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  1. I've almost forgotten your phone number, even though I can still remember it if I try(but I usually distract myself before I can remember it fully). I usually measure how much I've moved on by whether I've forgotten the phone number or not. I probably won't ever forget your email, but it's one of those very simple addresses so that's not a big deal. I still have that facebook account, the first one I ever added you on. It's a very dead account so in the numbers of people you have on your facebook, I don't really worry about you remembering my account is there. Sometimes I sit on the account and think about looking at your profile, but I try my best not to, and I haven't in a while now. I don't need to keep seeing things or reminders about your life anyways. I know you know I unfriended you with my main account. Why oh why did you have to reactivate that account? You deactivated it a day or so before breaking up, and I thought I could keep you on it because you always mentioned hating facebook and wanting to be off of it, so I thought it would be fine to keep since I wouldn't see any notifications from you or anything. Idk what I would have done having your deactivated account on there anyways, but I didn't want to take it off. But then you reactivated it. Barely a week later. I quickly made sure you were excluded from seeing everything I'd posted in the last few months(if you aren't mature enough to face me when you're breaking up, I don't want you being able to see what I'm up to), and finally, at the urging of my dad, I unfriended you. I hypothesize that's about the time you blocked me off from contacting you through anything but chat on gmail. But what did you think I was going to do? Try to talk to you? I asked you to come to me, and you didn't. I left the ball in your court, and as far as I'm concerned, that's where it's going to stay until you decide to do something about it.
  2. I wish I never met you. You were a mistake. I regret ever even knowing you. In the end all you were was mean, selfish, an , and you didn't care about me at all. You never cared about me, it's all about what people can do for you, but heaven forbid you have to take time out of your super important life to do something that's bigger than just you. Even if you were doing something for family I saw you complain and snark about it to their faces multiple times. My life will be better without you, even though it'll be a while before the wounds heal. It's a vengeful sentiment but I hope you're unhappy. I hope you feel bad every day for your lies and your cowardice, I hope it sticks in your mind over the years. Have fun with one of those girls that's been looking at you or whatever.
  3. Well, it's been over a month now. I asked you over text to just say it if you didn't want to be with me anymore. After you did, I asked if you thought we at least owed it to each other to say goodbye, and if you would at least call me and say it's over, or say no if you weren't going to call, and you never said anything. Literally nothing after that, for 5 weeks now. Now I can only think that our two years together was a big mistake. I never should have asked you out in the first place. You were a mistake, and a waste of my time not because things didn't work out(which isn't the part I care so much about), but because you were a liar and coward in the end, and instead of confronting me as an adult, you chose to run away and hide. I can only feel now that you never actually cared about me at all. You only cared about yourself. You only cared about your (sometimes racist) opinions. You only care about what people can do for you, even your own family you've been unnecessarily mean to. You're angry and it's honestly a good thing you're not around to project your anger onto me any more and act like I'm the one with a problem. For my own benefit, I started unfriending and washing you away on various social networks, and deleted your phone and email out of my contacts as the weeks passed. I have told myself not to initiate any more contact, as I've left the ball in your court, and you have my phone number and email if you ever mean to contact me. If you ever try to speak to me again, you must answer for your lies and your cowardice before I'll have anything else to do with you.
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