stand off... What should I do? I really love this girl, but she broke my heart. I can't tell if she's playing games and just trying to see if she still has me on a hook or if she genuinely wants to try again, but is afraid of making a first legit move or something.


I'm so confused! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Meet her face to face somewhere and tell her exactly how you feel. Everyone on here is just going to tell you to continue NC, heal and move on. You know her better than anyone on here will by describing her in a few paragraghs.


I was in the same situation as you. Gf broke it off, I came here looking for advice. You'll never get the answers you want if you don't talk to her.

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