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I am Looking For A Good Book to Inspire Me


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I want to feel inspired. For a while now, I have been wanting to improve myself and do something that will have a positive impact on my life. Despite this, I have been somewhat complacent.


I am looking for a good novel to inspire me. To want to read a deeply moving book that I can't help but shed tears at how much I can relate to the protagonist of the story. I want to read a book that beautifully describes the struggles/hardships of the main character and also beautifully describes their inspiring ability to fight on in the face of adversity.


I want a book that would make me think, such that it would get me thinking more clearly about my own life.


Does anyone have any good ideas for such a book (I know, the criteria here is kinda long)?


P.S. Just a side thought. I also want a book that isn't too difficult to read.

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One of my most favorite books that I would recommend to anyone would be


The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho


Now I don't know if that's the kind of book you're looking for but it's definitely a good read...not difficult to read and not extremely long. I hope you enjoy it...sorry I couldn't be of anymore help.

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This isn't a novel, per say, but it is very inspiring and it has changed my life. Check out "Letters to a Young Poet" by Rainer Maria Rilke. Another good (but very long) novel is "Les Miserables" by Victore Hugo. It's a very hard read, but you really connect with the protagonist and his struggles over the years of trying to be someone he's not. A great inspirational tale. I would suggest the shorter, abridged version.

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Another good (but very long) novel is "Les Miserables" by Victore Hugo. It's a very hard read, but you really connect with the protagonist and his struggles over the years of trying to be someone he's not. A great inspirational tale. I would suggest the shorter, abridged version.


What a coincidence! I just bought "Les Miserables" shortly before I started this thread. I plan on reading it later tonight .

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In a nutshell, the Alchemist is about not being afraid of following your dreams...the story itself is about a boy who sets out on a journey from Spain to the deserts of Egypt to find a buried treasure. Along the way, he meets a gypsy, a "king", and an alchemist who try to help point him in the right direction. He's also faced with many obstacles and has to find it within himself to overcome these obstacles and continue searching for his treasure.

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  • 1 year later...

Weird. I am currently reading "Les Miserables" for the first time.

A dear friend recommended it.


My personal favorite lifechanging book has been "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoyevsky. But it's not everyone's cup of tea.


Your best bet is to walk into a big gorgeous bookstore and peruse until you find something that truly 'pulls' you.


It may be something shocking and odd - if so, go with it.


Sometimes cookbooks have changed my life. Ya never know what's gonna do it for ya'

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I suggest reading 'The Shadow of the Wind' by Carlos Ruiz Zafón.


The only non-fantasy fiction novel I've ever read an enjoyed.


There's something about the book and the story, everything is so... real, alive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a little on the opposite end of the spectrum. I recomend a book called Evasion. It's a true story of a kid who quit his job and travels the country hopping freight trains and shoplifting (for seven years before he ended up in prison). Although there are a lot of structural flaws and you're going to get a lot of his philosophy in the book, it's definitely a book that I've read nothing like.

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  • 4 weeks later...

"The Kite Runner"

1) Inspiring:

- a book about a boy who puts a friendship before all else and makes a great sacrifice it

- a book about his friend who goes to great lengths to repay that sacrifice many years later

- a book about fathers and sons

2) Fascinating read about Afghanistan and it's culture before war ripped it apart


In technical terms: unputdownable!


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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Maybe not inspiring, but it does make you think. Oh and, don't cheat and go to the movie. Books give such better details

Really? I thought it was just humorous science fiction... not even close to anything life-changing. Anyway, the book was so much better than the movie... they had different plots as well.


I agree that you should go look around in a bookstore. Everyone has a different life, so what may be life-changing for someone else may not be life-changing or even interesting for you.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm reading a book right now called: "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" Its by Mitch Albom. The book is about a person who thought they led an insignificant, and ordinary life on earth, and then he meets five people in heaven who show him that he did indeed lead a significant life...etc. So far, I like it, It is definitely thought provoking.

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