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My brothers girlfriend


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We share an apartment. At the first of the year I was out of work and my brother covered my part of the rest as much as he could. It was late a few times, and was a week late once I started getting paid 1.5 months ago. Since that time I have caught up the rent and go it ahead. I am totally caught up on the amount I should had paid.


My brothers girlfriend is young and very immature when it comes to money. She is a waitress and gets her tips. She blows all of her money and rarely has anything to show for it. IE eating out, renting movies etc...


We was planning on moving next month, I am not so sure anymore. I told them last month just to have $300 by June 1st, that is only $150 each and 2 months to get it. I pay more than half the rent already and have no issue with that since I work better jobs and make more money. My brothers hours has been cut so he is not making much anymore. I am not all up in their business, although I do not think he is making enough to cover the full amount himself. I asked the other day if they was going to have it on the first. I wanted to know because paying 6 months rent in 2 months has not left me much money left over and to make sure rent is paid on time and in full, I have what they should be paying in the bank as well and was hoping I could use a bit of it. He said he had some now, and would have 150 by then but he had no idea if she had any of hers at all, and doubted she would. I would be surprised she has much more than she needs for bus fare to get her to work today.


When I was out of work, my brother covered as much as he could, and my mother helped to keep the rent caught up as well. Paying what I would had owed for those months, I paid it all in rent. So I still owe my mother the money she gave my brother as well. During that time his girlfriend contributed very little towards the rent, and usually he had to argue to get it from her.


At the end of last month, apparently she thought she needed to come up with their part of the rent until my brother told her no, I was paying it all this month as well. She was telling him she was going to have to borrow that money she thought they was supposed to pay. Problem is, the only person she knows that would have had the money to even lend them, was me.


If it was only my brother I would just pay it all to help him out. With her as well, it is very uncomfortable since I know my brother is struggling and she is not doing anything to help, and not even covering her own part to begin with. I do not even like her for other reasons. I wish he would just break up with her, but that is up for him to decide. However, I do not think I should be paying her rent, especially when she works full time.


How do I deal with this, without causing problems with/for my brother? I am ready to tell them I am moving by myself. If I do that, he is going to wind up without a place to live. I guess at a minimum I am stuck having to pay her part next month, and telling them I will be moving alone July 1st, which still leaves my brother with a problem unless he gets another job or gets his hours back at his current job.

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Have you spoken to your mum about this? If not maybe just mention it to her for a little bit of advice. She probably knows how to go about dealing with your brother.


It's a hard situation to be in. Sometimes the best thing to do is to say No, as saving is an important part of growing up! I loaned my brother half my savings to pay his rent, then later learned he'd been wasting his money on things he should not have been spending it on. So the following time he asked to borrow a lot more... so I did... the third time, he asked, I turned him down saying we didnt have the money. Even though we had more than enough, and wouldn't miss it if he didn't pay it back. He had to learn. I don't know if he's learnt now or not...


Since your brother helped you out, I'd offer to help him out, but not his gf. She's not your problem.


But that could cause problems. ...


If you were to loan them both the money to move, you could work out a repayment plan that they agree to, so you know when and how your getting your cash back. Or you tell them, they are to pay the rent for so many months to pay you back. And have it all writen down!

I've seen Judge Judy... You need it writen down an get them to sign it and stuff!!



Good Luck xx

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I think you are in a tough spot because only 2 short months ago, your brother was paying your rent. Now the tables have turned.


Morally, I don't think you have much choice but to help your brother for at least as long as he helped you. It's the right thing to do. That being said... if you just paid him back a ton of money... shouldn't he have a ton of money in the bank so that he can help his gf out? Really, the gf issue should be HIS issue. It's his gf and he's the only person who can decide to give her the boot...


I would talk to him and tell him that you are more than willing to help him out (since he helped you) - but that he is responsible for collecting from his gf. So... if you owe $100 each, for example (a bad example), hold HIM responsible for getting $200 (collecting from her) and yourself responsible for paying $100. I simply wouldn't deal with her at all. Tell him that - to avoid drama and problems - she is HIS responsibility.


That way too, if you lend money to your brother to pay part of the rent, you are lending money to your brother - not this girl. Whether she chooses to pay him back or not is their business. Treat them like a couple and try to stay out of their personal business.


That's my take...

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The problem is someone not understanding their responsibility and you minding it. The solution is to lend them the money instead of quitely paying it..........Decide the exact shares....lend them the money if they dont have...but get them in the habbit of paying their rents..........


secondly ...dont mind his gf...........

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Is the agreement between the three of you equally, or one between you and your brother and he has a separate agreement with his girlfriend? If the latter, then you should only be dealing with him because how they come up with the money is not your business.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was between me and them. I have received 1/3 of what they was supposed to give me, and his stupid gf last night did not understand the concept that I was not going to add another receiver to the cable bill when they still owed me money. When I was asked about getting one, I thought I could not be any clearer "if you want a box in your room, you pay for it.".

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