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No, you don't. She used her influence --- if you weren't good at it, they wouldn't keep you. It would be pretty shallow of her to 'ask" to have you fired.


However, if it brings you in contact with her -- I would leave. But not before you line up another job.

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No, you don't. She used her influence --- if you weren't good at it, they wouldn't keep you. It would be pretty shallow of her to 'ask" to have you fired.


However, if it brings you in contact with her -- I would leave. But not before you line up another job.


No it does not bring me in contact with her at all. I dont think them keeping me has much to do with my abilities. During the interview i was told that although im skilled they dont need my service as they already have enough employees and that they are going to give me the job because they cant say no to her.

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No, you don't. She used her influence --- if you weren't good at it, they wouldn't keep you. It would be pretty shallow of her to 'ask" to have you fired.


It happens, though. When my boyfriend broke up with his previous girlfriend, who was best friends with his manager's wife (though that's not how he got the job), they fired him out of spite.

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Don't quit until you have another job lined up.


The only job i have lined up is the one that she mentioned days ago. Need to find one on my own but i feel like i dont have enough energy left in me. Im so tired. I miss her so much. I didnt even miss my 4 year ex this much and i was deeply in love with her. I dont know why.

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The only job i have lined up is the one that she mentioned days ago. Need to find one on my own but i feel like i dont have enough energy left in me. Im so tired. I miss her so much. I didnt even miss my 4 year ex this much and i was deeply in love with her. I dont know why.


You miss the fantasy and because you were fresh out of a break up when all this happened with her everything is compounded. Go see a doctor and make an appointment with a therapist. Do not quit your job just yet. Start googling companies to see who has jobs open, try craigslist, call contacts you have (you must know people who work in your industry).


I know its hard. I have had days where I cannot get out of bed. But try, just keep trying.

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Are you sure ending this is whats best for me.


Re-read everything in this thread. Then step away from the computer for 30 minuets. Then re-read it again.


What I am about to say is not meant to be mean, its honestly meant to help but its going to come accross much harsher then I intend: If you are losing days of sleep over a woman like this you need to go talk to a professional ASAP. You are having an extreme reaction to this situation. You had been with her for a grand total of 4 months right?

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Been knowing her for four years. Started having this relationship about a month ago. not 4. Thats how long its been since my previous break up. She just makes me feel good.


Your were not emotionally ready for any kind of relationship. She took advantage of you,

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Your were not emotionally ready for any kind of relationship. She took advantage of you,


I dont feel anything for my ex now though. If one day i stop loving this girl, do you think i should continue this relationship with her? Just for sex and other things.

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I dont feel anything for my ex now though. If one day i stop loving this girl, do you think i should continue this relationship with her? Just for sex and other things.

Don't go back with her; she's the past. I don't think it's helping that she is sending you texts. It's hard to move on when you constantly have to read them. You might want to consider blocking her number completely if she doesn't stop.


I finally managed to get some sleep. But only 4 hours. I feel like if i fall asleep i will lose control over reality.

If you don't sleep you'll lose control over reality too. It's difficult to think straight when your body hasn't had chance to recover. You won't have lost control of reality; you'll just be sleeping while it is going on, or suspending it through the night - and let's face it - what is going to happen during the night? Most likely nothing, so get some rest!


Like Moontiger said, don't quit your job until you have another one lined up. Even if there is potentially only a matter of time before she gets you "fired", use what time you have left working there to look for and apply to other jobs.

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All of this over a woman you have been involved with for a month? In a "secret" relationship....so you have seen her, what ---10x?


Dude, you really need to book an appointment with a therapist. This is over the top. Very unhealthy for you.

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Wow, that was a friggin long read if I have ever had one. LOL. I think you should stick to your guns and not see her until she gets divorced or at least starts the process for sure (with proof of it). Then she must see you in front of others so you know you aren't a dirty secret. Your age difference doesn't matter to me though. However, I don't think I could be with a guy half my age. I was in the post office recently and some guy in his mid 20's asked me out to dinner. I am 48 years old (I don't look my age either). I looked at him and I couldn't help but think "What in the hell would I do with a 24-25 year old guy? Put a nappy on him? Give him a bottle?" That was just way too young for me. I am intelligent, wise and have a lot of life and relationship experience. I would have been more suited to be his Mom. Just stick to your guns as difficult as it is. If she really does care, she will comply. Don't settle for anything less. If she doesn't comply, then you know for sure everything everyone said in this thread was right.

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All of this over a woman you have been involved with for a month? In a "secret" relationship....so you have seen her, what ---10x?


Dude, you really need to book an appointment with a therapist. This is over the top. Very unhealthy for you.


In a romantic way, yes a month. But we've been knowing each other since 4 years.

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Good god --- you don't even have a license and she wants to give you a car.


You know what --- I think she should forget the sexual relationship with you and just adopt you.


Did she check to make sure you had a healthy breakfast -- with all the essential food groups?


The more information you give, the more this looks like one of the unhealthiest relationships I've ever seen. She is a mommy figure, a lover, a mentor ---- and you are play dough.

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