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SA's Healing Journal


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Just catching up on all of this SA. Honestly, good for you man. You've definitely come a long way with this journal. The job sounds very promising and passing your exam is even better. Your life is definitely on the upswing and any lady would be lucky to be a part of it. Being single seems to be your best bet right now while you figure out your professional life. Keep it up.

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Agreed kid. One of the questions I was asked was would I be willing to relocate. I answered hell yeah! Get me outta here. The ex called and I told her that I might end up moving. Like Gallop would say, eff her. Life is good and getting a WHOLE LOT better. I don't have time for fake people. Unless she shapes up real quick it's gonna be the end of the line. Her loss!

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you know it brother. good you told her you might relocate,it's your life and you're in control of it,nobody else should have a saying in your future and happiness. fk them all if they don't listen.


man i wish i was in some Flintstones age sometimes, when the man was the provider and the women didn't have much saying,and if she didn't want sex you would just knock her over the head with those big wooden neanderthal baseball looking bats.


rush ahead and keep everything simple,the crossroads are empty,and you won't look back.


life is good indeed

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I'm really looking forward to this position. Whether that be now or down the road. If I get the job I'll move into my own place this summer and then go on vacation. This will be huge in my moving on.


Really working on yourself helps big time in these types of situations. To be able to look back and say that through it all you became s significantly better person in a time of crisis feels pretty damn good.


Once this phase is complete it'll be time to get back out there and do some real dating. I'll be much more comfortable when this all happens.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Faithful - Is that you in your profile pic? Want to get married?


Things are well. Got a HUGE promotion which is occupying all of my time. I've spent some time with the ex lately. Saw her today. But I'll be moving into my own place in a few months an am leaving that in the past. We can be friends but I'm pretty much not willing to look back at this point. I went out with Courtney the other night. She's cute and we have a lot in common. She's a little young though. But this summer is going to be GREAT. Especially when faithful and I get married.

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What's up ENA. I said I was going to take a break and I must admit that it helps. So here's where I'm at and some advice I have for those of you in the throws of things.


I'm still in contact with my ex. She knows losing me was a HUGE mistake. That's a nice ego boost and all but I'm kind of passed it. If I could do it all over again I would have made 1 minor change. I would have told her that I was going to go NC to clear my head and would have done so right away. For atleast a few months. I would have broken it once I knew my head was clear but not until then. I think NIC prolonged the process. But you live and learn.


During the hard times I found ways to cope. Here's what worked best for me and why.


Working out - When you look good you feel good. Getting my self esteem back was key. Also the endorphins will combat depression. When I got down and no one was around I hit the gym. My head would be 100000x clearer and more content after a good workout.


Work - Don't let it slide. Work harder at your goals now that you have more free time. I was promoted twice in 4 months. I worked my ass off and stayed as focussed as possible.


Support - ENA is great. Use it. Also find someone you can talk to and open up completely too. Someone rational and honest. I was lucky in this sense.


Time - This isn't going to happen over night. Give yourself time to heal. Don't be disappointed that you aren't over it yet. It's natural to hurt for a while. That just shows how deep you're capable of caring.


Diet - Eating right and drinking lots of water will help your body and mind function better. You are in a heightened sense of stress during these times. Taking care of your body is even more important now. Force yourself to do this if you have to.


Routine - Life is different now. Find a new routine with good habits. Now is the time to reinvent yourself. If you do it well you'll be a much better person long term. Once you've established a new routine you can get confortable with it again. The worst part of this all was that it took me out of my comfort zone. And thank god it did. I would not have sought this promotion otherwise. Don't be afraid to push your limits. You'll be surprised what you can achieve if you try.


An update for those who are familiar. I am no longer talking to "S". She was nice but was a rebound and I didn't want things to progress any further. I told her I wasn't ready for anything serious and that was that. I am not seriously dating anyone now but am going out on dates here and there. I feel like I don't need that other person anymore which is a great feeling. If she comes along, hey cool. But I'm in no rush. I'll keep having my fun until then. Plus this new job requires I travel so keeping the options open is what's best for now.


I'll admit that I am someone with a large ego. My career requires confidence and charisma. The hardest part was overcoming the damage to my ego and perceived self worth. I'm not completely back to normal extremely high self esteem but I am generally happy. You'll get there too. Just give it time and work on number one. You.

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Glad to see you are still kicking, SA. All of your points definitely hit home with me. I can definitely agree with you 100% there. Time provides clarity and time allows us to become better. I always look at breakups as a way to grow individually. In addition, they are great for motivation with the gym, work, etc.


You made the right call on S. She seemed super into you and I think you saw it as a way to pass the time. You made your boundaries pretty clear from the start and you can't help that she got hurt.


Just keep playing things a day at a time. Glad to hear all is well.

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Nice to see everything is falling into place with u, job, new place.. ur right sounds like it will be a great summer for u..


Right thing on S if u weren't so into her.. be plenty next few months coming ur way..


As far as the ex, good to see ur still friends. I have a feeling she will be back full force with due time..

But I think u will have moved onto someone better and prob be to late..

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You've come a long way, but you've always had a good head on your shoulders and that helps whenever dealing with a breakup.


Your future is bright and there's no doubt you will continue to attract all the things you desire into your life. Make sure to keep us updated on all the positive developments!

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Nothing new. The ex and I still talk regularly but she will remain the ex. Haven't talked to "S" in quite some time. I have been so focussed on work that I haven't really had time to think about much else. I was supposed to hang out with new C again last weekend but never called her. Once I'm done with training at work I should have more to report. I think as summer heats up so will my personal life. But in all honesty is close to last on my priority list right now. I get my fair share of attention or whatever but career is at the forefront of my mind all day.


As far as the ex goes, she tells me she made a mistake or whatever but I realize it'll never be what it was. She knows she ruined that with an awesome guy. But why settle? I want what I had but better.


I'm also booking a trip to Miami in a few weeks. Looking forward to that.

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Just a quick question man. Is your ex not an awesome girl too? You certainly once thought so. Yeah, she messed up, she made a mistake, and she's big enough to tell you that.

You say you want what you had, but better. I assume you mean the kind of relationship you had. Or do you mean the girl?

I'm only probing because it could be pride that stops you reconciling with her, and that would be a shame.

It's easy for you to feel 'the power' now that she is openly available to you, and she probably doesn't have much 'game' but you know, it could get back to where it was, with work and it COULD be way better.


I'm not telling you what to do, and of course you know your mind and your feelings, but just thought I'd chuck it out there.

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Faithful - Yes. I would have worked it out with her had things been different.


Simbad - This situation is not that simple. We've tried before only to end up back in the same place. Why would that change this time? We are friends now so it's not a pride thing. If that were the case I'd never talk to her again. At this point I believe that we can't work and am no longer willing to put effort into it. That doesn't mean at some point things change. But I highly doubt that happens due to my career move. I probably won't be in the same state for more then a year. I'd rather start clean. I'll always love her though. She's still my best friend. I just won't open my heart to her again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just checking in. Life has been busy which is good. I am still in constant contact with my ex. I think we'll end up being friends for a while. Right now I'm just focussing on my career. I'll be doing a lot of traveling for work. While I'm on the road I can't be worried about what's going on at home so getting back together is not a good idea. We've had a few talks about it with her being the one looking to rekindle things. But I don't think that I can go back down that road again. Not now atleast. Maybe in a few years.

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