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How do people start cutting?

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I kind of start through a friend too. About 6months before I started cutting, I found out my friend cut herself so I learned all anbout it. The day I first cut, everything was just coming down on me, stressing me to my end, I was majorly depressed. All I could hear through my crys was my friends words..."It just seemed to make me feel better...It took away the pain"




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I don't do it, to be honest I've thought about it, but I think so many people do it on tv and in movies now when theyre depressed that it almost makes sense to do it when you feel completely miserable. It's kind of expected. Not to say that it's right, I just think when people are hopeless they think of what other people do to feel better.

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hmmm well for me its been a natural reaction. when i was a little kid and i was down id hurt myself. like id slam my hand in the door or bang my head on the wall as i got older the mutilation got more intense. so basically i was self injuring before i knew what it was. how did other ppl start?

-stitches aka The Antihero

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Mine started when I was really drunk... my boyfriend who had suddenly dumped me a day before turned up to a club with a girl he knew I dident like and kissed her in front of me.... I got extremly liquired up went home and tried to kill myself by drinking bleach and slitting my wrists.... Thats basically how it started for me... It doesnt make anything better... when I get upset I just go into a trance and mutilate myself, they are not easy to hide either the worst I ever did was cut myself on both arms from wrist to elbows about 200 times... it was so painful i couldent even touch my arm for 3 days. Mine doesnt make me feel better. I think of it as a punishment but after half an hour dont even know why I did it, but im stuck for a few weeks with terrible scars on my arms....

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well i started because i tried to slit my wrists.. but it didnt work.. but it felt good.. then i just did it for major problems that happened.. not bad.. but i guess i liked it beacause for a little while.. i worried about the pian on the outside and not in the inside.. now i do it because its part of me.. i actually carve it.. so ffor ppl who only do it sumtimes.. stop b4 it gets out of control

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  • 11 months later...

I was talking on the phone to a friend of mine who i really liked and he was telling me about this girl he really fancied, so i was feeling kinda upset. I found a saftey pin on my skirt and started drawing patterns on my leg with it. I then started going over and over the marks and i was concentrating so much on what i was doing i completely blocked out what he was saying and i felt so much better. But i supose i've always done stuff like that even when i was little i'd pinch myself or slap my legs to stop me crying or something. It's not until recently i'v actually understood what i'v been doing and it too late i'm completely addicted and the cuts just seem to be cutting deeper and deeper. x x x x x

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i started because it was going around school. everyone would carve the names of their lovers or would draw something or soemthing like that. i thought about it and decided that if it would make me 'cool' then i'd do it too. i had also heard that it made you feel better.


at that time i had no lover, i had no idea what to draw and i was totally alone. so i figured carving a lone "S" in my arm was fitting for my situation. then i just kept doing it. even after everyone stopped, i kept doing it.


i still don't understand how everyone else stopped but i got addicted



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I started because things at home got unbarable. At the time my grandparents would yell at eachother when I'd gone to bed. They would mentaly abuse me, put me down, tell me I was stupid, my aunt had to take me away because they found out my granddad abused my mother and other aunt.

My boyfriend had cheated on me from the day I first dated him and I didn't know. Every time I got dumped I would cut. Every time something bad happened at home. None of my friends did it at school and the teachers would pick me up on it when I had PE. I stoped going to PE because I didn't want anyone to know.

The cuts got closer and closer to my writs until I started cutting my wrists at the beggining of this year. I only stopped because my boyfriend (friend of two years before hand) asked me to stop because it made him sad.

Now I feel like it's an adiction like smoking and I don't even need to do it anymore. But I do pierce my ears on my own and stuff like that so I might never lose it because of that.


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I don't. But most people start because they are in emotional pain and want to convert it into something that they can deal with [physical pain] but then when something comes up that hurts them emotionally, they hurt themselves physically as a release.


It doesn't solve anything really. All issues can be sorted out properly by talking it through.

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When I was around the age of 7 I was playing with one of my dad's buck knives. I was extremely curious then, I was cutting things with it and I didn't yet know of blood. I tried to close it back but it was one of those knives where you have to press down a certain latch to get it to close first.

I didn't know that then and I tried closing it with so much force that I slipped and slit my thumb open. (This really sucked because a couple weeks later my sister shut the door and crushed my finger off but I got it back) I was so scared and I felt ashamed. I felt something new, something cold, similar to the frogs that I used to bury when they got stiff and dry. I thought I was going to die, then in fright I threw the knife and it landed into the skin on my right forarm near the joint of the elbow. I pulled it out and was screaming. I threw it under my dad's bed blood and all. I covered myself up with a long sleeve shirt and some toilet paper because I was ashamed for my parents. They used to hit me a lot back then and I felt that I was dishonoring them. After a certain incident where I had so much pain, in me grew this desire for more pain. I started cutting at first to strengthen my immunity to pain, because I hated the burden of emotional pain. Soon it helped me grow more resistant to physical pain so I continued it until I studied more on health and hygiene.


I'm not sure if this is why others do it, but I did it because it made me stronger because I didn't die. I would cut deeper and deeper and I didn't die, and I felt powerful. It angers me when others do it for attention, or trend. It kills the sacraficial benefits of disciplining your intake of mental irritability.



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Back in middle school I started with rubbing the skin off the back of my hand with a pencil eraser and causing burns. It progressed into scratching with pins, needles, or anything with a sharp point... I would put initials on my arms and legs or just series of lines. It wasn't until I was older that I began actually cutting with the blade of a knife or piece of glass. For me it just gives me a sense of control when my emotions are out of whack.

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my mom cut badly when i was ages nine and eleven, and was hospitalized twice for it. i suppose that's where i first found out about it. then i went through a ton of severe depression and anxiety this past year. i started having panic attacks every night, and was constantly depressed and lonely in school. i had about one friend, and she would constantly remind me of the fact that she was my only friend, and that i had no hope for getting back my best friend and love who i had lost, along with all of my other friends that summer. so i started to cut. then, after cutting for a couple months and becoming addicted, i slowly began to quit. i had quit for about five months before i started again, and so here i am, still doing it, unfortunately, but at least i'm not doing it as much as i was. i don't think that the addiction will ever completely leave me really. truth be told though, i don't regret starting it. it was all that kept me from killing myself in my darkest hour.

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I always thought cutting was crazy, and didn't understand why people did it. I suppose I'd always hurt myself ever since I was young. If my parents were pissed off at me, they'd scream and beat me (I love them, don't get me wrong), or something, so as to 'punish' myself I'd scratch myself, hit myself, slap myself, fall and bruise myself on purpose. Then life just seemed to go downhill, and it just happened. It became addicting, and it was something that seemed to heal me and punish me for my pain and my 'wrongs' at the same time. It was actually the only outlet away from suicide.

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  • 2 weeks later...

in middle school i got in to it as an artistic medium (painting in blood and making prints) then i found out it was useful for other thing and i havent really stoped sense (5 years) but i lowed down for a few years and i hid it well till recently when i stoped carring


but in middle school i thought i was a freak cause i didn treally know any thing about it

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It is actually very easy for a person who has a habit of botteling up emotions to start physically hurting themselves. When an emotional tramatic event occurs, sometimes it is easier for someone to deal with their problems as physical pain than emotional pain.


It turns out to be self defeating because it is so easy to get addicted. This one friend of mine went to a special clinic to deal with his problem. He started shaking back and forth very violently until he couldn't take it anymore. He pulls out a pen and cuts himself with the tip of it all down his arm. It stopped his shaking instantly, but it just isn't the way to deal with problems.

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