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How are YOU feeling right now?

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Haven't been here for a while... Let's make a small update.


I'm doing good, I feel fine. Well ok maybe not completely.


I'm in LC with my ex, she told me she waits for me to text her and feels bad when I don't. I almost linked her to this place. Other than that, I'm fine with this situation since I've never stopped moving forward and I feel detached.


The fact that I don't "completely" feel fine has nothing to do with her (I think), it's just... I've been hit on by some really attractive women (lmao I am not complaining about this, it gave me a nice ego boost) but the thing is that they were mostly (only?) interested in having sex and for some reason I'm just not here for this? I guess this is a pathetic thing to whine about but it just made me feel like an empty piece of meat when I'd rather just make new friends, I'm fine with some light flirting but overly sexual crap when we just met? Please stop...

This also made me realize that the only one who has never acted like a creep when she was interested in me was my ex, that sucks. Is romanticism dead?! Lol.


But other than that I'm doing good by myself, things are fine and this is going to be a good year.

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It has been 7months since our breakup and still, when I think about 7 years...it amazes me. I can't believe just 7 months ago, I was on enotalone.com writing threads to find out how to get you back....but I think I'm ok. I haven't cried in a while. The pain is still there...memories still haunt me...but I've finally accepted you being with someone else. I have finally accepted that I'll be alone for a while and I have finally accepted the fact that I will always love you.

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I am about the same - it has been 6 or so months, the first few spent in complete denial and shock, which has just prolonged the pain.


I still think about him all the time, waiting for that to stop - it is hard to control your thoughts.


I have accepted where it went wrong, but still angry there was someone else involved


And still waiting to be the happy , care free , confident person i used to be

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Today I feel injured. I can't think of a more accurate word.

I feel like the end of our relationship and our breakup has damaged me. I am trying to do things every day to heal myself, to bring myself some peace.


I fear that it will be years before I will truly be able to have an actual relationship again.


I also worry that I am leaning on my best friend to much. Not to talk about the end of my relationship, I am past that point, but that I am leaning on her to much for company.

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I actually feel good today, like pretty happy. I haven't really done anything different today but earlier I was thinking about relationships(oddly enough), and remembering all the things I like about being in a relationship, and not just about being with my most recent ex, but relationships in general. I don't know if I'm ready to be in another relationship yet or if I will be any time soon, but I guess it helps to remember that it's not the end of all things and that people can and will love me.

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Bored. Seems like all fun has been drained out of my life. Everything I find fun reminds me of him too much.


Worried. About the future, I can't stay with my sister forever, especially as she is getting married. But I can't afford to live by myself...


Lonely. NC is killing me. I can't bring myself to delete him from fb either so I see when hes online....


Confused. His family is a huge part of my life. His sister is my best friend. I can't cut him out of my life without cutting them out. It scares me.

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Today feels good guys! A little lost perhaps? But thats because i have stopped doing all my hobbies. Been just sat here waiting for the phone to ring or checking my mobile even though it hasnt pinged with a message. Its been 6 weeks today of me not hearing from him. (god i hate an empty in box (even junk mail is welcome at the moment)


I have started to teach myself meditation and the results are for me very calming and my intuition (you know the voice of your inner self , best friend) is coming through and i am listening to her and she is saying he was gut less.


My house is a mess! I have a pile of ironing to do and i havent got a clean cup for a cup of tea. So today im going to do something about it!


Today im going to bring back me!!


Hes going out with the rubbish.

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right now im thinking that its been 2 months since all this has happened, she has a bf and i missed out on her cause i didnt make her my gf when i had the chance. In my head im thinking 2 months ago is so long and its so weird of me to be thinking of her. I find it weird because ive accepted the situation and im happy where i am right now. But i guess its just the memories and thinking of her that makes it weird. Its something that has happened 2 months ago. Im thinking of it and she isnt. Im happy knowing i will probably never talk to her again in my life.


oh wells. probs have to go through this to move forward and forward

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Anxious to the maaaaax. Like I'm gonna throw up.


I sent my ex a text basically saying that we need to go our separate way once and for all, because he keeps coming in and out of my life like its a revolving door. And i keep letting him. So I sucked it up and sent a long winded text saying no more. But then shut my phone off because I was too anxious to see what he would say in return. I almost don't know what kind of an answer I'm hoping for because either way I'm going to have a hard time. But I know its what's best. But I could barf right now...

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Back to Day 1 of no contact. Saw her yesterday, we were both at the same meeting. She came over and said hi and again i got sucked in and we ended up talking. Some good some not so good. Nothing was resolved and now i again feel down for trying.

My counsellor wants me to go on ADs and today i agreed. Hopefully they will calm me down.

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I've been feeling crazy mad for the past two days, nothing new happened I just remembered ALL the crap I've been put through thanks to my ex, I still feel so much rage about it. It's not something I can forget, I'm full of resentment. That said, on a more positive note, someone asked me on a date the other day, which I declined at first because I just... For some reason it didn't feel right. I pretty much chickened out.

Then today I thought of it again and asked myself "why the hell not?" the only things I have to lose are a few hours during an evening, I'm 23 I can risk this. So I asked the girl if she was still up for it... Frankly I can't believe she accepted right away and didn't tell me "no too late bye". God. Especially since she's had to put up with me being busy and replying to her texts 10 years later. Now I'm feeling both nervous and excited.

Another girl gave me her number this weekend, which was funny because I wanted to ask her for it but then chickened out and thought that maybe she would think this was inappropriate (why the HELL do I keep thinking like this), idk I just really enjoy talking to her and I love that we have common hobbies and interests, for some reason I thought that she would see me as a creep if I asked for her number (seriously why do I think this way), I was so relieved and happy when she just handed it to me. Lol I'm a mess.


Now hoping everything goes smoothly for me this week, I know I'm not interested in making the mistakes I've made before, I just don't have the same mentality though. It's all about me now and if someone has a problem with this I don't care, I don't have the time nor the energy to care. I'm fine by myself and no one is going to make me miserable again. Ok bed time, lol.

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