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Do men prefer trashy over classy?


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Don't give up. Some men chase trashy women for the same reason some women like bad boys. They're generally fun. Initially any ways. Some men depending on their maturity level will think with their small head, not their big head. Some grow up, some don't.


Don't confuse sexy with trashy. Showing a hint of what's underneath when done properly is not a bad idea.

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Trash attracts trash. It goes both ways. Women who are trashy skanks will attract men who are dogs and are only after nasty sex with them. Men who are "bad boys" and gross players will attract either trashy women from similar moral backgrounds or immature women with no self of self worth.


Trash is not limited to a certain demographic. You can have a lot of money and still be trashy and a sleaze. You can be lower class ad still have class and some integrity.


It sounds like you ended up with a real dirtball and you didn't know his true nature. He's crap inside so he ran off with another girl who is also a piece of crap. Don't stoop to their level.


They may be garbage but that doesn't mean that you are.

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