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Boyfriend is a backseat driver

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My boyfriend has what he calls a "rational" fear of driving.


There is no public transportation where we live, so we can't avoid driving. I am always the one driving since his driver's license is foreign, and he was unwilling to get an international license since he hates driving.


I consider myself to be a safe driver, I respect the speed limits, I always indicate when turning or changing lanes, I don't tailgate, etc. However, my boyfriend's expectations of safe driving are so high that he's constantly criticizing me, telling what I should be doing, and calling me a "dangerous driver". I have explained to him how much it stresses me out when he narrates my every move, but it hasn't helped.


I agreed to go to defensive driving lessons with him so hopefully that will appease him somewhat, but I'm really at a loss as to what more I can do.


This situation is causing a lot of arguments between us, and I really need some advice as to how to resolve this issue!

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That would drive me absolutely insane. I'm sorry, I see no other solution other than him getting his international license and driving himself - hate it or not.


It is not rational to be barking commands, exclamations and other things in the passenger seat. I don't think defensive driving lessons are a bad idea at all for anyone to take - But I really don't think it will change afterwards as it sounds like he's just not cool relinquishing that control to someone.

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My husband is a back seat driver. In order to save my sanity, I've learned to simply tune him out. Hopefully you can find a solution, other than tossing him out of the vehicle.


Haha a few times of walking home my husband learned...lol.


But actually backseat driving is dangerous.

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I can understand being a little paranoid while driving with someone else, but this sounds over the top. I don't think you should have agreed to more driving lessons. If you have your licence and you're not getting pulled over - you're probably driving just fine.


This is HIS problem, not yours.

If he chooses not to get his licence and you're doing him a FAVOUR by driving him everywhere - he needs to sit back and shut up. He should be thanking you, not criticizing you.

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Wow! You are very accommodating! Frankly, I would not take a defensive driving course just because someone didn't like my driving...


Personally I would tell him he has two options:

1) Drive (get his license)

2) Shhh


Honestly, I think you are a little too "nice"...

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