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Just wanna shout out! Today, i say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


I will not be my ex-bf's door mat! I will not give him the satisfaction of feeding on my hurt and pain! I will not prolong this hurt anymore! I can't take his bovine fecal excuses and i will get over him. I will take it day by day! And i will get through this! I have to!


Today, I stop being the victim. I'm gonna pick myself up and be the bigger person. If in the case I see him with his girl, I will be polite and say hello but leave it at that!


This man is not worthy of my great love. I will find someone who will treat me good and love me for the way I am.


"Find someone who loves you, cos I'm so far away from you..." he says. Well honey, in reply I say... "I will you loser! I'm not your part-time girl. I'd rather be alone than be emotionally abused!


For anyone who is going through a break-up, and trying to move on... WE CAN DO THIS! And it will start today!

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LoL, it is nice to see a woman who doesnt cry for weeks about a break-up. I am glad to hear that you are getting out of a bad situation, kinda makes me laugh though "not worthy of my great love" just sounds so arrogant =p Dont get me wrong though I am still glad that you laid down the law for him. Well hope you have better luck next time.

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Hey virus...


Im sorry. I dindt mean to sound conceited. But the thing is, this guy put me trhough HELL.


He was really heartless... and i had to be his dorr mat. I dun wanna explain it. im tired of talking about him. But, seriosuly, i am not up-myself! :S:S


I was "TOO NICE"...

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You go girl!


Of course you don't sound conceited, you sound strong! You're right if he treats you bad he is not worthy! It takes real character to pick yourself up after someone decides to rip your heart out and lob it in a blender. Keep going, you may still have some down days but be tough and remember how you feel today... and if you feel lonely sometimes remember there's nothing lonelier than being with the wrong person.


Take care, really happy for you



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Thanks girl!


I just wanna make a revolution! hahaa



No serious tho. We give our heart on a plate and the guy is an idiot!


We should never ever settle for second best! I hate MEN who are insensitive and think they are all taht!


God girls! WE ROCK! No man should treat us in any way BAD!

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im going through a bad time too, except that im a guy, and the girl is doing this to me. She's just SO HEARTLESS,everything she said , all those promises... i just cant forget it. The day after the break up , there she is flirting, it hurts and i have to admit i wasnt strong enough to take it .Especially when we live so close, same class etc...right now i still have to go through it everyday, and not really handling it well. i know wat i should do ,sometimes i just feel like i cant. I took her seriously but this is her response.Damn.... The urge of just telling her off is so strong.Cos its just too unbelievable.


Anyway, glad to know abt it,,, i should just keep trying ...

(and guys can rock too lol)

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I mean that from a guy's perspective too.


I dunno actually, now its late... i can't sleep...


Soemthing is bothering me and i dunno what it is!


Hey dude, we can do this togetehr ok? Motivate each other! Keep our heads up. This too shall pass!

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I was gonna say.... guys go through this too.


Granted I didn't have a girl that was walking all over me, but rather hiding her feelings for the past year. It almost feels like I was being used -- it was a relationship of convenience (she was happy with it not moving towards committment or dying altogether) -- for that time and I am upset at that. I do hope things work out for you, lass. Keep up the fight!

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Thanks. But this seriously isn't easy. That is why i posted this. For other's who are going through the same experience, let's motivate each other! Keep each other standing!


Like, right now for example, Im sad... i dunno i just feel upset. Im thinking about his new gf. How can he replace me so eaasily?


But let's burn the memories. They are just that. MEMORIES> I know we we'll never be the same...

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Hey there Ated -- a big ol' THANKS for your post. I feel the same way and I loved the part about him not being worthy of your great love. That's how we need to think in order to get moving again. You are NOT a victim, and I refuse to be one either.


Healing will have its ups and downs. But let's support one another and decide how WE want our lives to be -- not letting our exes control our thoughts and movements. Be BOLD. Be DARING. Be YOU -- to the max!!

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My attitude is:


"So what you dumped me? I'm glad it happened! You did me a favour! Say thanks to your new gf, now you're her problem!"


The way i see it. i didnt lose anything, in fact i gained something! Experience, i love myself better. In fact, ive lost a few kgs and is now getting a lot of attention.


IF he does come back... all i have to say is "Thanks for the apology, but i've moved on. U told me to..."


and then walk outta there saying...


"TOO BAD you can't get a piece of this anymore! SUFFER! "


So to you guys. Show him what he missed out on. Make him go nuts! Reverse the situation and gain power on your own!




If you ever need to vent, just say it! We're here to listen.

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I'm gonna be a brave girl! I'm gonna have a good time! I'm gonna find wat i really really want!



Song lyric:



To think I'm so naive

How dare youPlay with me?

I gave youHeart and soul

yeah Tell me baby, please

Why you screwingWith my head?

I don't thinkYou understand

I won't take your huh...No more!

Don't knock on my door!

Not this time

Because I recognise...

I've heard it all before and I

I Think of all the timeThat I've wasted

Think of all the times That I took you back

Ain't no wayI'll be lonely!

I don't wannaLet you back in

Let's just face it(Face it)

I'm Better off alone and I won't turn back

You thought that i would be lonely...

I dont want to let you back in!


Don't tell meHow to feel Or say that You're for real

My mind's made up I'm cool without you

You got no more appeal

Now this girl Don't need no man

To Say what she can do or she can't

Now I live for me!

Boy does that make you weak??


Think of all the timesYou made me sick. I used to think I couldn't handle it. What you think I'm just another chick?Lost your grip Boy you must Have

tripped! What were you thinkin' When you lost my trust? You had it all

now You're left with nothing! Oh baby, nowI know you Want my

touch And now you're lonely And you still want me!

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wow Girl Power haha! You are sooooooooooo right! I am so angry at myself for giving a sh*t really i am. I know he is still really attracted to me and i am dying to dress up and just flaunt my''i don't give a sh*t'' attitude in front of him, but then that still implies i care and my aim is to just not care at all! do u really feel that way now? or are there days you still feel u love him? my plan is to just have no contact at all with him and keep busy, its just we have mutual friends and hard as they try i keep getting snippets of info about him and it drives me crazy even hearing his name! keep me posted on how you are doing x

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hahah! I know what u mean about mutual friends


To me, i could use them to let my EX know how WELL im doing (starting from today) cos when i saw them the other, i made a fool of myself. Telling them how awful my ex was ya ya ya...


Anyhoo! he reason for the post is when ppl need to vent! So today, agian im having a good day. But yes, bad days come and it sucks!

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Bottom line :


it is not easy to let go but if you look at your self in a positive light and say I am worth it,and he missed out and less anger towards him or her when you see them you will be a better person. I went through the same thing so I had to get a grip and stop crying and be a real women this time . Instead of getting the earge to hit him I just said screw it her problem now and in time he will get what is coming to him.



I believe it- bad karma-even when others say what will he get ?

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One of the biggest traps is thinking about other people's opinions. I'm learning that what others think CAN'T matter to me. I've got to live my own life, my own way, doing what I choose to do.


In the past, I've really wanted to bring down my ex to my friends -- I can really relate, Ated -- but it was an endless cycle. If someone didn't believe me, it felt 5 times worse. The person we have to convince is OURSELVES.


Everyone may think he's a great guy, but I don't have the time to convince everyone of his jerk qualities. Plus, doing that makes me look negative. And lets him still have control over me, which is the opposite of my happiness. And my happiness is what matters now.


Yeah, it's tough when there are mutual friends involved. I wish you gals (and guys) POWER to move forward!!!

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ok....whats up with guys/girls hurting the people who love them. im so sick of it all! Heres whats happening to me:

I met this guy named Steven the beginning of the summer. he asked me out, and i fell in love with him and he ended up tryin to cheat on me for my BEST FRIEND. May I add thats a pathetic thing to do! He started to ignore me and I felt like a complete FOOL! I had to admit I did miss him. Well a few days later he asked me back out. I was blind and said yes. My dad didnt like him and i wasnt allowed to talk to him but I still did and when my dad found out I ran away with Steven. When my dad found me he put me away. I was in Mercy hospital for a week, and while I was in there Steven broke up with me for my best friend AGAIN. What was this guys deal? I thought that was it no more him. But he came back into my life. He asked me out not once not twice but 3 times, and I said yes. He promised me so many things! He broke them all so haha I was the one to break up with him this time! Now hes bein immature and cursing me off when he sees me and all. Let me say I would have done anything for him but he missed out on a good thing! I miss him time and time again. But I am being STRONG and I AM proud of myself. Girls/Guys if someone abused u not only physically but emotionally let them go....u will find someone better, life goes on. I do miss him like crazy but I had to let him go. Good luck

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