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ex found my account

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at the end it got to me, i send an email and said this is my side. get your facts straight. but my ex send me an email telling me to leave them alone. saying that all i did was come and talk about her on here. i told her that i had to let go of anger and thats how im chainging

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at the end it got to me, i send an email and said this is my side. get your facts straight. but my ex send me an email telling me to leave them alone. saying that all i did was come and talk about her on here. i told her that i had to let go of anger and thats how im chainging


Then just let it be. Hopefully now she and her nosy mother will leave you alone, you in the meantime need to get a brand new email, one with a crafty name that they would never think of so they can't harass you anymore. (And don't answer their calls or texts anymore either).

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u think i need to go out of my way to make a new email?i had this one for over 8 years. and the last time i made a new email they found out and answerd my question on yahoo. which doesnt even have my name on it


What is this whole question thing on yahoo, I don't understand that? Can you block them from sending you any emails? I would say just ignore their emails when you see them but I don't believe you are strong enough to do that right now so blocking them is essential for your healing and if blocking is not a feature offered then yes, you need a new email.

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Ask her if she discussed her personal relationship with you with her friends or her mom... people who actually know you and see what she says about that. She more than likely did, and they probably bad-mouthed you. They probably did after she found out you used this site. We are just a bunch of strangers who don't know her, and after we log off ena we don't think about her. Whereas her friends or mother do think about you because they know you personally, and have likely hung out with you. I don't think she should make you feel guilty for venting on an anonymous site about her, where you didn't mention her name or anything.


That is actually one of my biggest fears though, people I know finding things I post on the internet. Someone I know found one of my dating profiles online, and I use the same username for everything. He is a co-worker, so all he has to do is search the username I used for that and he would find everything. Kind of makes me think actually... lol. He is a shy man I think though, I don't think he'd spread anything he saw. I did turn him down because I wasn't interested but I don't think he would do anything malicious to me. I've never told anyone about him that I know. This is one of the first times I've mentioned it.

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this is the thing on yahoo. if you read you will know which one she posted. when she send me this i got mad because she never let me tell my side and just talked. my ex got mad when i said it was childish and dumb that she did this. i did not really mean anything by it ,not that i was calling her dumb but i mean to go and do that common. she said that i potrayed her as a b.ch but this are things that happened.


for everyone that has believed all of these lies, shame on you!!!!!!!! here is the real truth. here, he was welcomed in my home, paid for nothing & was treated with love and respect broke all of that when he betrayed my daughters trust. Fernando became very controlling, he actually became very upset when my daughter would not make him mashed potatoes for dinner. Fernando started calling her all kinds of names wanted to sleep in her bed every night and actually got mad when my husband and I said we didnt want that to happen. People break up alll the time and it is never one sided, you need to get over this and move on. You want to act like such a man on the computer but dont have a license, still live at home and want to blame your dad for all your problems. Another thing, if you want to talk about me do it to my face, I am 41 years old and getting real tired of this. My daughter has changed for the better, she is not living with a stepmother that hates her and has her freedom now. Thank you for your time and believe this, i am praying for all of you that have been getting sucked in to this crap!!!!!!

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NOT ok how your name get exposed like that. Ferna, I'd remove that link you just posted from here, as well. You don't want your info all over.


Please just stay away from these people. They really cross the line, consider yourself lucky that your ex doesn't want to speak to you.

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this is exacly what i told her your right on the dot.i told her that i did not go around telling my family or friends for the reason i did not want to make them look bad. she told her mom and her friend. and they are people that know me. i told her that the reason i posted it here is because no one knows them on here. and no one thinks about my situation after they leace. its just advice and support . she thought all i did was look at her like a monster. i talk all the negative things on here to let go. and all the good things to family to not let them look like bad people. since there peole who actualy know her. but shes never going to look past this

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an explanation of everything her mom said.yeah i got upset about the mashed potatos that was only once. she got upset because wanted to do everything at once. just screamed at me and told me to hurry up stomped out of the room.the only name i have ever called my ex and i swear to god is pathetic because of the way she got mad. i felt like she got mad over the twenty dollars when she stomped out of the room. and also i saved up all xmas to go visit her. i was stressed and said it was pathetic how she only went out if it cot money. and about the bed thing. my ex . which is her daughter followed me to my bed every night got next to me and told me that she wishes we can fall asleep together. and whenever i whent into her room she told me to cuddle with her and fall asleep with her i told her no because i respected her moms house. at the end we ended up sleeping together. just sleep no sex. her step dad saw us and told my ex gfs mom that it botherd him. my ex told me and all i told her was i told you we would get intruble, all she said was i dont now why he cares not like we are doiing anything hes doing to much.and about her step mothers house i was the one to give her the courage to move out.and about the controlling part i was never controlling. she was the one to follow me all the time i wanted her to soend time with her mom all the time but she always told me she wanted to spend time with me because she feels bad about it. i always encouraged her to get close to her mom

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This has crazy & hostile written all over it! & mentioning that your step-mom hates you was not only juvenile but this woman has the nerve to say you aren't allowed to portray your side & then pulls a stunt like this! How childish!!!

she's projecting her bitter rage on you & then tries to justify it & not look bad by saying she's 41 and doesn't need this crap!?


do it to my face
oooo and a threat! not very lady-like for a woman of 41!


LOL this is killing me! someone get the straight jacket out cos there's an escapee!

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This has crazy & hostile written all over it! & mentioning that your step-mom hates you was not only juvenile but this woman has the nerve to say you aren't allowed to portray your side & then pulls a stunt like this! How childish!!!

she's projecting her bitter rage on you & then tries to justify it & not look bad by saying she's 41 and doesn't need this crap!?


oooo and a threat! not very lady-like for a woman of 41!


LOL this is killing me! someone get the straight jacket out cos there's an escapee!


well no she said that my ex gfs step mom hates her. because when we first met my ex was living with her step mom. but yeah thats what she posted

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well no she said that my ex gfs step mom hates her. because when we first met my ex was living with her step mom. but yeah thats what she posted


i guess every one is right, why cant i vent and ask for opinions? reasons i posted everything on here was

1 because i never wanted to tell her mom off

2 they never offerd to just talk.

3never mentioned names

4 i wanted to vent and get support. its sad how nether ever saw this instead they took it like i was attacking them.

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Ferna I think it's totally fine to post here. That's what this forum is for and you are welcome to be here. Just avoid using names like we discussed and you go right ahead and say what you need to say.


Agreed. You need an outlet or you will drive yourself crazy. Vent, post, cry.. do whatever you need to do to make yourself feel better so you can start to heal.

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thats the thing avman, the only name that was said was mine. and thats because my nickname was pretty much close to been my name. i never said my ex gfs name on the post. and i just needed to vent. i wonder why everything is an attack to them

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yeah from hr complaining that im posting here. like i told her i need to let go off all the negatives that ever happened to let go of the past.she got mad that i did not answer when her mom called. and all it was for was for her to tell me off. who would answer to get screamed at?

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My question is, why were they so concerned about what your doing in the first place? As for them complaining about you posting on here and that's crossing the line. That is the biggest excuse I've heard. This is a forum to vent and discuss issues you've had with relationships. To give insight and motivation, it's funny how they would think your bashing them. 100% of your threads are for your healing process, not their's. Why would she care if you told this whole forum something. I told this whole forum about my experince, not like anyone here is going to find out where I live and slap me haha


Like mother like daughter? eh, seems too good to be true

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I know dude, isnt your fault. There being immature and childish. If they truly wanted to help, they could of done two things. Let you be, so you can vent and be alone for a little. Or actually sat down and worked with you. Seems a bit like whoa no way, but it seems like the more responsible thing they could have done instead of snooping around.


Why are they doing that? What are they worried about? They need to give you some space dude, snooping around and confronting you about it. Its pretty low and stupid.

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Oh god, she and her mother sound like a nightmare. I haven't read your other threads but based on this, you dodged a bullet. You have absolutely every right to vent your feelings and heal in whichever way is healthiest for YOU. Stop thinking about her feelings and start focusing on yourself. I wouldn't even want to talk to her after she stalked you and chewed you out.

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i guess its more like i care about her you know. i even explained to her why i did it, man i even said sorry,i honeslty wanted to just keep the peace. and yeah if they would of just said lets talk i would of talked calmly said sorry for my mistakes and thats it. instead i feel more like they told me off not let me tell my side and then got ignore.

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