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  1. Guys help me. I really wanna talk to him but when I see him around school he is happy. I know he remembers me, he looks into my eyes for a few seconds but acts like he doesn't care that I'm around. I'm not gunna annoy him, it's why he was pushed farther away when we broke up. When he's all alone at night, that's when he'll remember me. day 3!
  2. So this is the first day, he seems so happy, and is talking to my friends, but they are all just friends since grade 9, while ago. I miss himmmmm but I won't cry and I won't contact him
  3. TIME: 9:15 NO CONTACT HAS STARTED 16/09/13 ! I dont wanna cling onto him, he will realise what hes missing soon very soon. Thanks alot! ill be posting, i have a question up if you want to know the whole story, its under breaking up. YAY! him.
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