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Bah's random musings / journal


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Yeah we lived together. We got the cat together. He was an ahole and took the cat to spite me. So I don't mind that his "stepmom is allergic" (I feel like that's a lie but oh well lol) because I missed her a lot


I really wanna find a home for this kitty but no one wants her.

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I keep having nightmares about my old best friend, A.


A and I were as close as friends can be. Sisters basically. We went through so much as friends, we both found out we were going through sleep paralysis around the same time, we both went through heartbreak together, I was the first person she called when she found her dad passed away in his apartment. We were stuck like glue!


When I dated my ex, she didn't like him (understandably) so she stopped coming around. I asked her to hang out At least twice a week, and she was always "busy" finally I asked her what was up and she said she didn't like being around my ex. So I started to ask her to hang out when he wasn't around, if he was at work or with friends or whatever. And she was still always "busy". Finally I had enough, told her off, and cut contact.


After I left my ex and realized what a crappy friend I was, I messaged her on Facebook multiple times asking if she could call me. She ignored them all. As a last attempt, I asked her sister if she could ask her to call me. Her sister said she said she "wasn't ready" whatever that means, and that she thinks her little sister is being stupid and should forgive me, we'd been friends to long to end it over a guy. But I left her alone after that. It's her decision, and I'm not gonna beg her to be my friend again.


Anyways these past two weeks I've had two nightmares about her.


The first one my bf cheated on me with her! It was horrible. (Which makes no sense because she's now a lesbian)


The second one I was at a football game. I saw her and her girlfriend, and her girlfriend started threatening me. Then A started going along with it and making fun of me.


The second one makes sense to me, because according to A's sister, her girlfriend is very controlling. A has always been a pushover/people pleaser since I first known her, so it makes sense. A sister said she doesn't like the girlfriend at all, and has actually gotten into it with her a few times. I just miss her. Losing a friend hurts more than a breakup sometimes.

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Uh so the weirdest thing just happened.


If you keep up with my threads, a while back I had an issue with a "friend". She was super catty and rude. And one night, we were shadow boxing, just playing around, and she full on slapped me accross my face. I haven't talked to her or saw her since then.


So anyways. I'm sitting on my couch (this all literally just happened) and I hear a knock on my door. I, of course, start getting nervous almost instantly because A. It's super late B. I don't live in the best neighborhood


So I walk up to the door and look through it. It's a woman I don't recognize. "Hi! Are you brook?" "Yes, why" "I'm *friend that slapped me*'s mom" just to be double safe I ask "*friend that slapped me* who?" She said her last name. So I ask, still without opening the door or unlocking it, "uh, so what's up?" She said her car ran out of gas, could she use my cellphone.


The damn good simaritan in me lets her use my phone. I don't let her in the house because I have no idea what this woman is capable of, and last I heard she was a crack head. Like, a literal crack head, she smokes crack.


She calls a bunch of people and no one picks up. She then asks for four dollars, I told her I don't have any cash (the truth) and say good luck and shut and lock the door. ?


Part of me thinks that whole thing was super shady. How does she know where I live? Like I feel like she might've been staking my house out. She better come prepared because I have a shotgun I ain't afraid to use.

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That is weird.. maybe she was the one who called your name in your house a few weeks ago, although IIRC, you said that was a man's voice. But it sounds like there are some sketchy people around where you live.


No, I don't think that was her. That voice was much too deep for it to be a woman.


Yeah my neighborhood sucks lol. There are some good eggs, but a lot of crazies for sure.

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Had another nightmare last night.


I was staying all night somewhere, and my boyfriend was at home.


We have a security camera IRL, but in my dream I could also check on the camera through my phone.


So, I was getting ready for bed, and check my phone to see if everything's okay. I see a man trying to climb our fence. I try to call my boyfriend but he won't answer. So I leave, and on the way back I stop by my grandpas house. I see my grandpa walking into his backyard with one of his guns (he's a bigggggg gun enthusiast) and then I hear a gunshot!


I freak out and run into hid backyard, and there he is. I ask him what that was about. He said he was "fine, he was killing his dream self" and I look over and see an endless line of grandpas, dressed in different clothing, coming out of his Backdoor. It was so weird. But I was like okay, someone's trying to break into the house, come with me!


We go to my house and sit outside on the street waiting to see the intruder. That's the last thing I remember.


It was such a desperate feeling type of nightmare, I really wanted to get there and protect my boyfriend.

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Horrible morning. It's open interviews from 10-12 at the chicken joint. I'm locked out of my house, and have yet to shower or get dressed. And now I have to wait 20 minutes for my boyfriend to get here with a spare key.

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Interview went pretty well. It was quick and to the point, I love interviews like that. Where both the employer and interviewee know they just want to get the formalities over with.


I was quite nervous, but I think I held myself together well. I maintained good eye contact, smiles, and shook both interviewers hands on greeting and leaving. (Yeah that was my first time being interviewed by two people at once, quite the experience.)


I didn't fumble through answers like the last interview thank god. At the end he said it was a "good interview" and he thinks id be a good fit for customer service (aka cashier). He said he'd call me by Friday.


Even if I don't get the job, that was good experience. I learned a lot from that interview.

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Interview went pretty well. It was quick and to the point, I love interviews like that. Where both the employer and interviewee know they just want to get the formalities over with.


I was quite nervous, but I think I held myself together well. I maintained good eye contact, smiles, and shook both interviewers hands on greeting and leaving. (Yeah that was my first time being interviewed by two people at once, quite the experience.)


I didn't fumble through answers like the last interview thank god. At the end he said it was a "good interview" and he thinks id be a good fit for customer service (aka cashier). He said he'd call me by Friday.


Even if I don't get the job, that was good experience. I learned a lot from that interview.


I'm glad it was a good interview, despite the rough start to the day. It sounds like you probably will get a cashier's job. I got interviewed by four people once, and the interview took 45 minutes; that was really daunting.

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I'm glad it was a good interview, despite the rough start to the day. It sounds like you probably will get a cashier's job. I got interviewed by four people once, and the interview took 45 minutes; that was really daunting.


Yeah I was grateful it was concise. I hate dragged out interviews. You know, where they ask the same questions over and over just in different ways.


I'm pretty hopeful I'll get the job, they seemed to like me and I knew someone who works there so that's always a plus.

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I love my best friend, S to death. She's a sweet heart, and has always been there for me. And she forgave me for when I abandoned her (along with all my other friends) when I was with my ex. But, I feel like she's changing. Which I guess is inevitable, were growing into young women. It's bound to happen.


I also am starting to dislike her now Husband. He always says these snide comments, disguised as jokes, and they're always directed at either me or my boyfriend. He does this with literally no one else. It's starting to really get plain annoying, and it's making me like him less and less.

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I've been thinking about S and her husband this morning.


My boyfriend, his cousin and I helped her paint her new house yesterday. We actually ended up doing about 90% Of the work while S kind of moseyed about. It bugged me but I let it go. We ended up doing a lot more than just painting. We fixed holes in the walls, spent a long time pulling nails and boards out of the floor board, ect.


The only time S really started putting in her effort was when the fun part came, painting the actual walls.


When we were about half way done, her husband came over from work to help. That's when the comments started from him.


The first comment was when her husband, I'll call him M. M asked my boyfriend what he thought of the place. My bf "it's a nice place man, I though it was a bit bigger because of the way s and oitnb described it but it's nice" this was our fault, we did describe it as if it was huge, because we were excited that day she got it and didn't make much sense over the phone lol.


M Replied with "oh well it's a lot bigger than that house of yours, oh wait you DONT OWN A HOUSE hahaaha" this was a dig at me and my bf, my house was given to me from my dad. My grandpa gave the house to my dad. It's a tradition, I'll probably end up giving it to my future kids one day. He was basically making fun of the fact that we don't "own" the house and didn't "work" for it. Sorry but I'm not going to apologize for having a home.


At one point he also asked my boyfriend "when are you gonna get a real job"


Also, when we were planning on leaving soon, he said "common don't be little *female dogs* stay and help" to which I said "M we've done a lot of the work today so a thank you would be nice" he never said thank you. Come to think of it, Neither did S.


Also, a few days ago, when they finally got the OK on the house, M called me to tell me. He called from S's phone. I thought it was S calling. When I picked up and said hello, he said "is this the blowjob queen"


It's little comments like that. He also constantly makes gay jokes towards my boyfriend. My boyfriend has some feminine qualities and he's not ashamed of them. He has long hair that he sometimes straightens with a flat iron. He likes skinny jeans. Basically, he takes good care of himself and has what I think is a nice style. (Kinda the skaterboy style ish)


But M is always, always making gay jokes about him. I'm used to people poking fun at my bf sometimes because of his feminine traits, but M takes it way to far. And sometimes it's hard for me to bite my tongue. Because S has confided in me that M never wants to have sex, save for once or twice a month, missionary position, two minutes tops. That's it. He also never goes down on her. So it's taking all I can to bite my tongue and not say "at least he has sex with me, unlike You M!"


I'm just really starting to plain not like that guy.

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