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My BF tells me how much he loves me and that I'm beautiful, I'm sexy, and so F'n Hot... However he still takes pics of this girls butt with whom he works with and once was pursuing but she wasn't interested... He is 38 years old and this is his first long term relationship. First woman he ever lived with, first woman he's had unprotected sex with.. there are a lot of first. I am 38 years old mother of 3 grandmom of 3, so we are from opposite ends of the playing field in life... IDK... I am confused... I am 5'1", 94lbs. 32/25/32 and she is significantley bigger. If I am all those things to him why would he still do that? HELP from the ladies also.... I love him and want to make him the happiest he's ever been.... But I want to be the "only desire"..

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This guy sounds neat. How long is this "long term relationship"? Sounds like he's interested in you only for the physical attributes. Normally I'd say you're not secure with yourself from what you've said but if he just keeps going on and on about how hot you are etc, he's a player. He's probably saying that to a bunch of women.


Maybe I'm different, and like to compliment women on more than their body. Yeah, I'm different. And weird.

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Yes a little creepy... Especially since we have amazing sex just about every day.. and it's before he goes to work..


It's not just that...taking photos of a girl's butt who he was pursuing but she wasn't interested sounds pretty off. Maybe it's just where I'm from but not many girls are interested in a guy taking pictures of her butt, let alone a guy she is not interested in.

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I'm not sure if she did. He has always been big on pics and video of women he has been with or wanted to be with. I am the smallest woman he's ever been with... I am confused more than anything because I never cared about sex or physical attraction and now I am OCD with it.

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If she didn't, I would be a little irked about him taking pictures like that and obviously if she did know it suggests he isn't faithful.


Perhaps you are feeling OCD about it because he seems so fixated on your looks. Or, if you feel deep down that you aren't his type. It is usually really obvious if a guy is really into you or if it is a front as I'm sure you already know


Since he knows you saw the picture while he was showing you something it seems like your best option is to talk to him about your feelings. That is one thing you haven't been totally clear about.. how this makes you feel.

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@"Make it Count" He was known for being a player and a woman hater. He is not like that towards me. I think he is still miffed that he couldn't have her and so he still fantasizes about her...We have been together almost a year and lived together for 10 of those months.

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@"Make it Count" He was known for being a player and a woman hater. He is not like that towards me. I think he is still miffed that he couldn't have her and so he still fantasizes about her...We have been together almost a year and lived together for 10 of those months.


so you moved in together after a month, he's getting sex every day, making you feel like you're not good enough, and taking pictures of other women. Also, comments purely (im assuming) on your physique.


I'm sorry, but HOW is he not being a player?

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I think he wants to give up his player role but is afraid to.. I am trying to be patient since this is his first REAL relationship but damn...


Why is it that women always want to "fix" someone, at their own expense no doubt.


How about some self-respect for yourself, along with a dose of reality of who this guy is? Clearly nothing is changing, it's been a year.

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