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What's the worst date you've ever been on?

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Just thought it would be interesting to hear other people's worst first date experiences for the fun of it!


I met this guy at a friend's wedding three years ago. He was extremely tall [6" 5] which I like in a man and he looked really sharp in his suit! He asked for my number and asked me out on a date a couple of days later. I dressed up to my best and met him at a restaurant. First thing I noticed, he was in a t-shirt he never bothered iron, which was short-sleeved clearly showing off a huge tattoo of his ex's name on his arm! He said his dad told him he may as well get it out of the way as I'd see it sooner or later anyway! He told me he'd never been married nor had children but would like to.


Next, I noticed he was holding his drink in a kind of lopsided way, looked like it would spill any time. I pointed this out and he smiled. He struggled to pick up the food from his plate and I asked him if he was drunk. He said he'd had a couple of pints before we met. He struggled to stay awake on the date and I left early.


Long story short, I found out he was an alcoholic, manic-depressive, multiple suicide attempts, married father of two! He stalked me for months after that and threated to kill himself if I didn't go out with him! I'm still reeling from that date!

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Kat - that is really bad!!


i was interested in this guy for a while. he was a barista at my local coffee shop. he left and a few years later, he found me on match. he asked me out. he didn't remember me going to the coffee shop ever though. even though i was there nearly daily.... and then he spent most of the time talking about his ex and her boobs. (he broke up with her). and then he asked me for a 2nd date. i said no thanks.


oh, and then i had a horrible blind date, but that is for another day. lol.

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I was eating ice cream with a PFC who was in the infantry. He talked about nothing but the army and his Platoon, and I no idea what he was talking about. Apparently, the stories were funny, but I didn't get it. However, I did laugh on que. Next day, I told him I didn't think we should see each other again. He got upset and I received a bunch of prank calls the following days. I think I made a good choice

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Hmmm, well there was this one guy that decided we would go shoot pool and I drove to pick him up, he threw some smelly old dirty sneakers in my back seat and headed to the pool hall. He was wearing a tshirt, beach shorts and flip flops. In the meantime his sneakers were causing a stink (literally) in my backseat. He acted arrogant everytime he won a game, like he was some kind of pro. I drop him off at home, he forgot his shoes. He called me the next day and suggested that I drive his shoes to him. Right.......his number and his shoes went straight into the trash.

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I went on a date with a guy who was such a germiphobe that he carried a bottle of hand sanitizer everwhere and wouldn't touch his pint glass without using a napkin. He talked smack about what everyone in the bar was wearing the entire date.


The next day he asked me out again, I declined. Then he left me a string of angry messages that progressively got worse and worse. He actually said, "You stuck up byach, you don't know what's good for you, enjoy your lonely life!"



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Girl I met online worked some photo magic and was much different in person than she came accross online. I realized I was not attracted right off the bat but went along with the date anyway, of course. I cringed to myself as she began ordering expensive things off the menu!

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A friend set me up on a blind date...on the grounds that her and her man come with. We all met a really fancy restaurant downtown. He seemed ok...not too bad to look at as he was dressed up. Not long into the date, he said we had to eat and figure out what we doing next as he had to be home by 9pm. I joked "what?...still live with your mother?" His reply?..."no...gotta be back at the half way house"!!! haahahhaa...I took my friend outside and asked what the hell she was doing setting me up with an ex con and she swears she didn't know!! We can laughabout it now. We went back inside...he was juggling 2 cell phones and when I asked why 2 he said he knows a lot of people...but he swore he wasn't selling anymore! Yea...ok. So I ordered the most expensive steak on the menu (which was NOT cheap), we started doing shots of belvedere...figured I might as well get a good steak out of the deal and the booze would dull the painful experiece...and even though there was no room for dessert, I ordered the $20 creme brule...just for a mouthful since I'd never tasted it before. He never got my number or my last name!! lol...

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Hahaha yea I was just trying to be nice. I spent a fortune on dating though. Especially when I was going on multiple dates in a week. From now on if I'm not feelin' the date you'll hear me say, "So how are we splitting this up?" At the end. Book it!! The other advantage to this is I won't have them wonder why I'm not calling for a 2nd date... and they sure as hell won't want one. Haha.


I also had a few dates where I got waaaaay too drunk but they actually turned out to be great dates... cause they were with a hella fun girl. On one of these dates I passed out at some random place only to woken up by being hit repeatedly. I think I was the bad date there...

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Hmmm, it's a toss up between two, both I met online (one reason I have sworn off online dating for life). The first was a guy in Virginia who on our first date was totally not subtle in staring at my chest as soon as I took off my jacket. It went downhill from there to include meeting his entire family (or pretty close to it), a long day (since I was coming to him from a distance, we had decided to make a day of it...BAD IDEA), and many other things that went badly that I've worked hard to repress over the years.


The second guy was one I went out to lunch with not far from my work. He didn't have a picture up which should have been my first clue. He wasn't a bad looking guy, but in my experience, the ones without the pictures on online dating sites are scary. Basically if you have seen the movie Must Love Dogs, then you know what happened on this date. It was like the guy she went out with who cried because he'd had so many first dates in the last year, but no second dates. Except instead of crying, he was pissed off and launched into a tale of how every girl he'd gone out with had managed to end the date early. Some of the ways included the girl excusing herself to go to the bathroom and escaping out a backdoor, having a friend fake call an illness to get out of the date, faking a illness, etc. I spent the entire lunch date switching between being horrified that he's telling me all this, and bitter at the other girls for taking all the best escape routes!!!


In both cases, the guys contacted me years later out of the blue. The lunch date guy knew I had moved to NC and gotten married and STILL continued to contact me with hope. I guess since I'm the only girl who didn't pull a houdini escape, I was the one for him???

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Am I the only one... I've never had a "bad" date. Every date I've been on has lead to more than 1, with the exception of 1, and that was at my choice. That was the one I could consider to be the worst date I had. Met online, wasn't what she seemed to be in her pictures/online. Speaking from a male chauvinist point of view, she still went to 3rd base with me, so I still don't consider it a bad date.

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Well, Jerseykid [unless you're married] you're only 25 so there's still plenty of opportunity for you to have a bad date! Not that I'd wish that on anyone, to be honest, but if nothing else, a bad date makes you really appreciate a good one!


Apart from the one I described at the start of the link, all of mine have been pretty good. Ermm...wait, there was one other guy who told me both his ex-girlfriends had cheated on him & he'd caught two in bed with dude - on the first date! He also kept muttering under his breath "Typical, women. Just typical!" I there was never a second date...


To think the common denominator in these dates was me!

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