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how to flirt w/a customr without looking stupid


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I work in a sandwich shop. Every sunday this guy comes in and gets a sandwich. We are next door to a game shop so by the way he carries himself I am under the impression he hangs there on sundays. The first sunday I really noticed him he out of nowhere made a joke with me about his sandwich, and I looked up and saw this handsome guy. The next week he came in again and I joked with him back about his sandiwch and he seemed surprised I remembered. He made a joke with me this weekend, but I keep writing all this off that he is a nice guy and is just being polite.


He has caught me staring at him a few times, I look away like an idiot. and I have caught him staring at me. today I was filling our fridge, turn around and he is just staring at me. watching me fill the fridge.


I don't know how to approach him for conversation. I was thinking of asking him if hangs out next door. I'm usually very straightforward if I really wanna date a guy. I will usually ask the guy out but I don't wanna make it weird at my work if he didn't want to go out and plus all my coworkers would see.


any advice? I am so bad at flirting. Most guys tell me they had no idea I was flirting with them when I tell them I was.


I know he may not even like me, he may just have a staring problem. he seems like a quiet shy guy... thanks for any advice.

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Awww, that's kinda cute

Yes, he may be showing an interest. But maybe just give it a bit more time? Maybe he'll end up asking your name or sharing his number with you?

Because you don't know him too well.. yet. Be cautious I suggest cause you don't really know if he's even single or anything, right?


Give it a bit of time.. just keep smiling

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Are you into gaming? Do you think you might want to actually date this guy?


Flirting is simple and means next to nothing. Chat him up while you make his sandwiches.


But if you are actually interested, you might try and take it to somewhere more natural where you can actually get to know this guy a little. If you share an interest in gaming, that makes it simple. Go check out the shop and if you run into him, you run into him. Not suggesting you go there ONLY to see him, but I'm of the mind that if you are interested in something, put yourself in a position to let it be known.


I think flirting in a customer service job is so par for the course for a lot of people, that it won't be taken seriously at all. And because of this too, a lot of men aren't going to ask out women while they are at work.


So yeah, those are my thoughts.

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Hi TTT9,


Man here. Okay this one is pretty simple.


I know he may not even like me


Nah-ahh. He likes you! He likes you enough to be open minded to hang out sometime or have that first date (and that's all you need right!? A start).


His first joke? That may have been spur of the moment. But the follow up joke a few weeks later? He'd spent mind-time and thought on that one I guarantee you this (probably keeping him awake at night, poor kid) in an effort to make conversation and make a positive impression of himself to you.


And he may have a staring problem. A "can't stop staring at you and checking out that bod you sexy-vixen you" problem that is


I'm usually very straightforward if I really wanna date a guy. I will usually ask the guy out


BRAVO! I applaud you for this. I for one wish more woman would share your initiative because...

I am so bad at flirting
... And you're not alone TTT9. A lot of women are which makes it a great challenge for an interested guy to see the "please ask me" signal (the average (nice) guy who is not a player will want to see a solid green light before he goes.... not just a little flicker or dim green... but a BIG BRIGHT BEAMING SOLID GREEN one........ Hehe. Women's signals can be very confusing (make us feel colour blind =P) sometimes so we really, really want to be confident it's green before we GO). I mean... Why do us guys have to do all the work !?! (attracting a female, reading her multicoloured signs she may or may not be sending, then hitting GO accelerator and hope not to crash & burn).


There are soooo many ways to approach him and several discussed in this posting and they are all perfectly fine.


Me? Personally? I really wish a girl one day would just give me her number without me having to ask for it. It's real simple. Just make sure you have a pen and paper handy. When you see next... at an appropriate time.... say "it'd be nice to hear from you" and in front of him write down your number (and name) and hand him the paper. Done. Too easy !!

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thank you I appreciate getting a guys point of view.... I am so shy in every other aspect of my life but for some reason when I really like a guy I just go for it most the time and don't care.... but this time around I am a little more hesitant


well I am sorry for the delay but thank you guys for the responses...


I am not into gaming unfortunately but I have a nephew who loves superhero's so I was thinking of just going in and looking at the comic books.


he came in today and gave me a few more vibes that he was maybe interested... I work this sunday, so if he comes in I am going to try and be brave and just start a conversation with him. I have nothing to lose, and he seems liek the type that is real friendly and cool with people so I guess I'll see what happens!


I was considering writing my number on a piece of paper and giving it to him but I just think that would be weird what if he asked me what it was and I had to explain in front of people haha.....

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I was considering writing my number on a piece of paper and giving it to him but I just think that would be weird what if he asked me what it was and I had to explain in front of people haha.....


That won't happen unless he is a jerk and trying to embarrass you.

XXX-XXX-XXXX and a name is obviously a phone number.


I hear its done. Often on the bill or whatever. He will know what it means. Being a sandwich shop I'd probably not write on something he might throw out without looking. I'd probably write it up before hand on a piece of paper and give it to him or place it with his order so he will see it.

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