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  1. Ive grown so much since you broke up with me. Its almost been 9 months since we broke up and went NC, I still can't believe its been 10 months since I last saw you. When you broke up with me I thought that I would never be able to move on with my life. Since it was my first break up I learned so much about myself. You taught me everything I know about relationships. I have to thank you for that because now I know what I want from a relationship and what I don't want. I'm still single and not looking for a relationship anytime soon. And I hope when I do find that right person she will be someone who loves me even with my faults and for who I am.
  2. My ex just drove by we're we used to work. I haven't seen her since we broke up. She didn't stop but I'm sure she saw me. To big of a coward to even say anything to me.
  3. Another weekend is here. It's always harder for me on the weekend because It would be the time where I would get to spend the most of the day with you. My mind runs over the break up and the problems leading up to it. I wonder if there was something I could have said or done to change things. But then I realize I did the best I could and I gave it my all. I know you probably don't remember a thing about our relationship except for the bad times. The memories haunt me each day and I feel like I will never be free of them. I want you out of my head, to free me from your tight grip. I no that day is coming but it's not coming fast enough.
  4. This has been one of the hardest weeks since the breakup but Im keep strong staying with No contact. I almost broke it but I realized that you needed to realize that you can't treat people the way you treated me. If I did reach out to you, it would only make you realize that you treat people how ever you want and get away with it. Oh how I yearn for the day that goes by where your out of my mind. That day will come soon enough...
  5. I almost contacted you today because of a stupid photo on the web who I though maybe you. I realized it was none of my business and I decided I shouldn't break NC cause it wouldn't get us any where. I don't know why I can't stop thinking about you even though you treated me so badly in the end. I guess your mind says one thing but your heart wants another. I just wish things happened differently but I don't think I could ever go back to the way things were between us. Today I am starting work at the place we first met and it's weird returning knowing you don't work there anymore. Im going to make this summer an amazing one without you and keep moving forward.
  6. Hey D, Its been two and a half months since we last spoke. I think about you all of the time, and all the things I wish I could tell you. I know we will never be together anymore and it hurts just thinking about it. I always wanted things to go so perfect while I was with you and I never wanted things to go wrong. It always seemed like the more I tried to make things right the worse it got. In the end I know I'll find someone who truly loves me for who I am and not who they want me to be. Today was our anniversary im sure you don't even remember.
  7. Day 67 Been going through ups and downs recently. Last night I felt really lonely, I wanted to see how she was doing and just hear her voice. Then I reminded myself of the way she treated at the end of the BU. It feels like I will never love someone the same way I loved her. And that know one could make me feel the way she use. I've been out on a few dates no girl has made me feel anything for them. Even sex with other women is dull. I just want her out of my damn head!
  8. Day 60!! Two months no contact, things are still weird for me. I think about her from time to time but im moving on cause thats what you have to do. I had sex with someone else for the first time since the break up last night. Sex was pretty average. I guess I compared her to my ex in someone ways, I think I need to stop seeing this new girl. Keeping my head up and moving forward is all I can do right now
  9. Day 52 I am doing so much better its been so long since the last time we spoke to each other. For everyone who is doing No contact, hold on things will get better and soon enough you will start to realize that you may not even want the relationship back anymore. Yes I still think about my ex all the time but I don't want to contact her because it would just cause me pain and heartache. Like the saying goes if you really love someone you have to let them go.
  10. Day 37 I have been seeing many different women this week and I like the attention they are giving me. I have made out with two of the women I have seen but, I really don't want a relationship with anyone. After one of the women left all I could think about was how they were nothing compared to my ex and I know im putting her on a pedestal but I don't feel anything between us. This has defiantly been the BEST week since the breakup, I have partied almost every night and been on dates. But at the end of the day I still feel miserable. I guess it's just me getting use to being single and being around different women.
  11. I made out with this girl at the club tonight, ive known her for a minute but I literally have no attraction to her. I feel really bad because I can't stop thinking about my ex now I feel like im in a bad place I miss her like hell right now. I really think it was to soon to even be around women. And I have another date with someone else tomorrow, Im trying to move on but it's so damn hard!
  12. Thank you Nolia that post was very inspiring and I have followed your steps through out my break up. I have not spoken to my ex since I started NC and don't plan to anytime soon. These last few days I have finally started to go out and have a good time again. Danced with a few different women and was about to hook up with one but decided I wasn't ready. But now im looking forward to starting the day and I can honestly say im in a much better place than I was the first week of the break up.
  13. Day 31, last night I went out finally started talking to new women. I could tell she wanted to hook up but I just couldn't bring myself to. I told her good night and I would see her later. Going to try calling her again so we can hangout but I thought about my ex while I was with her. It's still kinda weird being single again lol
  14. Day 30, Im back home now away from the city were my ex is. It still hurts but for some reason I think im doing better. I know its over cause of the way she has treated me and handled the break up. Im going to focus on my self for the rest of this semester and try to go on a date before summer starts.
  15. Day 29. Last night I was going home and there was a big event going on next to were I live (my ex works there) I saw her car. Didn't see her, it sucks how we haven't had any interaction since the break up. I wanted to go in and see how shes doing but, I don't even know how she would respond if she saw me.
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