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How are YOU feeling right now?

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Tonight is rough, I'm very tempted to look her up and see what she's been up to. I won't do it because I fear that what I'm going to see will do nothing good for me, but damn it's hard.

I can't stop wondering how she's feeling and what's on her mind.

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I'm on my 4th day of NC. A little sad. A little tempted to check up on her. But I won't do it. It's not my pride that's pushing me not to contact her. It's what she said the last time we talked (last Friday)...She said that she doesn't want to talk to me, doesn't want to receive any text messages from me, and there's absolutely no other guy.


I'm trying to man up and continue to stay firm with NC. Consulted my mom, brother, father, and my brother's wife about the possible outcome since the argument was fairly not that big of a deal (If you've read my story)...all response was "she's just letting off steam. Eventually, after a couple of months, she'll come around." This happened the first and second time of our breakup. And those early breakups had a fairly big deal compared to this argument...


I don't know what to think. But I know what to expect though...She won't be coming back...even though I pray to God that she does, I can't see it happening. I don't know why...

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Feeling like death today, another rough morning.

I feel like breaking the NC, I'm so sick of all of this and I'm only on day 3 for god's sake... When I read that some people are still struggling after 6 months of NC I feel like I'm going to lose my mind. I hate all of this.

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Feeling like death today, another rough morning.

I feel like breaking the NC, I'm so sick of all of this and I'm only on day 3 for god's sake... When I read that some people are still struggling after 6 months of NC I feel like I'm going to lose my mind. I hate all of this.


Don't do it!!! Stay strong. If you're really still tempted to break NC, start a thread and let people talk you out of it.


I'm somewhere around the 7 or 8 month mark now, and I feel 10,000 times better!!!! It doesn't last forever. I'm so grateful that now I know about staying NC!

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Don't do it!!! Stay strong. If you're really still tempted to break NC, start a thread and let people talk you out of it.


I'm somewhere around the 7 or 8 month mark now, and I feel 10,000 times better!!!! It doesn't last forever. I'm so grateful that now I know about staying NC!


Thank you

I won't do it I'm trying really hard to stay strong, it's just a temptation that is always in the back of my head... And the fact that I'm going crazy not knowing how she's feeling. It's just so crappy, we've spent around 3 years together every single day, always contacting each other, and now it's all over (the NC is by my own choice, she didn't want this at all). Love is such a disease, lol.

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Thank you

I won't do it I'm trying really hard to stay strong, it's just a temptation that is always in the back of my head... And the fact that I'm going crazy not knowing how she's feeling. It's just so crappy, we've spent around 3 years together every single day, always contacting each other, and now it's all over (the NC is by my own choice, she didn't want this at all). Love is such a disease, lol.


Just keep posting about it. You can use this board (and others like it) to temporarily replace the contact you had with her. It works!

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So upset the hole weekend. Final came to grips it's over. After there was no contact by the ex on our anniversary it has killed all hope she even thinks about me. It's been a long 4 months. I actually said it to myself it's over. It's f ing over.


I just want to leave this brhind me and move forward as fast as I can to forget this spot I have been stuck in and never look back.

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I feel.....hungry.


Oh yea, and happy and totally loving my new and improved life without her. Taking my new girl to high end French joint for dinner.


If there is a God, please let my exgf be there with her little guido bf. I know she frequents these places. I wouldn't do anything but wink at her and smile and then turn focus to my girl ignoring my exgf's very existence. But that would totally be enough to nail it home for her that she has without a doubt lost me for good and I'm completely and utterly indifferent about it.


That my friends is the best revenge their is... Indifference is the broadest sword with the sharpest blade and I wield that freaking thing like a samurai warrior.


That's right

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I feel nothing.


I have come to realize that with so much breakups that had happened between us (this being the 3rd of our 4 yrs relationship), I've come to surmise that we are not meant for each other. Though it is true that it takes 2 people, wanting the same thing to make the relationship work, it also takes 2 people with a lot of understanding and strong will to accept your partner regardless of his issues unless those issues are a threat to your life or anyone's life. (Example : being angry in arguments, and by angry I mean disappointed, not furious to the point of shouting and name calling and blaming each others shortcomings.)


Yes.. I feel absolutely nothing. That I have become one with the void within me. I have accepted the void. Surprisingly, it doesn't disappoint me. It has given me more room to move and I think that the space in this void, is giving me the opportune to fill it with another chapter in my life. That this void, is welcoming new people that would like to interact with me.

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Gah! If that sounds bitter, I guess it just occurs to me how crappy she treated me when we weren't naked, after being with someone like the one I'm with now. Seriously, that sucked. And while there were amazing things about her that ill miss without a doubt, she should know that even though she hurt me again, that I'm doing fine regardless. Theirs nothing on this planet that can keep me down for long.

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This has been the worst day for me so far since the initial breakup. The 4th was always a special day that we both loved spending together. Now that fireworks are starting to go off I just feel like crap. Oh well, it isn't near as bad as the couple weeks after the breakup, but there is nothing I can do about it and I know tomorrow will be better.

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Exhausted. The feelings of missing them one minute, then trying to overcome the feeling, then having hope, then fighting the hope. Ignoring their phone calls even when you want to answer, deleting their text messages as it comes in. It's all exhausting. I'm exhausted.

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I just don't understand how someone who was in constant contact with me can be okay with not talking to me for almost two weeks. Doesn't he miss me at all? Why he is so much better at NC than I am? Since he's a recovering addict I worry that he's just REALLY good at quitting stuff by now, and he quit me. I'm worried that even though he said he wants to be in touch with me he didn't mean it and that I'll never hear from him again. But I don't even know if I WANT to hear from him. Ugh. Plus I can't stop dreaming about him - I never dreamed about him when we were together.

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This morning I woke up anxious again. I really miss him so much. I wish I had something to look forward to with him. His phone call, his groggy voice in the morning, or something. For the first time since the breakup I had a a vivid dream about him, two vivid dreams actually. The first one he came back to me, and asked me to watch a movie with him. I didn't feel comfortable with it, but wanted to regardless. We always loved watching movies together, especially horror movies. Then this last dream was him just trying to reach me in some subtle way. He was telling me he loved me.


I hate this. I hate being in love with someone who treated me so terribly. I hate that so much of me still wants him.

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