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A list of movies that may give you some help.....

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I'm not a big believer that life is like the movies but for some it can move them and give them the feeling of hope and happiness. Yes it may be in vain but it can momentarily make a person feel good, if only for a few hours. Sometimes that is all it will take for people help deal with certain situations. I know some movies have motivated me in different ways so I thought we could compile a list of movies that will help people deal with their break up. Feel free to add to the list but give a description of how the movie may help a person.


Swingers - Shows people can move on and there are greener pastures ahead


Love and Sex - Shows that people can break up and end up back together


Jerry Maguire - Shows that things can get really rough but work out in the end


Made - Somtimes the relationship isn't what we thought it was and its time to bail


Right now that is all I can think of. If I think of more I will add some. As I said earlier feel free to add any you think may be benefical. Debbie Does Dallas doesn't qualify


Funny Jon Favreau is in three of those movies.....

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this is an awesome topic.


I have been looking for good break up movies - something kinda funny - no romantic scenes - u know... movies that give u a good laugh. So if anyone knows of any - post them please!


Anywho - I'm a dork (I own all the Little house on the prairie episodes on DVD, and the Mr. Bean set) - so u may not like my suggestions!


Bruce Almighty - HILARIOUS - good gut bustin movie. And it gives u hope...


Circle of Friends - breaking up, getting back together, its got it all (always makes me feel strong after I watch it)


Johnny English - just cuz I LOVE MR. bean so much . it'll make u laugh

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good topic, and good choices everybody.

Here are my additions:


Annie Hall- Meet, get serious, break up, get back together, and break up again. Dating they way it works in real life.


When Harry met Salley- A man and a woman's relationship as friends and more over 10 years. Good movie with a hopeful, yet somewaht sappy ending.


High Fidelity- This movie is essentially a guy dealing with his girlfirend leaving him and realizing he needs to change and grow. Killer soundtrack as well.


Those are my favs,


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Hi JustPlainSad,


I think that movies are sometimes a great source for motivation as well. Although sometimes it could be an exxageration of reality, sometimes it's nice to enjoy the meaning behind it. Some of my favorite movies that motivate me are:


1.) Dangerous Minds- It's about how teachers can truly make a difference, and make a positive change in student's lives. It's a heart warming movie. I love it!


2.) The Joy Luck Club- Reminds me of what my mom went through while growing up, and why sometimes, even though I don't realize my own mother's good intentions, her ways of showing tough love is only to push me to become a stronger person. It helps me to reflect on her life, and how difficult she had it. I love the part where one of the movies says a quote similar to this, "Daughters are like their mothers. Always following the same footsteps, one after another, never breaking the cycle. They always fall as victims to their own mother's failures." Something like that. I especially love the part where the father pulls out the feather, and says that her mother had all of her good intentions of raising a daugther and offering her the best future. Unfortunately, the feather was all that she had to carry onto her daugther as a gift. The feather was symbolic. Even though it seemed to have no value, the intentiosn behind it is what truly gave it meaning. I choke up everytime I watch this part of the moive. Can't help it. Sob story. I love chick flicks! Yeah!


3.) Forrest Gump- What else can you say about it? Another awesome production by Steven Spielberg. "Life's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."


4.) Sleepless in Seattle- I love this movie. Another chick flick, but the story behind it is so cute. Might be an exxageration of fate and reality, but it's worth the watch!


5.) Saving Private Ryan- Helps me to envision how tough it was to fight in combat, back then in Europe. Reminds me of what my grandfather must've gone through when he fought back in France. The cinametography is so captivating. Another stunning piece of artwork by Steven Spielburg.


6.) Riding In Cars with Boys- An all around good movie, which is based on a true story, and depicts the lives of two young teenage mothers. It's moving in a sense that it shows that we don't always have complete control of our lives. Even though things don't always turn out the way that we plant them to be, we just have to make the best out of our what we got. Life's not perfect.


7.) Sweet November- I love Charliz's character in that movie. I swear, her hippyish kind of personality is how I sometimes feel at heart.


8.) Soul Food- I love how the movie emphasizes on family togetherness, faith, and family traditions. In some ways, I can relate to it, espeically during family reunions and family gatherings.


Nice topic JustPlainSad! Mahlina

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I was trying to keep it kinda "realtionshipy" but we'll make it a full blown help souce.


Pumping Iron - If you're being lazy and you're not going to the gym like you want to. Amazingly inspirational well for me at least.....


Hoosiers - To feel good about accomplishing ANYTHING!!!!!


The Hustler - Know when to say when. Sometimes in life we need to take a step back and just stop what we are doing


The Color of Money - Sometimes helping others will help you with your demons


Hoop Dreams - How we can all rise from the hardships that are thrown in our way

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Well, it isn't a relationship movie per se but it does have a lot of the elements. I think any movie that shows you how hard things are for some people can only make you appreciate the stupidness of your "love life" situation and really put things in perspective.


Everybody should check out Antoine Fisher. It is sad, but gets good at the end.

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on that not, the first Rocky always leaves me feeling good afterward. It shows you the you can lose the battle but still win the war. Plus you can see my old apartment building in it.



Rocky 1??? Rocky 4 is surely the best, the way he overcomes the death of his best mate Apollo and beats the big bad Russian in the end! Great stuff!


I was trying to keep it kinda "realtionshipy" but we'll make it a full blown help souce.

You can't help but be touched by his relationship with Adrian (although I haven't watched it since I was dumped so I may have changed my view of it!)!

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hmmm for me it goes like this:


1) 50 First Dates - Shows love can overcome all odds.


2) 100 Women - Shows that love strikes when you least expect it.


3) Mr. Deeds - Proves both the above.


4) Notting Hill (My Personal Favourite I LOVE this movie - Everyone stands a chance with everyone else.

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I wasn't a big fan of romantic comedy until I went through my heartbreak. Movies that got me through it :

Deliver Us from Eva--relationship-challenged woman get's swept off her feet. The comedy is a bit offbeat but fun to watch.


How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days--cute and witty ( realized I had done some of the things in the movie!!)


When Harry met Sally--very hopeful and smart comedy. Almost a to do of how to behave when he won't take the next step( or is afraid to).

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Love , love the movies.

LIKE WATER FOR CHOCOLATE: gets me everytime; good old fashioned romance set in early 1900 Mexico; full of thwarted love, symbolism, pure but erotic at the same time; SEE IT

THE PHILADELPHIA STORY: 1930's classic full of silliness and fab acting; feels good everytime

NEVER BEEN KISSED: goofy girl gets a chance to do return to high school and get the guy! love it

GIDGET: Sandra Dee and James Darren from 1959: sweet, innocent and the way I would like things to be!!


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