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ex found my account

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well my ex found this site. when she found it her mom called me four times in a row, i did not answer, then her mom answered a question that i posted on yahoo. under a different account because mine got banned. well she got mad . yesterday my ex called i ignored it and finally called back. she told me how she was mad that i posted everything on here. but the thing about that is that i post everything on here to get it out of my system. she said that all i did was bad mouth her. and i told her the truth. i have to blow some steam.thats how i move on and thats how i let go off things by not letting them in. thats how i let go of the anger but she couldnt see that. she said that i told the whole internet community.the thing about that is i never mentioned her name.none of my friends or family know about ena .she said i bad mouthed her mom but i was mad because of the things she said on the yahoo answer. things that wernt true. and yes i did say things i did not mean but i was mad at the moment. its not like a called her a b or anything like that. i did say its dumb that she posted the thing on yahoo and called alot.


she also got mad about the things people said. yeah there was some one who said shes an ungreatfull b but that did not even come out of my mouth. i dont get why she doesnt see that this is how i let go of all the anger. i dont want to keep the anger in.

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i never mentioned her name.none of my friends or family know about ena


Exatcly, you are free to post your personal issues here and since you dont mention her name she really shouldnt care about it. If she agrees or not it doesnt matter, you have got to have your personal space witch seems to be lacking greatly.


Respect each other! Its over and the best it would be to both move on. I know you somehow feel the need to explain to her things but thats just drags pain and you will eventually lose yourself in the middle.

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thats the thing she said she looked me up, but where else am i suppose to blow off steam? last time i tried talking to her she did not want to. i was mad when her mom said the things she did about me and posted that its dumb that she called four times. not that i called her dumb but i mean honestly there is two sides to each story and this is my side. if i cant talk to her about it who else would i talk to about it?

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well i actualy did use the same username,


I think that's the only reason she found it. You could probably google the username or something. I would contact a mod and have them change your name. The odds of your ex ever seeing anything on this site are next to nill.

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Exatcly, you are free to post your personal issues here and since you dont mention her name she really shouldnt care about it. If she agrees or not it doesnt matter, you have got to have your personal space witch seems to be lacking greatly.


Respect each other! Its over and the best it would be to both move on. I know you somehow feel the need to explain to her things but thats just drags pain and you will eventually lose yourself in the middle.


I agree. It's a discussion forum, for relationships.


Obviously your ex falls under that. But she doesn't respect you enough to just let it go; instead, she's dragging you through the mud over a bunch of posts. And her getting mad at what people say on here makes me believe she wouldn't be so mad if it wasn't true.

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Well I suggest you that you create a brand new account which wouldn't be similar to your old one and even sound dumb or in other language. Because anyone can google anything you write if you use the same name anywhere. It's not because it's your way to vent out. They shouldn't find about it. So... Create a new username. Even here - not to be found, because your life is now under their microscope. Anything you write and they may just send you to the court for anything you say. There's no freedom of word on the internet if they can find you out.

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she said that i said things i should never have said but i mean its things that happened. and things that i ask how i should of done different.i know i did not do everything right but this is my side and she never talked to me about it.she told me that it wasnt right even if i did not say her name

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Who cares what she thinks? You have told the truth as you see it and if she can't handle it - too bad. She is probably mad because she doesn't like her own behaviour and is being forced to confront it.

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Seriously ridiculous for anyone to believe that, after a break up, you're gonna come on here and not present YOUR side of the story & look for support--or just to vent! It's healthy and normal! That's why the site is here in the first place--as a healthy & normal way for ppl to vent & support one another!


Now that that's been said....what IS NOT healthy and normal is an X who spends her time cyber stalking & her mother who assists her in that!...seriously, after being subjected to ppl who go out of their way to invade on your privacy & interfere with you seeking a healthy outlet for your feelings--it's no wonder why you are no longer involved with them!


My son is just under 18 & I do NOT invade his privacy or interfere with his rlshps...MOF he is currently having difficulty with one friend and I am here to support and offer advice, but I would never contact his friend as I only know my sons side & even if I did hear his friends side--I obviously could never be a neutral in their issue....maybe that takes some self-awareness that her mother lacks?


Keep venting and writing & block them from contact--let 'em go find her a new BF so they can gang up on him!

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thank you, i mean she says that i came here to post a whole buch of lies about her, but if there lies why isnt she willing to lie? she said she wanted to grow up so i offerd to talk. but she really did not put much of her part. i told her exacly what you told me that i came here to vent. i tried doing so much for her but shes never haphy, i cam on this site to change the person i am. she said i talked bad about her but that was pretty much in the last threads i made. and i did not even call her bad names, i just need to let go of the anger by saying my side. she got mad that i did not answer when her mom called. i asked her if she called to tell me off and she told me that was the reason she called. to tell me off. why cant she see my side? why cant she see i need to move on by taking everything out

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Well it wasn't the smoothest idea to use the same name all over, but hey, it's done.


You're not giving away personal information(names, contact info, etc). I personally find it odd to not only search your user name - Wait, alright. Some of us do this, scratch the odd - But to actually come AT you with the fact that they did? Creepalicious.


You're totally within your rights to vent. Don't be made to feel bad about it.

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Well it wasn't the smoothest idea to use the same name all over, but hey, it's done.


You're not giving away personal information(names, contact info, etc). I personally find it odd to not only search your user name - Wait, alright. Some of us do this, scratch the odd - But to actually come AT you with the fact that they did? Creepalicious.


You're totally within your rights to vent. Don't be made to feel bad about it.


she said she wanted to be friends but after finding this site out she doesnt want me in her life anymore. and your right no i never said names but i thought it would be healthy to let go of all the anger. if i talked everythign that she did right for me i wouldnt be able to let go of the bad side only the good side.

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Stop worrying about what she thinks. You don't have to justify yourself to her. But also, you can't get all upset because she doesn't understand why you do this. That's the way she sees it, and she's upset, and that's her problem. No need to try to change that, just let her blow off steam too.

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I totally agree with mintiya....you do what you need to do to let out your anger!

It's not like you called her or her mom to "tell them off" which would have been an immature, inappropriate, and non-productive thing to do!

Instead you maintained your cool with them and did something productive! good for you!

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thats exacly what i told her, she told her mom everything and never told me anything, then she told her ex friend. all she said was and you turn around and do the same thing? i did not talk to my mom about u and even if i did it wasnt the internet community. well first off i said everything on here because i did not want my family to view them as a bad person. i always protected her and talked good about her mom to every one around me. but posted everything on here that went bad because no one but no one who i am close to or her family knew about this site.she thinks i bad mouthed her to my friend. but my friend gets angry at random times and says things that arnt true. and if she did not tell her mom how did her mom knew about things only me and her knew?

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