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"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with".


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Any thoughts on this?


I have been evaluating my life recently and have read about this in some philosophy papers I came accross.


The more I think about it and relate it to myself in both the past and present, the more I am convinced it is true.


Who do you spend the most time with? Perhaps not face to face, but general interactions.


Are you a reflection of those five people?


Interested for thoughts, thanks.

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I don't necessarily think it is true.


I can give quite a few reasons for it, but it is against the guidelines on this website.


So, the best thing I can say is, nobody will be 100% you.


Nobody will agree with everything you say 100%.


I'm sure if you were to ask even someone you're closest to some views, and/or what they would do in a situation, I can almost guarantee you that they have a different view then you.


I'm sure you don't agree 100% on any of your family members views, but you're related to them.


I'm sure there's things your family has done that you haven't done, yet you're related to them.

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I have similarities with my friends but we are friends because we have similarities, we don't have similarities because we are friends.

I also think it depends on the person. I have a very, very strong sense of self whereas a few of my friends are very much a product of their environment.

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It's an interesting idea, for sure.


I first heard about this in regards to finances. Take the five people you spend the most time with, look at their financial pictures, and see if you fit in around the average. This was easier to test in hard terms, even without having paperwork or every detail about those peoples numbers. You basically know. And it was pretty accurate. Made me think.


These papers you have been reading - is the concept then relating to philosophies in life? That you are an average of those philosophies you surround yourself with?

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That's an interesting theory that I never heard before. Thinking it over and no I think it's a statement that holds true for better than 99.99 percent of the human race. People as a whole just don't fit so neatly into one pat statement and while others do influence us, they aren't always the people currently in our lives and/or they don't influence us at all. Case in point how many of you out there know someone who is just an all around-horrid person who somehow is surrounded by the nicest family and friends that are in their lives constantly?


Humanity is a very complex thing. I'm pretty much the person I was when I was 5, then 15 and now nearly 60. Others may have shaped me, but still I am is who I am regardless of the company I keep or don't keep. Although if that statement were that you are the average of the five animals you spend the most time with I'd have to rethink my cynicism over that remark.

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Thinking it over and no I think it's a statement that holds true for better than 99.99 percent of the human race.


Whoops, I meant it's a statement I think does NOT hold true for better than 99.99 percent of the human race. As someone else here pointed out their dead grandmother was a huge influence on her, likewise my dearly departed father who hasn't been in my life for two decades now. And to mhowe I own a small ranch, so that's why I'm with animals all the time. I love it except at 3:00 in the morning when the coyotes decide to raid my chickens and the entire ranch lets me know about it--cats howling, dogs barking, horses neighing and of course, the chickens screeching bloody murder. It is not a fun way to wake up, but it's a small price to pay since I love them all dearly. Even yeah, the coyotes who really do make the most beautiful music under a full moon. Just wish they wouldn't consider me the local KFC LOL. My boyfriend has some pretty steep competition for my affections, but always brings treats so is loved by all my four-legged family.

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I think there's a bit of truth to this. You spend time with people who value the things you do. I used to hang out with a party crowd. Then I started law school and suddenly no longer had as much interest in that. Gradually started spending time with people who valued career and education. Had fallen out of my faith for years, then started exploring it again and began hanging out with friends from church and bible study. Look at what your friends value and you will probably see that there are striking similarities to your own values.

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Any thoughts on this?

I think you are made up of 50% (you) and 50% (your friends/family).


To say that you are made up entirely of parts of your friends and family is too extreme.


I do judge people by their friends, but I'm aware this can only be a partial judgment and can never tell the whole story.

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