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Joined a friend making website...


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So I joined girlfriend social, it's a website strictly for women to make friends with other women. No creepy stuff. They have monitored group meet ups and everything, and it's free.


Anyways, I sent a few messages to girls from my area that sounded funny/cool. Its just, I felt creepy. Lol like I know these women joined this site because they're probably in a very similar situation to me, but I couldn't help feeling weird.


One girl seemed really funny and similar to my personality. Her info started off "I'm trying to think of what to type without it sounding like a link removed profile..." And ended "so yeah, um I guess I'm just looking for someone to synch periods with, or whatever." I was lol'ing. I messaged her telling her how funny her info was.


So anyways, any advice how to go about this without coming off Craigslist-creepy? Anyone who's met strictly platonic friends online before?

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Just say "hey, i am looking for some new friends who like to walk their dogs in the park" or "i want to try out this new mall and don't want to go alone and am looking for a shopping buddy" or "i am looking for whatever activity you like. She will either decline or accept. Don't spend so much time on trying to get to know other women deeply - focus on activities and see which women you end up doing something with again. Its not dating, like you say.

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Just say "hey, i am looking for some new friends who like to walk their dogs in the park" or "i want to try out this new mall and don't want to go alone and am looking for a shopping buddy" or "i am looking for whatever activity you like. She will either decline or accept. Don't spend so much time on trying to get to know other women deeply - focus on activities and see which women you end up doing something with again. Its not dating, like you say.


That's what I did! I still felt weird about it though.

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Lol Bah...I totally understand how you feel. I feel like a straight girl trying to pick up another straight girl..lmao. It is weird to ask someone to do something as simple as hang out. Makes me feel like a loser..lol


Exactly! I feel like it's so sad my life has came to this, joining a friend making website lol. But beggars can't be choosers.

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Get over it, it's 2013. We're all on the internet all the time.


I've done it plenty of times, and use couch surfing to meet up with people and make friends. I have 0 feeling of being creepy, it's probably the fact that you haven't done it yet, and have no clue what to expect.


The really funny part is that it is A LOT like dating. People will have profiles, present themselves one way, and then you meet up, and they're the most pretentious negative person you ever met. Or you think they're kinda dorky and you meet up anyway, and it turns out you made a friend for life.



In this day and age of people walking around with their cellphone at eye level while crossing the street, going on the sidewalk, and hopping on the bus. It's really hard to smile, wave perhaps, and say hi. So some of us hop on the net and filter out people due to their profiles, and give it a shot at making a buddy!


Do it, I did it after my breakup, I ended a lot of mutual friendships that were through my ex because they would constantly mention my EX and what she's doing. So after 3 years, I realized I neglected a lot of my old friends (oops) which I have worked on getting back. And making a lot of new "acquaintances" and some are becoming my friends.


When it comes to the actual meetups, a lot of times I don't pay much attention to the person's profile. I will just go to the meetups and take everyone at face value, and get more contact info from the people I like.

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Just say "hey, i am looking for some new friends who like to walk their dogs in the park" or "i want to try out this new mall and don't want to go alone and am looking for a shopping buddy" or "i am looking for whatever activity you like. She will either decline or accept. Don't spend so much time on trying to get to know other women deeply - focus on activities and see which women you end up doing something with again. Its not dating, like you say.


that's a good idea. i was going to suggest something similar. find a fun activity - maybe a fair, maybe a new mall, whatever, something you two can do together for an afternoon. see how it goes.

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I've used that site before and met 3 friends.

One flaked suddenly, two I'm still good friends with and we go out at least 2-3 times/month.


There's nothing weird about that site, so I wouldn't worry about sounding creepy or whatever. Everybody is there to find friends.


I will admit that in dire times (i.e. had a falling out with my best friend and had nobody else to go out with) I also used Craigslist (yes, I know I put myself at risk, but I guess I was lucky!) and met 2-3 women that I still talk to, but one got a boyfriend, the other turned out to be a bit too "out there" for me, and the third still emails me every now and then.


It's just a matter of following your instinct, meeting them in public places and of luck

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