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Book Talk

Favorite Author


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This post is probably somewhere else. But I thought I would start and ask...What is everyone's favorite author?


Mine is John Green.


Anytime I get one of his books, I devour them. I get involved so much in the stories that I get nervous when it ends, since I don't really want it to end at all.


My favorite is Paper Towns.


TFIOS was good, but I don't know, it seemed that he tried too hard. I will be at the movie though.

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I love books that keep me guessing. I get really bored when I see where everything is going from page one. I really enjoy Jodi Picoult because she pushes boundaries and the endings most of the time are a complete surprise. John Green's TFIOS was alright, but all together pretty predictable. Lately I have been reading Stephanie Bond's Body Mover series and it keeps you captivated the whole book and ends on a cliffhanger most of the time.

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Toni Morrison. Ken Follett. Malcolm Gladwell. Dennis Lehane. These four, I will pick up the newest book every time.


I love Ken Follett too. Pillars of the Earth is my very favorite book in the world and I've read it probably 10 times. "A Dangerous Fortune" is one of my favorites too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
What would you recommend by Neil Gaiman? I've heard a lot this name!


I really liked The Graveyard Book.


Fortunately, the Milk is cute for kids. (Amusing for adults, too. )


American Gods is good...


Anansi Boys is odd, but I still enjoyed it.


Really, I haven't had a total miss with any of his books yet. I think American Gods is where a lot of people first hear of him. I like how he writes in general, so I follow his blog, his Tumblr, his Twitter... he's a very interesting fellow.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ann Rule. She is an author of true crime books and they are real page turners. ...chi


Hi Chi! Ann Rule is my favourite contemporary and I've read quite a few of her books. I think the best one was the one on Ted Bundy the serial killer who she had coincidentally worked with as a volunteer at a crisis call centre. I could hardly put that book down until I had read every word.

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