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Feel hate towards my ex

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Last two days I feel hate towards my ex even though I thought I have forgiven him. I didn't feel it when break-up just happened, so this is the first time I feel hate consistently for two days. I do not wish him any bad just have this very intense feeling of hate. Does this mean I'm closer to getting over him?

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I think it's normal. Your feelings towards your ex will change everyday, at least that's what's happening to me.

I hate him sometimes, then I'm sad and I miss him a lot, and the list of feelings goes on haha

Just feel whatever you have to feel until you start feeling indifferent, which is what I want to feel as well because we'll know we got over them

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It means you are going through normal stages of a breakup and the numbness is/has worn off. You'll pass through a number of emotions most likely and yes hate/rage/anger is all part of that package. Keep in mind though it's a better state than numbness or grief or feeling like you'll do anything to get them back. So yes, you are getting closer. Channel that anger into constructive activities like journaling or a kickboxing session or two at the gym and you'll soon feel much better. And yes one day you'll just be like, "Meh, so what" which is indifference.

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