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Pregnant by my boyfriend....He's got a girlfriend NOT WIFE, girlfriend HELP!!!

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I don't see any reason to avoid going to Planned Parenthood for counseling, especially if you don't have the resources to afford other options. Planned Parenthood provides counseling for any outcome- abortion, adoption, or parenting, in the event that you change your mind. But I would avoid going to what they call "crisis pregnancy centers" where they counsel women against having abortions.

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@Lostnscared I never said that I was upset because he cannot commit to me fully. I do not expect anything else from him. But he layed just like I did and he should be serious seeing as though I could get my ass up, go over there, knock on their and tell her.

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@holly & Ariel My daughter is 2 and my son is one. As far as what he will do...None of us can say. I told him today, who knows if he'll call tomorrow...I know him though, he will. He wants to know. I have the upper hand because I know where they live. I can tell her if I wanted to, I don't but I can. I know he's thinking about that if nothing else.

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Wow some of you people are harsh, I could have lived without your comment. You may want to read the post again it says no where that I want him to leave his girlfriend. I also never said that I wanted to keep the baby. And if you wanna be technical, I technically do still have control over the situation. He hasn't told his other girlfriend and they don't have children. She takes care of him, he lives in her home. We creep when SHES at work. Maybe we could team up against his ass...


Revenge would do what? How is it making situation better? Lets look at you can do to improve your situation.

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Revenge would do what? How is it making situation better? Lets look at you can do to improve your situation.


I agree... I mean if you want to, by all means tell her, but will that really make this situation better. Whether you tell this woman or not, you are still pregnant, and still will be terminating the pregnancy. What is the thrill of telling her that you chose to have sex with her boyfriend KNOWING he was with her and now your aborting? Even if she does leave him--that won;t change your situation.

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@Guynextdoor...I said I could but deep down I don't really want revenge. I am working to improve my situation and I will not be seeing him again.


That's good to hear. So if I may ask, what is it that you want him to do that he isn't?


Pay for the abortion?

Offer more emotional support?



I guess I'm just confused here-if you already know you want an abortion and don't want him to commit to you, then what do you want from him????

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No, but to a certain extent it could help the OP that she *could* tell her boyfriend's girlfriend. She doesn't have to actually tell her, but if her "boyfriend" refuses to help pay for things, knowing that the OP *could* tell his girlfriend may change his mind.

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I don't get the thrust of this, TBH. You keep talking about being in control, having the upper hand, etc., but what does that mean? Is it some comfort to know that you can potentially wreck his relationship with his GF? That seems to turn you on somehow. Like this is all less about your predicament than you kidding yourself that you're actually empowered in a situation that you were doomed to fail in from the get-go.


What really do you want here?

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The only thing i will add, is this.


Revenge does not achieve anything. All you will get from it, is a 5 minute feeling of satisfaction. Then 5 YEARS of regret. Dont lower yourself to being vengeful and bitter like so many other in this world. Keep your standards higher than everyone else, and know that that makes you a better person than everyone else.

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Okay, Okay to set the record straight. The option of telling his girlfriend is out of the question. But I do feel that it is a great scare tactic. I want to rewind time Ariel but since that isn't possible I want to move forward, way past this situation. I want to put it behind me. Bury it and throw away the key along with him.

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Okay, Okay to set the record straight. The option of telling his girlfriend is out of the question. But I do feel that it is a great scare tactic. I want to rewind time Ariel but since that isn't possible I want to move forward, way past this situation. I want to put it behind me. Bury it and throw away the key along with him.


Then just take the high road and do just that.

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@Guynextdoor I want to slap him when I see him...but other than that nothing. If he offers emotional support, thats cool, but if not I'm pretty sure God can do a way better job. As far as pay, fool don't even got a job soooo...


Girl once you slap him let me get a piece of his azz. He is no man in my book.

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@holly & Ariel My daughter is 2 and my son is one. As far as what he will do...None of us can say. I told him today, who knows if he'll call tomorrow...I know him though, he will. He wants to know. I have the upper hand because I know where they live. I can tell her if I wanted to, I don't but I can. I know he's thinking about that if nothing else.


To be honest, if I were the girlfriend, I would want to know. Especially, if I were supporting his sorry behind!


How long have you been out of work?


Girl, you've got to get your act together. You're twenty years old and have two children and one on the way. You do not have financial means, and no steady male partner in your life-you know what the result of this is to your children. You're also hooking up with someone else's man with no job, there's nothing positive in this direction for you or your children. For the sake of your kids, please change your path, and use condoms!

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PLEASE go to planned parenthood and get on some proper birth control. Implants if you can't take the pill or use condoms. You are 20 and don't have a job and already have two kids (to different fathers?). PLEASE consider all of your options (adoption, abortion, as well as keeping it) but try to do something to prevent pregnancy number 4. I can't quite believe that 3 accidents could have happened to anyone and you have to take some responsibility. I assume that tax payers or other support is preventing you from taking on the full responsibility of raising your current children so the prospect of more out of wedlock children does not scare you. It should.

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