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The "getting back together support thread"!!


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jol I am with you on the rat killing ...


we have even named him ...scurry


I think I said it wrong ..I go out to shout at it ..but I couldn't kill it myself .


the animals and the birds are my friends ..I prefer them to humans hahahaha I do ...


its frosty which is making it hard for the birds to eat ...so I fill up my bird table , but I know that is just encouraging scurry ..so I didn't put food out one day and I saw little robin sat on a plant pot looking for his breky ..awwww ...I felt bad ..so the food went back out, and scurry was on it ...


so the only answer is ...I sit here like a lemon all day watching so the birds and the squirrel get their grub and scurry stays away ...

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Skippy - you are a cheeky bugger!! hahahaha...


s/star - I am also from Yorkshire (north Yorkshire, Middlesbrough - to be precise), and our English is much better than the bloody Cockneys IMO!!!....lol


Bless you - I also prefer animals to humans. Scurry is a lucky rat... Aren't there any local cats to chase him?? Let nature do it's thing - it's the best way.

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Star: I think I understand. I have a dog that's a "Yorkie" and when he barks I do not detect any accent at all. Thanks for clearing that up for me!!


Joi: "Cheeky" is that damn "English" again. On this side of the pond we don't use that term. I imagine it's dealing with that fat lady at the buffet table and the resulting effects on both sides of her obese noggin'. Right, Star?? LOL. Actually Lennon used that term in "A Hard Days Night". First time I heard that, 45 +/- years ago!!

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East Yorkshire eh?? Well, at least you are not from 'Sunny Scunny'... hahaha.. In my previous job, I spent a lot of time in Hull, and I had no problem understanding them. Londoners, on the other hand, drive me crazy with their 'holier than thou' attitude. when I used to work in London; they always compared me to 'Last of the Summer Wine', and asked me if I had a flat cap. Bloody southerners....hahaha..

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East Yorkshire eh?? Well, at least you are not from 'Sunny Scunny'... hahaha.. In my previous job, I spent a lot of time in Hull, and I had no problem understanding them. Londoners, on the other hand, drive me crazy with their 'holier than thou' attitude. when I used to work in London; they always compared me to 'Last of the Summer Wine', and asked me if I had a flat cap. Bloody southerners....hahaha..


oh I have been likened to coronation street , emerdale farm and even asked where in Liverpool I am from ....dear god what must I sound like .


I have heard every "have you got electricity and I can smell the fish from here" joke going haha


whats worse ..it is always the northernous that end up on the likes of jeremy kyle ..which just confirms what they thought about

us to start with.


now I like a southern accent I must admit ..makes me chuckle .

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East Yorkshire eh?? Well, at least you are not from 'Sunny Scunny'... hahaha.. In my previous job, I spent a lot of time in Hull, and I had no problem understanding them. Londoners, on the other hand, drive me crazy with their 'holier than thou' attitude. when I used to work in London; they always compared me to 'Last of the Summer Wine', and asked me if I had a flat cap. Bloody southerners....hahaha..


oh I have been likened to coronation street , emerdale farm and even asked where in Liverpool I am from ....dear god what must I sound like .


I have heard every "have you got electricity and I can smell the fish from here" joke going haha


whats worse ..it is always the northernous that end up on the likes of jeremy kyle ..which just confirms what they thought about

us to start with.


now I like a southern accent I must admit ..makes me chuckle .

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Star and Joi: My Yorkie has been acting a little "dodgy", so I took him for a walk in the rain this morning. After I remove his "cagoule" and feed him his "banger" I'll check about the "barking by gum". It's impolite to bark with banger in your mouth!! Right mate?? BTW, "gum" here is "chewy" there.

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Star and Joi: My Yorkie has been acting a little "dodgy", so I took him for a walk in the rain this morning. After I remove his "cagoule" and feed him his "banger" I'll check about the "barking by gum". It's impolite to bark with banger in your mouth!! Right mate??


skippy thats very good ...I will send you a copy of the yorkshire post and a pair of wellies .




right mate

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wellington boot ?


long rubber things you wear in the rain ? ( almost hitting dodgy territory here )


posh english people wear green ones with sensible trousers ...ha


With respect to Dumpi I'll get off of here ("off topic") but sometimes "long rubber things" can mean sonething quite different over here. So, I guess I'll go to the drug store and buy me some "wellies" hoping to get lucky tonight!! And I have been wearing brown trousers and they don't have the sense God gave a goose!! BTW, we call them "pants". Which is something Yorkie does on hot days. I'm so confused!!

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With respect to Dumpi I'll get off of here ("off topic") but sometimes "long rubber things" can mean sonething quite different over here. So, I guess I'll go to the drug store and buy me some "wellies" hoping to get lucky tonight!! And I have been wearing brown trousers and they don't have the sense God gave a goose!! BTW, we call them "pants". Which is something Yorkie does on hot days. I'm so confused!!


Hope we didn't kill this thread w/the silly banter we had today. Now as Dumpi said, get back on topic!!!

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I don't know how many of you remember me but I lurked these forums for the past year. I guess most people don't come back here to post about their success stories. However I am thankful for the support I've gotten here and would like to do my part.


I had experienced what most of you are dealing with now, my ex was with another guy after we broke due to circumstances and I was devastated. Saw their pictures etc. and it wasn't a nice feeling knowing the one you love is now with another person without a thought for you. We had to spend half a year in LDR as we both had studies. We still continued caring for each other and liking each other but she moved on eventually after we argued. So we had NC.. and a bit of contact when it was necessary. One day she came back to talk to me and complained about her then-boyfriend. Couldn't resist and broke NC when she messaged me with just 'boo!'. I was there for her the whole time but she had no feelings left for me due to the time away from each other.


So we became friends and chatted via internet and until the very end she believed she was happiest with the rebound. I decided to take a chance by meeting her when I flew back after my studies because after all I need to go back to look for an internship. Of course we had to spend time together and not be desperate and make weird moves in order to see if anything happens. That is what made her realise what we have and we are better than ever two months down the line now. We clicked so well and all the memories and why we first loved each other just came back to us. It was on a bus trip after a week of seeing each other that she leaned on me and fell asleep. It felt as if we were dating all over again. It just happened so naturally and wasn't forceful at all. We clicked, laughed and had fun like we did in the past. Now I am back here where I studied but will be flying back to start my job training in March. Can't wait


Sometimes people don't know they are in a rebound, but sometimes it works out as well. You have to start moving on and improve yourself in the process. If they don't come back, then at least you come out a better person than before.


P.S Don't know if this is the thread to post it. But don't be disheartened! Ride through it and get out stronger.

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