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Doesnt want to make it official


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Well i think a lot of people are ignoring the fact that he yelled at her She didnt say anything at first, but he wouldnt stop. And she wasnt even loud.


Yes yelling at someone is not good. Being vindictive, petty, mean, manipulative, and insulting is worse.

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Thanks. I know i could end up in the same position. But i should also mention that she has never been in a relationship with anyone other than her husband. They were each other's firsts.


There is no could. It'd be 'would'.


Good for you for staying strong and not responding to her efforts to lure you back into her web of secrecy, deceit, and betrayal.


It is a good thing that you have taken a step back from this farcical situation that you've been seduced into. And I don't use the word 'seduce' lightly either.


I wonder what her feelings would be if her own daughter was having an affair with a married man with children, and who was old enough to be her father.


You have to keep things in perspective.

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Yes yelling at someone is not good. Being vindictive, petty, mean, manipulative, and insulting is worse.


I felt really sorry for her after this incident though. Me, her and her daughter got into the car and he went back to get back something and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. I felt like i had to save her from that life. This was when we were just friends.

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This is unbelievable. I just checked my email and she has bought another vehicle. She has sent me a lot of pics saying she wished i was there when she bought it. I dont understand why she's acting like we're okay when we're not.


It is because she is using every possibly tactic under the sun to lure you back. I mean, really, how gullible does she think you are?


Are you that gullible Hopefully?

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I used to tell her she was beautiful even when we were just friends, because she really is. She doesnt look her age at all. And its not just her appearance, her social status is a huge attraction for me but at the same time it scares me.


Social climb, much?


This is such a sick, sick relationship. On both sides.

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I felt really sorry for her after this incident though. Me, her and her daughter got into the car and he went back to get back something and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. I felt like i had to save her from that life. This was when we were just friends.


Look. There is obviously some very personal stuff going on in her/their life that you may never, if ever, be able to comprehend, because of your age difference.


Believe me, you need to keep your distance and not allow yourself to become a safety net during the breakdown of their marriage.

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Hopefully, you're living a fantasy. This horrible woman is NOT going to go off into the sunset with you. You're NEVER, EVER going to have a life with her. EVER. And you need therapy to figure out why you're so addicted to this terrible woman and all the drama she's brought into your life.

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I felt really sorry for her after this incident though. Me, her and her daughter got into the car and he went back to get back something and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. I felt like i had to save her from that life. This was when we were just friends.


What did you want to save her from exactly? You have gone on and on in this thread about how great her life is. Good job, money, etc. What you saw in that interaction was probably the husband finally fighting back against a women who was beaten him down over the years by holding things over his head and making him feel two feet tall. She didn't cry because she was hurt but because their were witnesses who she wanted to feel sorry for her. Just more manipulation.


As for what she is send you pics of the car, let me ask you: After everything you have seen in this thread why do you think she is sending them to you?

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She sounds like a horrible person. The more you write about her the more horrible she sounds. She black mails, bribes, and manipulates anyone who disagrees with her. Moreover, she can be very charming and is intelligent. This means she knows exactly what she is doing and probably gets off on it.


She is an intelligent girl She's really good at math. Has amazing computer programming skills. And she's well read too. She's naturally curious. She reads a lot about psychology, sociology and stuff.

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What did you want to save her from exactly? You have gone on and on in this thread about how great her life is. Good job, money, etc. What you saw in that interaction was probably the husband finally fighting back against a women who was beaten him down over the years by holding things over his head and making him feel two feet tall. She didn't cry because she was hurt but because their were witnesses who she wanted to feel sorry for her. Just more manipulation.


As for what she is send you pics of the car, let me ask you: After everything you have seen in this thread why do you think she is sending them to you?


To convince me to get back together.

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She is an intelligent girl She's really good at math. Has amazing computer programming skills. And she's well read too. She's naturally curious. She reads a lot about psychology, sociology and stuff.


None of these things say anything about her as a person. Basically the only good thing you can say about her is 1) She is physically attractive 2) She reads a lot. Balance that with all her negative qualities and she comes out as a horrible person.

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I miss her a lot. Its so hard not contacting her. I keep looking at the picture she sent me and i cant get myself to delete it.


Its like ripping off a band aid. You must make an effort to get rid of anything that reminds you of her. Your healing process will be much faster trust me.


How are things going today?


Remember: She is a petty, mean, rude, manipulative, self-centered, cheater. Who happens to be attractive and reads a lot.

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Its like ripping off a band aid. You must make an effort to get rid of anything that reminds you of her. Your healing process will be much faster trust me.


How are things going today?


Remember: She is a petty, mean, rude, manipulative, self-centered, cheater. Who happens to be attractive and reads a lot.


I know. I went through a break up 4 months ago and that's what brought me to this forum. I managed to go back to being normal because i followed the right advice. I thought that because i had been through a break up it would be much easier for me to handle a second one but it feels even worse this time. And surprisingly we dont even have a relationship history.


I was extremely busy yesterday because of my job which i love so much. I didnt hear anything from her at all, other than a text message saying call me.


At this point im considering quitting my job because i think i will never be able to fully move on if i hold on to it. But im not sure yet because it will be a waste of a great opportunity.

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