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People experienced with deciphering dreams, what could this mean?


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Hey all! It's been awhile. Life is good.


Normally I don't let dreams like this bug me this much but I can't stop thinking about it. If you're a naysayer who believes dreams are completely meaningless, while I understand and respect you viewpoint, I'm looking for people who understand the "metaphors" and stuff behind dreams.


So anyways my boyfriend stayed all night last night and I had a pretty disturbing dream. My bf and I were at his brothers house, and most of his family (that I've met so far) was there. His cousin M was there, she's a young girl, 15, a real sweetheart. Anyways, we were all hanging out when M asks me if I wanted to see something funny. I said sure. She pulls a cat out of nowhere and starts torturing it. Hitting it, punching, and finally, she set it on fire. No one was laughing, but no one was objecting to her behavior either. I yell at my bf and tell him to make her stop. He says it's not a big deal. We go back and forth for awhile, me trying to make him make her stop, and finally I say "if you're okay with this we can't be together" and I leave and get in his car and drive away. That's it.


It's bugging me because I've never remembered a dream in such detail and the disturbing context of the dream... I love animals!

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Have you guys been arguing lately?

Do you live together and he stayed out all last night? Is this normal behavior?


We haven't ever argued at all(yet lol) It's been smooth sailing. We don't live together but he stays over a good amount. And no, it's not.

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I think you were angry that he was out all night.

The cousin/cat -- and you asking him to make it stop (odd that you didn't try and stop it yourself) ---- is likely about him respecting boundaries.

And he ignored you. And you walked out.


Regardless --- it is about hidden resentment on your part towards his attitutudes or behavior. And it stems from "not coming home"...trust issue.

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I think you were angry that he was out all night.

The cousin/cat -- and you asking him to make it stop (odd that you didn't try and stop it yourself) ---- is likely about him respecting boundaries.

And he ignored you. And you walked out.


Regardless --- it is about hidden resentment on your part towards his attitutudes or behavior. And it stems from "not coming home"...trust issue.


Oh, no, I didn't mean he stayed out all night. I meant he came over and stayed over at my house with me.

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I just remembered, my ex, the infamous a******* I posted so many threads about, was quite aggressive and mean to the animals we had. (A cat and ferret) I've harbored a lot of guilt for sticking my tail between my legs and never standing up to him and making him stop. It could be related to that.

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Given your comment about the ferret and cat you had that your ex was mean to, coupled with this dream, could mean you feel safe enough now for your dream self to stick up for something that's wrong and to even leave someone you love over it. Take this dream as a sign you're becoming stronger as a person, less likely to stay silent even when others do. That's how I would interpret it anyways.


Also as you get older you'll cue in more to what a particular dream means to you. I've learned throughout the years if I dream of a spider or spiders it's a warning that someone in my vicinity is going to bite or poison me, metaphorically speaking. That's happened too many times for me to ignore it when I have it now. I just start looking over who's around me and sure enough I'll find the person who doesn't mean me well although often they're the quiet, not obvious ones. Obviously it's a subconscious cue and I just notice something is up long before it reaches my conscious waking mind.


Keep a dream journal, it can be a very interesting and eye-opening experience if you like that sort of thing. Most of the time though dreams are just dreams, but the ones with meaning tend to stand out.

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