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I went to the Reiki group tonight and really liked it. I didn't know though that the group was for people who are already Reiki trained. They were happy to let me stay and started the session with the invocation and then an energy healing for me. We talked a little beforehand, and they asked me how I came to be there. I told them I had always been interested and read a little. Told them about my interest also in reflexology and massage and that I have just done it for friends who seem to like it. The asked me if I wanted to sit at the end of the bed as each person had their energy healing and if I wanted, while the others were "laying hands", I could give a reflexogy treatment to the feet of the person having the energy healing. They all seemed to like this and invited me to come back anytime. The lady who facilitated the group runs workshops and classes and trains up to Master level so I'm going to look further into it. I don't know what sort of dollars are required, but if I can afford it, I will do it.


David rang me after I got home. We also spoke on the phone earlier today. He told me tonight that I have changed his life - opened a new chapter for him of things he thought were completely gone from his life forever - and also that he wishes I was there with him. Yep, the same man who won't celebrate Valentine's Day properly and says he is the most unromantic man in the world.


We talked about our day as usual and have a few laughs. It's nice sharing our day and saying good-night. I'll probably see him Thursday. If I don't have to work, he's going to come over and give some attention to my ponies hooves.


I managed to get my housework done and the ponies taken care of, but not a lot else except I did make an appointment to get my hair treated tomorrow as I do every 5 weeks. I always feel so much better afterwards. We are right at the end of summer here and my hair is looking like crap - way too blonde atm and going all dry and blah.


I'm working at one of my favourite places tomorrow, and got a call today from another place giving me 8.5 hours work, not this Sunday, but the next. I'm so grateful that as soon as work comes available, they are calling me and offering it to me before going through the administrative channels which would mean I probably wouldn't get the job.


At the place I'm going to tomorrow,there is a guy - a client - who isn't all that old who had a stroke, and then got bashed without provocation while he was in the street. He sustained a brain injury. His speech is affected, but I don't know if it is because of the stroke or the brain injury caused by the bashing. Even the speech therapist noted that his speech hasn't progressed as much as it should have because the staff aren't encouraging him to talk enough and answer his questions for him. I've been making attempts to get him to speak. I can tell he is one of those men who really likes women, and he seems chuffed to have all these female staff about him. I like him - when he's happy. Sometimes he gets so frustrated, he just makes these bear-like noises. The rest of the time, he's happy and smiling and laughs a lot. Anyway, I'm already commited to making him talk as much as possible and the other night, he did so well. He was putting 2 words together and tomorrow, I'm going to see if I can get him to put at least 3 words together. I think he will talk reasonbly normally eventually. He tries really hard. He's a nice guy too.

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I'm feeling so much better. This morning, I became so filled with anxiety and had some quiet time to myself. I know the anxiety was related to financial strains over a very long period of time. I've been procrastinating about taking my car to my mechanic for servicing out of fear of finding out it is going to need major work. I know there is no logic in my not taking my car in. I haven't even been having problems with my car, but it is well and truly overdue for a service.


I actually dropped in and saw him and as I've known him for probably around 10 years and we know each other quite well, we had quite a long chat about our families and just the general stuff. I first met him through my ex Richard,and his name came up. Terri, my mechanic said he saw him a few months ago, and he is now very, very large. When I was with Richard, he was a gym junkie and body-builder and totally vain about his body. I last saw Richard about 2 years ago,and didn't recognise him then, but Terri said he is much larger, and apparently said to Terri in relation to me and our relationship and his womanising, that he was very sorry, that was a mistake and that he had learned his lesson!! OMG,I always thought he was just sorry he got caught. LOL!


Anyway, I've booked my car in for Monday. David has told me to just get a service and find out if anything has to be done and then to speak with him and "we'll see what we can do." David is also a motorcycle mechanic by trade and knows enough to do his own repairs to his cars. He's really busy,and I wouldn't expect he has the time to carry out repairs to my car, but I know he will be able to at least give me his opinion on what is urgent and how long I have to get anything fixed. Well, I've found Terri to be honest as well, but in the past I've dealt with some mechanics who have turned out to be very dodgy. Anything to do with mechanical repairs to cars and the money it costs makes me nervous. Without my car, I'm stuffed. I live miles from basic facilities, there is NO public transport about and I need my car for work. Still, I felt so much better after I had finally booked my car in.


Felt refreshed after getting my 5 weekly touch-up and trim to my hair and chat with my hairdresser Ann. Who needs a shrink when you have a hairdresser?? LOL! Nah, I don't tell her THAT much.


I'm a bit excited in more ways than one. I finally got around to ordering a dvd on Tantric Love and Sex. Due to the disclaimer on Paypal, I was reluctant to renew my account and so I emailed the seller asking if I could organise another way to make payment. I get a phone call from her this morning which was sort of interesting and nice. She's from Byron Bay which used to be a type of iconic coastal paradise which attracted a lot of alternate type people. There still are a lot of that type there, but the real estate has gone through the roof and most landowners there now would be mega-rich. Anyway, this lady, from what I can make out is so into Tantra herself and runs groups for couples. Of course, I, we, won't attend. For starters, it's interstate, but no, I don't want to learn and practice it in public.


When David rang tonight and we were talking about our day, I told him. He laughed his head off saying: "As women get older,they are supposed to become less interested in sex,but you keep getting more interested . . . . um, did you order the dvd so I can become a better lover???" I told him I'm getting the dvd for myself, but I will lend it to him, and that it may not be his thing. He did sound very interested though, especially when he heard it had demonstrations on film. LOL! Anyway, he sounded very happy and said some very complimentary things to me, and said he wants to hear more about it tomorrow when he sees me in person.


Overall, it was a good day. I'm definitely feeling on the way back up.

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so happy for you! It brings a smile to my face.

I've been down for a few days...I think about Dan almost hourly still (how sick) but just momentarily. I don't dwell on it...or at least don't try to!


Just feeling so exceedingly lonely. I was thinking the other day, how much I miss sex with him. I went almost 15 years with no sex, or very little, and could have cared less. but when I finally had sex with someone I was crazy over (and it was pretty darn good), I miss those times terribly.

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Hugs Carla,

I was starting to get worried about you and was going to send you an IM. I've actually started thinking about David quite consciously as "Friend and Lover" as opposed to b/f or partner. It's a funny thing, but that helps me feel better and actually more secure in myself.


He was going to come over today in between jobs, and then after we had a quick talk on the phone asked if it would be okay if he came after he had finished work so he wouldn't need to rush off. Since I've known him, he's nearly always been rushing here and there.


My neck is a bit sore today. I think I must have either strained it at work last night or slept in a funny position. I've been lying around as I'll have another very physical day at work tomorrow.


I got my clothes and jewelry ready for the belly dancing club. When I went before, the women used to come with their bangles and earrings, and it was fun so I hope this is a fun group too.


I hope you feel better soon. Have you thought of just having a lover to help you through the drought. I don't mean just anyone, but someone suitable? You don't have to be totally in love with them or anything, but you would need to like them.

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LOL...I WISH I could find a lover.....hehehehe

but if there was anyone I'd be interested in, they are not interested in me....and visa-versa.


And it really makes me feel slu**y if I DO happen to fall into bed with someone, and it turns into a one night stand. I had a 2 month period in my 20's I did that. I knew it was cuz my self-worth had flown out the window...and I swore I'd never do that again!!


Plus I'm not feeling sexy. And the more bummed I get about it...the more I eat...it's a vicious circle...


I sounds like David pulled back at V.D. because...well...who knows, he's a man...but now has sprung back...lol


So happy for you. And now you are going to your belly-dancing class. I bet David thinks he hit the jack-pot when he met you!!! (and he did!)

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LOL Carla,

To be truthful,when I was in your position, I felt the same and just could not have slept with anyone. I had this offer after the breakup with Richard which was really weird to me - a younger very good looking guy, but I couldn't even consider it.


David came this afternoon and only just left. It's after midnight. Don't know if this will surprise you. Look at my last post.



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I have to start getting ready for work now. It's such a hot day here. I don't know the fire alert code, but I would think it would be quite high but not extreme.If it stays this hot over the weekend which I think it is expected to do, I will get my emergency plan of evacuation down pat. I know which road to take and where to head to get out of here. I've decided that when I get pre-warnings of over 41 degrees, I will take my dog,cat, paperwork, etc and go stay with David until it is safe to come back. I don't have a proper plan yet to take the horses with me as I don't have a towbar on my car and never floated so I'd definitely need help.


Anyway, I just got back from the belly-dance class and just loved it. I did it maybe 10 years ago, but just went to the term of maybe 8-10 classes. Well, I remembered a few things and the instructor said she thinks I have belly-danced in a previous life. They did various dances - the dance of the veils, the dance of the skirts and a more modern version of belly-dance they said was classed as burlesque to Christina Agueilerra, "So You Think You Can Burlesque". The group have been together for a couple of years,extremely friendly, and they perform at local events and at places like nursing homes. They are performing at a community event I am hoping to get to Sunday, but I won't get there until late as I have to work.


Got a heap to do before work. Have a great day if anyone is reading this.

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I don't know anything about Australia. You keep saying your family is 'interstate', and I'm not sure what that means. I always took it to mean that they lived 'inland'..like the center of Australia. I only know Australia's huge...lol. So much for knowing my geography!


But you've also mentioned a few times about 'floating', and I never knew what you were talking about. Are you on some sort of an Island, or Inlet, or....something????


I'm in the middle of nowhere....well...180 miles (3 hrs.) from Chicago.

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Hi Carla,

My family live about a 3 hour plane trip away.They live in a coastal region which would take about 2 days drive by car to get there. I don't live on the coast, but maybe an hours drive away. I live in the Yarra Valley which is South-East of Melbourne,and a lot of people like me travel to Melbourne for work each day. I work also on the outskirts of Melbourne, and that is around an hours drive away.


Oh by floating, I mean putting my horses in a horse trailer to take them to other places. We call the trailers "floats". I don't have my own float as they usually cost around $10,000 but have hired them from time to time. I've never towed anything in my life and it's very hilly and windy roads where I live so I'd be putting my own, my horses and other people's lives at risk for sure. LOL! However, David has towed a float for me with his car and I loaded the ponies into the float. Don't know if you ever had to load your own horses onto a float/trailer. For a lot of horses, it can take a lot of time due to their fear. The last time I floated mine - a couple of weeks ago, they were just perfect. I walked them straight on it and then when we arrived, walked them straight off. That was very satisfying to see how well behaved and relaxed they were.


My dog is annoying the crap out of me tonight. He won't stop barking at foxes and I can't get him to come inside.


It was a great day today. David and I are both very tired though from such a late night last night. Hope you had a good day. xxxx

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Hi Carla,

I was sort of surprised that I got a period today. I haven't had one since December and wondered if maybe they had finished. When I was with G, they had stopped and I had blood tests done which showed I was in menopause. I thought it was that which really affected my sex drive with him and ability to really enjoy sex. Then the month that my relationship with David became sexual, voila, my period returned and I was getting every month - totally normal period. Well, I hadn't had it since the surgery in December, but back now, maybe a little light. On the one hand, I think it would be good not to have the bother of a period but I feel strangely reluctant for that part of my life to be over. Now I have to search around for the script the doctor gave me. I'm to have a contraceptive implant put in my arm for both contraception and hormone therapy.

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Hey Carla,

I posted about this on another thread. At the belly-dance group, they have costumes for their performances. I've got things okay for practice, but will get something for either performance or just feeling nice at the class. I was thinking of something similar to this. What do you think?


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Hugs Carla,

I'm sure I told you about this do we are going to tomorrow. Well, I thought it was just a fair, but now I'm a bit confused about what it is. It's a remembrance day and fundraiser for the people who died in the bushfires and their families and to raise money for people still affected. I only just finished work and got home and it's nearly midnight and I start work at 8am (hours drive to get there). I'll be getting home as quickly as I can tomorrow and get ready to go. When I spoke with David tonight, I expressed a bit of uncertainty because it's also been stinking hot. He just said he would let it be my call. I will miss a lot of the day and asked him if he wanted to meet me there, but he said no, he wants to pick me up and take me there himself. I only realised tonight I should wear a dress, and I'm in a bit of a dither. I know it sounds childish and shallow,but I'm so looking forward to being seen with him.There will be quite a few people there he knows and I'm a little excited but a bit nervous too. He does seem a little different somehow. For ages, he used to say how he doesn't like going out and now he is wanting to go out quite a lot-compared to how he was, and he just sounds different when he speaks to me on the phone. . . definitely he sounds very happy. I really want to look nice. I'm quite certain we will have a good time.


Do you think the red harem suit looks nice. I like the yellow-orange-gold one too. With the dance group, they wear the pants, but also need a long skirt matching color as one of the dances they do is "The Dance of The Skirts". I love it. It has this really mystical Turkish music. I've been practising moving my ribs while sitting down, especially in the car,and also moving my stomach muscles because I want to strengthen and tone up ASAP and of course,you need the strength, control and movement for the dance!! LOL!


Anyway, I hope you have a good weekend. I'll probably stay at his place tomorrow night. XXXXXX

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I'm not a big red color lover....what goes best with your hair color and skin tones??? I, myself love yellow/gold, but looks awful on me (I think) cuz my hair is so yellowish/gold. Even tho red looks good on me, I think I own only one red shirt!!! lol...I always had a hard time finding something to wear for Valentines Day!!!


I was suppose to meet some new guy tonite from a dating site. Wasn't too excited about it..lol...I was running out of the guys I really wanted to meet, so now I'm on to the guys that....well...maybe...if I have too.....I guess I could....nothing better to do...date!!! lol


But he emailed me this morning that his suv broke down yesterday and was being fixed, and that he was battling a cold...so he was going to have to reschedule. I found solice in the fact that he could 'spell' reschedule!!! lol....yes, it come down to that!! I'm not even sure what his name is!!! lol


It sounds as if David has made a decision...and is happy about it!! Maybe he felt you pulling away around Valentines Day, or wanting to see your reaction...who knows....maybe he was struggling with making that final 'leap', and when he finally did, it was a weight off of his shoulders!!


You being so far out in the boonies/sticks, I can't imagine that you were never out with him (or hardly at all) dressed up and seen in public as a 'couple'. Living in a town, you (me and date) are always dressed up (or down) and seen in public. What a different lifestyle...and I think I like yours better!!!


You will look fabulous!!! I can't imagine strengthening my abs and moving my ribs, especially while sitting down! I look like a big puffed out marshmellow...especially when I sit down. I was thinking the other day, that when I was going through my deep depression, and talking to my counselor, that I didn't have that spare tire sticking out above my pants, and I remember sitting there talking to her in my foggy state of mind, but looking at my legs and thinking my thighs looked thin.......boy, those were the days!!! lol


Now I'm depressed and just stay home every night thinking,,,,,welll...what else can I stuff in my mouth to satisy the NEED...not hunger...never hungry...just filling an emptiness inside of me....and it never works....


Did I ever tell you how frickin' lonely I am???? lol


You get out and do something...me ....I sit on here....It's freezing here in my part of the country. We have hardly had any snow, but yesterday it snowed a few inches. And it's cold, but a mild winter in general....but I hate extreme heat and humidity also!!! lol


I'm so hard to please!!! lol and yes, we call them "horse trailers" here..not floats...thanks for clarifying that. Years ago (I was around 12) my dad was buying 2 palimonos. We had only one horse, and these were his newest aquisitions. They were cheap and unbroke. A stallion and a mare. I'm not sure if they were brother or sister, but the mare was the 'prettier' of the two. She was put in the 'float' and went nuts. She was rearing up, and got her front leg caught somehow, and ended up having a heart-attack or something. Then they had the problem of getting her out.


So we ended up with the 'boy'. dad ended up breaking him, which of course he never really knew what he was doing. I think he just went out with a saddle and threw it on him. I remember the horse bucking a few times.


Then we moved to Iowa, and had 30 acres. I was 13, and we had neighbors who all rode horses. (now no one does) So I ended up riding the palimino, whose name was 'sugar boy'. For about 2 years, then we were too grown up, and we moved on to vehicles.


Have a good night at Davids tonite! Practice all that tantric kissing on him. I never keep my eyes open during sex, they are ALWAYS closed...lol!


Give David a kiss for me, and I'm sooooo glad you are in your 'happy place'.....


Carla and pup

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Hugs Carla,

I wanted to have a Palamino for ages. Who knows, maybe one day I will get one to add to my little herd. Sounds like at least some aspects of your family life were great.


Yeah, I think you should go out with some of these guys. Remember back when I went out for coffee with David not that long after the breakup, and I wasn't at all interested. I was still too knocked about from the breakup. I'd get to see him when he came over to work on the ponies,and sometimes he would ring or email me, but I didn't think it would ever go anywhere. It wasn't until a while later that I started to get to like him in that way.


Interesting about your horses being floated. If I ever find the time, I'm going back to these training days with a lady horse handler I know. She has a dvd and talks and trains extensively on floating. She has a dvd "Floating Can Be Fun" with some amazing footage. She believes that and explains why floating can be terrifying to horses and she gives strategies on preparing horses to be floated. I would say quite possibly that the horse your father bought which had a heart attack had been floated traumatically before your father bought him, and that is why he panicked so much. Very sad.


I bet you would look great in red. So much of what I own is black, but I do like some red things. Yes, I have gold skin and hair tonings, and I look good in SOME shades of gold/yellow and orange. Maybe you should try the belly-dancing yourself. I'm looking forward to going again this week. I even gave myself a pedicure today. I've never owned or even worn an anklet,but I might get one and even some toe rings.


Well,David and I went out tonight, but we didn't go to the event we had planned to go to as both of us had what turned out to be BIG days, finishing work later than we expected and were both very tired. We went out for dinner on our own, and then came back to my place for coffee. We don't get to be really dressed up a lot. He's not a flash dresser - he's very casual. I love getting dressed up and would like to do that more often. I'm a bit worried about his health again. I think he has some underlying issue for this cellulitis in his leg which is back AGAIN. He's getting tired a lot too.


On another note, I'm a bit surprised at his insecurities and he seems to see right through mine too. He actually reads me pretty well even when my guard is up. I think that tonight especially, by the time we said good-bye, those insecurities had melted away for both of us. Just about every time I see him now, he says: "You know we won't be able to see more of each other unless we live together."He's obviously pretty keen for this to happen. His lease doesn't end until August,and if we do get a place together, I'm a bit picky about certain things the place would need to have to be able to accommodate us,the furries and the lifestyle.


We seem to be getting to know each other a lot better. Even though we were both tired and not really at our best early in the evening, we shared a lot of jokes and laughs, and it worked out well. Then he rang me when he got home and told me he loves me. Yes, we did get in some Tantric kissing!


I had a bit of a crap day at work today. Worked with a woman who was a real B. I've found her to be this way before and so have other people. Oh, icky. She's a real drama queen,has a very strong Chinese accent, and I couldn't understand her ranting which made her even angrier. LOL!


About the weather, don't you just get so fed up at the end of the seasons when you've had weather extremes which seem to go on and on. It doesn't snow right where I live,but there is snow for parts of the year within say an hour - an hour and a half drive away. I love to visit the snow.


Anyway, bedtime now. Have a good one and speak soon. XXXXXXX

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I need to go to bed. I'm tired, but feeling hyped up also. Thank God it is raining and the temperature has cooled down by more than 10 degrees.


Finally took my car in for a service today and it got the once over. Good news. There must be a God and he/she is looking after me. I've been so negligent with my car and only thing he could see that needed replacement parts was my brakes. All up, only cost $325 and in a month, I will need the auto-transmission serviced.


I've been racing around tonight trying to do housework. I got a call from work today saying that I will be over the hours I'm allowed to work and so I've had to drop tomorrow's shift. I have that much paperwork I need to get through and bills to sort out.


Carla,if you are there, my Tantra dvd came today. I'm going to have a look at it, but I realised today that it might be too soon for us to have Tantra. I wrote in another thread about something I felt today that I've never experienced before. I think it might be a good thing. Things got very intense last night, and today I feel that I need to take a bit more control of the reins as far as my feelings go. I need to pull back a bit from the relationship - probably only temporarily. My head is telling me to take things a little slower as far as my feelings are concerned. I think with my previous relationships, I just let myself get swept away. David isn't exactly the type to sweep me off my feet. He's way too practical for that type of thing. Still,finally I can use my head for a change and not have to give so much of my emotions and feelings of love to a man. He rang me a couple of times today and we talked a little. Everything is okay as far as I know.


I'm so peeved about money. I need to be focusing more on money and getting ahead. Time to be working more on getting other aspects of my life together. I he loves me, and he says he does, he isn't going to go away or give me the flick.

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PS While I was waiting for my car to be serviced, I found a framed print of one of my favourite paintings for $7. It's called "The Bee-Keeper" and was painted early last century I think - by a woman. It's painted at a place not far from where I live, and it looks like the landscape of where I am. A lot of her paintings were destroyed in bushfires at Warrandyte in the 1950's. Such a shame. Here's a link to it.


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Woke early this morning and got up. I can feel anxiety in the right side of my chest. I have so much to do today. I've had an ongoing dispute with a telephone company which I've been trying to sort out for months. Each time I think the matter is resolved, I get another letter of demand of payment from them for a telephone which I returned to them. I need to start taking official action against them in writing today. I'm going to visit them one more time today. Also yesterday, I got a letter from the Civic Compliance Authority about a speeding ticket which I had thought was paid so have to go through my paperwork. The speeding laws are tough here - it's mostly about generating revenue. I was going around 10kms over the speed limit in an area where the limit changes and I was fined around $300. Lucky I have the day off. I seem to have a lot of housework too - lots of spider webs on windows and dust.


When I was lying in bed this morning, I was thinking that I can and will take care of myself. I have some choice in my life. I don't need to just let my heart be broken over and over. I owe it to myself to take care of my emotions and not just hand my heart over to anyone to do as they wish with it.


Better start getting on with the day.

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Feeling a little more confident about resolving this matter with the telephone company. Had more fairly fruitless conversation with one of their reps by phone this am. Going into one of their offices soon. I've done some googling and have got good direction about the government body who I lodge my complaint with - if they don't resolve it today. Apparently, this company had to pay the Ombudsman $228 million in fines last year and there are claims that last year, the number of complaints rose by 220% with the Ombudsman's Department blaming them, saying that the majority of complaints they handle are against Vodaphone. I so want this problem to go away.

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Good luck with the phone company. I've been dealing with phone company snafu's too. For the past 5 months they've been overbilling. Every month I call, they credit my account, and tell me they've fixed the error. But it keeps appearing. Last week I called again and told them I'd have to start billing for my time. I'm seriously considering it—billing as a consultant! ;-)

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Hi JN and Thanks. It's been a nightmare - ever since the company I was with for years was taken over by Vodaphone. I only renewed my contract because the charger of my old phone died and the company said they no longer made them and that I would need to buy a new phone (on a more expensive contract), and they could guarantee me that everything would be just the same as when my contract was with Three. It's been such a problem here that there is legislation now that phone providers have to release people from their contracts when they are able to proove that they can't provide an adequate service. The house where I live is out of normal GPS (satellite range for car navigation). Up until that point, they were charging people thousands of dollars to get out of their contracts. My list of complaints against them is LONG. Basically, to provide phone coverage, they had me on "internet" for most of the time which was how the bills they directly debited from my account were so high. I'm off now.


Good Luck with your phone company too JN and have a great day.

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I feel quite insanely in love. Everything I wrote about staying in my own space for a while has gone out the window. David rang today and said he wanted to come around to see my ponies and trim their hooves. We did that together and then he stayed for cup of tea and talked to me (and other things too). I'm going to his place for tea and the night. He told me he loves me and is in love with me and says how couldn't he be and he said quite a few other things. I know I feel the same way. I've been feeling emotional and out of sorts from yesterday because of the fear that he will use, dump and abandon me as my exes did.

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I'm so jealous! Yes be careful of your heart, but not so much that you won't allow yourself to be vulnerable because you are afraid of being hurt. Maybe that's what David was doing? Protecting himself, so he wouldn't be stuck with someone who he thought was 'too needy'....


I'm so glad that david is still able to 'do the deed' and do it darn good as it sounds...a lot of men his age are having problems in that area. I hope I find a 'hottie' who still can deliver the goods...



But I don't think I'm the sexy little siren you are S.B.....you almost make me blush....you bad girl!!! lol:strawberry:

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I'm so jealous! Yes be careful of your heart, but not so much that you won't allow yourself to be vulnerable because you are afraid of being hurt. Maybe that's what David was doing? Protecting himself, so he wouldn't be stuck with someone who he thought was 'too needy'....


I'm so glad that david is still able to 'do the deed' and do it darn good as it sounds...a lot of men his age are having problems in that area. I hope I find a 'hottie' who still can deliver the goods...




There are ways and means of helping nature along with this Carla - and I don't mean Viagra or anything chemical. LOL!

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