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Is it true that the exes are still hurting as we speak?


We on this site are constantly tearing apart what the exes are doing or thinking or going out with .


Do they have a conscious and are they really thinking about us even as they are with soemone else to substitute their love or whatever is missing?


Do they ever look back thinking as they get married later if they do, did they make a mistake?


I heard cases like that. But I don't know how true it is.


I am confused.


My friend could not believe that an ex could be hurting even as they date someone else. But yet my theraoist and my ex told me this was true .


Scary .


Lie or real?


You be the judge.

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If it makes a person feel better that their ex is hurting over the break up then by all means believe it but why should you concern yourself with thoughts like that. Learn from the past so your future is brighter. When you reflect on passed ex's like that it only means you still havent let the situation go.

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Hey fantasia,

I would like to think that our exes have a conscience and thereforeeee they feel bad for the pain they put us through, but I really doubt it. Maybe someone else's, but definitely not mine. And how would you know? Especially if you've not heard anything in months. Call and ask how they feel about things? I don't think so.

One thing I do believe in is the wheel of fortune, what goes around comes around. Karma. They may not feel bad now, but one day they will feel just as bad as we do. I just wish I would be able to be there when they do. I want my ex to hurt like I have. 0X

Oops. Still a little anger I need to work through I guess. *evil laugh*

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fantasia, I'm also wondering that after reading your post. I recently got an e-mail from my ex about 5 days ago and in the e-mail she said she misses me alot and she feels as much pain as I do. I was suprisingly upset by her comment. I don't ever think she would even know the pain of being rejected by the one you love, hearing words such as "I want to be single now, I don't want to be committed anymore", unless she goes through that same situation. I believe that she feels the pain of not having someone she is close to in her life anymore (that's b/c I've doing NC to heal), but I believe the dumper wouldn't feel the pain of rejection and the emotions the dumped have to go through.

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karma ? I thought that only existed in the movies.


I'll tell you Karma


I used to date this girl for 5 years and decided one day that enough was enough. We had some BIG problems in our relationship and it was time for me to end it.. Problem was I ended up getting involved with someone else as I was finishing our relationship. Yes it was a rebound but that same rebound has done EXACTLY the same thing to me. She dumped me and is now going out with another man.


I have never felt so guilty in my life, and it wasnt until it happened to me that I realised how much pain I put that poor woman through. I just want to apologise to her and say sorry for being such a jerk and going out with someone else instead of let you heal a bit first. There is nothing more horrible than being heart broken and then get told all this crap about how she doesnt love you anymore only to see her with another man litterly days after the split.

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Well not every relationship ends the same but, there is always one person who is hurt more. It stinks to know that your ex is not suffering like you are but, sometimes life is not fair.

I am a big believer of karma and what you give out you will get back in spades. I myself have not been the luckiest person when it comes to love but, I am holding onto my beliefs because I feel so strongly about them. Stick in there and you will pull through this pain and eventually you will be able to move on. When you do it will be on a grand scale with a person who will love ya for who you are.


Time heals almost all wounds and you will find that everyday gets a tad bit easier to function.


Stay strong!


Hubman 8)

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I certainly believe in Karma.I lost everything 6 months ago and now today I have a new BF who adores me and I him, a new job which pays better than any I had before, a new home in a new country which I love, new friends and what I hope is a bright future in front of me. Do to others what you would have done to you! I was treated terribly by my ex and then betrayed. I thought I would never be happy again and especially not as soon as this! My ex decided he had made a HUGE mistake and tried to woo me back but to no avail. He was hurting but I can't help feeling that I was the safe option and he knew how much I loved him and would do anything for him but he left it too late. In my case I believe he was thinking about his own greed and selfish needs rather than feeling sorry for hurting me or having a concience.

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