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I wet the bed.. why?!

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so this is embarrassing but I am a little concerned...


I woke up about 3 hours after I fell asleep, and my blankets and sheet were soaked. I have a cat who had an old habit of peeing on my stuff, so I wrote it off that he was mad at me for something and peed on me while I was sleeping. I took care of it and went back to sleep.


I woke up this morning and (gross I know) but I smelled my blanket, to make sure it was cat pee... and it WASN'T. it was MY pee!!!! I peed my pants while I was sleeping. I have never done this in my life. I am 29 years old. I sometimes have dreams where I will want to pee and wake up on the verge of peeing, but I did not have any peeing dreams last night (I always remember my dreams very well).


I was reading on line that if you are stressed out you will pee your pants in your sleep, I am stressed out. but no more than usual.


I also read it is a sign of diabetes. but I have no idea what other signs to look for in diabetes (it runs on both sides of my family)


I always pee before bed, so I am just a little baffled by why this happened.


has this happened to anyone else? I was talking to my mom about it... she had to go on pills years ago because she had a weak bladder. I have recently started peeing a little when I cough real hard.... I wrote it off as I was coughing too hard and needed to do some "exercises" down there lol


I also was under the impression my moms problem was because she had kids.... I said today that there is no way that is my problem I haven't had kids yet. she told me I was an idiot, that is not why it happens.


so any helpful advice? if it happens again I am def. going to do something about it, but I am going to maybe just say this was a one time thing til proven otherwise. any suggestions?

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That is really embarrassing..


Get into the habit of using the bathroom before going to bed. I haven't wet the bed since I was a kid and that is what made the difference for me then. It's a habit I've kept and has served me well.


Good luck.

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If it were me, I would make an appointment with my regular doctor. tell him/her my concerns.

Especially since you have been peeing a little when coughing, I would want to rule out the possibility of an infection and/or know if it is a weak bladder issue.

I'm not a nurse/doctor/medical professional - but I'm pretty sure anyone can have bladder issues. Kids or no kids. Any age. Diabetes or not.

And routine blood work will rule out diabetes. I know I have been tested many times for diabetes - I go to the bathroom a lot, thirsty a lot, get faint easily. And those are some common signs, apparently, of diabetes. But I don't have any issues with my blood sugar or diabetes : I simply have a small bladder and I exercise/sweat a lot, and drink a lot of water! So I pee a lot.


My point is, the only way to treat something is to first know what it is. It may be nothing; a one off occurrence that means nothing. A 'things happen' type of thing.


But a doctor is the best one to rule out other possibilities, and to put your mind at ease if you are worried. Better safe than sorry, IMO, and an ounce of prevention and all that.


Also, in my opinion, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. I understand that you feel that way, but it's normal bodily functions and perfectly human.

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I agree w/ sophie. I don't blame you for feeling embarrassed and a bit freaked out. I would, too! It could just be some one time accident and as long as it doesn't happen again, just don't worry about it.


As far as the leaking a bit of urine when you cough, that can usually be corrected w/ good faithful kegel exercises so start doing that. It is more likely to happen after having kids but it can happen to people who haven't had children. Best of luck!!

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This happened to me a couple of years ago. I have no idea why it happened. I was embarrassed for about a half a second and then told my close friends about it. We laughed. However, I'm pretty sure I *was* having the bathroom dream.


Anyway, it turned out to be an isolated incident. I was pretty freaked out because I hadn't been a bedwetter as a kid, so it seemed very odd. Just glad I was alone at the time!

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I had that happen but it got to the point it was every night regardless of how much I drank or if I went before bed. Turns out it was urethral stricture. Urologist said he did not know how I was able to pee at all. Passage was about 90 percent closed

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