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My Life- Thoughts and Happenings

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I've been trying to make a difference. This week I collected some scarves and hats to donate. I also took a bag of holiday foods/groceries to church for them to give out to the needy.


I think others are searching for ways to bring good into this world- we actually had a fairly full house at church on Sunday.

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It was Thanksgiving yesterday. Both boys were with their dad yesterday, and they had their meal at a family friend's house. I was invited too, but declined, especially because I know that friend is having surgery in a few days and having a bunch of people over is the last thing they need.


My friend J was going to come from out of town but in the end she chose not to, which is fine. There has been crazy wind and tons of rain in Oregon, so I was glad she chose to stay off the road.


In the end I slept in, which was sooo nice! Then later I started cleaning and organizing. My house has gotten so cluttered and needed a thorough scrub down.


I did loads of laundry, put on clean sheets and a clean table cloth, recycled a bunch of stuff, spot cleaned the dead squirrel stains off the carpet, vacuumed, put things away in the garage, etc.


I got out my holiday dishes that I usually use between Thanksgiving and Christmas.


In the end I chose not to go to anyone's house for a thanksgiving dinner. And, although I have a turkey and ingredients for side dishes, I chose not to make it yesterday.


I really had a nice day on my own yesterday. It felt so good just to do what I felt like whenever I felt like it.


I think I have just been so busy with work and my sons so it left me a bit burned out.


I still have lots to do today. I won't do much shopping today, except for a few gifts for our church to hand out to families in need.


I want to clean and scrub down the kitchen. Then I will cook the turkey, and I may invite my sons over.


I guess it sounds like I was hermit like yesterday, but I really needed that time.

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Thanks Silver

I had a nice weekend - I slept in on Thanksgiving and then cleaned. The next day I was lazy and didn't do much. I've been helping out on a scout fundraiser all weekend, and I went for a walk in the rain with my friend C. Went to church today, loaded with gifts for the homeless. Later I roasted the turkey (a few days late) and made turkey tetrazzinni for a friend who is having surgery tomorrow (actually, for his family). Back to work tomorrow.

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Crazy busy so I haven't been on here much. Taking dinner each night to a friend's family - the dad had hip surgery. They live about 20 minutes away from me, so it takes a chunk of time to take it over. But they have been very appreciative .


Work is crazy this week too. But the kids are fun to work with.


Very busy with my son's scouts the next few weeks.

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My son has,been busy with a lot of homework assignments that he put off until the last minute. He was up all night last night. He has a chemistry final tomorrow. I was comparing notes with a coworker -her son goes to another school but had the same assignments that he had put off until this week too. Ha! Teenagers. .

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He is going to take a physics class at another school. They don't offer this particular class at his school, so he has to drive over to take it in another part of town. And- he already missed one part of the course, so he is going to be behind... but he really wants to take it. We will see how it all works out

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My son is in so much trouble. He got a speeding ticket last week for driving 100 miles per hour

He owes a big hefty fine and may even lose his license. He goes to court next week.

Well, it is a good thing he has a job and is saving up money. Because he gets to pay the fine and the insurance increase.

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No, younger son. My older son doesn't drive yet because he doesn't have a car at university. And i think he has more sense and maturity than that. He'll be graduating this spring and he may ghen need a car, depending on where he gets a job. So he will likely learn to drive this spring.


Younger son has just had his license for 6 months. He will likely have to pay a fine of between $500 and $1,000. And he may lose his license. He is very contrite and he will suffer the consequences of his irresponsible choices for a while, because he will need to pay more in insurance until this drops off of his driving record.

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I spoke with my sister and she said my mom is freaking out. She keeps insisting that my dad will come home. And maybe he could if there were not stairs. But he is too weak to get up the stairs and tgere is no full bath on the first floor.


So my brother is really trying hard to find a place for the two of them. But the problem is that my mom will need memory care and my dad needs the physical care.


It is heart wrenching to think that they won't be together. There are few places that offer care for couples, and no spaces at the ones that do.


I am truly grateful for the hard work my siblings are putting in.

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