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Life in the Driver's Seat


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Wow - really? lol My MIL is a bit like that (has strong expectations on how she should be treated) whereas my parents never expect anything from me - I used to think my parents were the "norm" .. so it always strike me as so weird when parents act like kids..


We got a cat after our little dog passed (of a neurological disease). He's so fluffy but he too is a scaredy cat. Like if the door bell rings or he hears/sees/smells new people he immediately bolts to the den and promptly spends the next few hours hiding under a table or sofa.


He also doesn't like to be touched - which is heart breaking because he's so fluffy!!!! (A medium haired domestic cat).

Yeah my mom broke her back recently and he didn't get his 75th birthday party party or at least it wasn't good enough for him. My mom had all his kids and grandchildren over and they had cake and he got his birthday gifts and they also got their Christmas gifts. But apparently that wasn't good enough. I can tell you if he broke his back anyone's birthday would be the last thing that would ever come to his mind. But because I was upset about my mother and busy making and cleaning up the Christmas dinner I didn't get him a card or birthday gift so now all of a sudden it was the worst birthday of his entire life. Little bit dramatic arnt we? His mother shamelessly spoiled him when he was little. So now he has this three-year-old attitude about crap like that. And to tell my mother that the party wasn't good enough after she broke her back and still went with the party anyway, I could kick him upside the head. He's a good man in a lot of ways but in that way he surely isn't. I told my mom if she wanted to deal with spoiled ungrateful sissy behavior that was up to her but I wasn't.



Yes, cats can be skittish things.

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Yeah, my mother-in-law said she had no symptoms either. I know my mom complained bitterly about hot flashes but really I didn't have that many. But the insomnia is really bad and so were the mood swings. Thankfully I don't have the mood swings anymore that stopped a couple months ago.

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And what makes it worse is that my bf can actually fall sound asleep 10 minutes after his head hits the pillow. Sigh. I would give my left arm for that.


Oh yeah! My husband's asleep in 33 seconds literally. He puts his head down and snoring in less than a minute. Last night I laid there in bed from 10:30 until three in the morning.

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I did have a much better sleep last night. I realized I was extremely agitated for two days. Sometimes it's hard to tell when I'm agitated. But when my body and mind finally relaxed I realized how agitated I had been. Then my other leg decided that it wanted to be in throbbing pain. So I was having a hard time sleeping through the pain but I did finally fall asleep and both legs are fine this morning.


We got out of my mother's just in time. Everybody back home is barfing and has diarrhea for 2 days. My mom and my stepdad ,the baby ,my brother and my nieces. Everyone is throwing up and has diarrhea. I'm glad to have escaped that.

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Ugh on the insomnia... After a year then my sleep patterns returned to normal.


Yikes on the stomach virus!!! Sounds like a typical family holiday gathering - at least when my kids were younger! Invariably my nephew would get sick snd then everyone else. Or my older son would be tge vector. You might take some extra probiotics just in case...

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Ugh on the insomnia... After a year then my sleep patterns returned to normal.


Yikes on the stomach virus!!! Sounds like a typical family holiday gathering - at least when my kids were younger! Invariably my nephew would get sick snd then everyone else. Or my older son would be tge vector. You might take some extra probiotics just in case...


I'm hoping after I hit menopause that my sleep will go back to normal. I hit my menopause January 10 next month!!


Yeah somehow my brother got sick first and then everybody got it. But it's usually a little one that brings it into the house and kills everybody with it. Every single Christmas my son used to get tonsillitis and I have to spend every 23rd of December sitting in a walking clinic because the doctor's office was closed.

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Uuuuuuuhhhhh you can imagine my surprise...... There was a Happy New Year email in my inbox from my uncle. BLECK!!!!! Apparently my Aunt sent out an email to everybody in her address book. Well he just replied to everybody in her address header. But amazingly now after that EDMR therapy I don't give a crap. I had no feeling about it whatsoever.



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My husband and I went out and did a snow removal job. It's a small apartment building with two parking lots. We did it with shovels because there was not enough snow for the snowblower. But it was really heavy because it rained on top of it.


Maybe you should look into getting a snowplow attachment for your truck!

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Oh I hadn't thought about registration and insurance! I had just seen information about snow plow attachments for my truck and wondered if it would work for you. It only snows once a year here, so that wouldn't be feasible for me anyway. And I guess not for you guys.


However, when I was growing up in Michigan I do know my brothers made good money shoveling neighbors' driveways. My parents pay for snow removal service and they use a snow blower. My sons wanted it to snow in Michigan this year so they could use the snow blower, but it was rainy and 45 degrees so no snow while we were there! (Actually very typical weather for Oregon but not Michigan).


Well, I bet your son could help you and your husband, too. But I'm glad the two of you had fun together.

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Yeah it is really my husband wanting to start a little side business with his son. Now if we could get the son interested.........lol. We have a snow blower and ramps to get it into the back of the truck so we can move it to locations that need blowing. So it is good for now. Last winter we would have made a KILLING snow blowing. But we didn't have it then unfortunately. I think last year this area had about 9 feet of snow all totaled by the end of winter. I am about 8 hours from Michigan and about 1 hour from NY state.

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