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Hello Everyone.


In a few hours I will load up my car, get in, and drive cross country from south Florida to Central California.


This is something I have planned for over a year now, the plan was to completely start over, and re-do my life.


I will be in a new place, with a new job, that requires new skills that I need to learn, I will start from scratch.


It is scary to leave everything I know and am familiar with, last night I didn't sleep well because of the stress and tension, I even woke up out of breath and choking.


My goals are to get out more and meet new people, hopefully I will find a good woman and we can get married etc. I will work and make money because its necessary to function in this society, but what I truly value is love, that is my treasure to give and receive, and I have been lost not being able to do just that for a while.


Lucky for me I have family that cares and understands what I have been through in this period of my life. they have seen how I transformed from a happy go getter, into a depress person without motivation, My spirit had given up, something was dead inside me. I fooled myself a couple times chasing fantasies that only hurt me more in the end, but kept me happy temporarily.


Now I am turning my old world upside down, in the hopes that new paths will show them selfs, and to bring back to life my spirit and true nature.


There is one thing I will have at the start of this new life, that I did not have in my old one, and that is experience.


I want to thank everyone on the forum, by helping others it has forced me to look at my actions and choices also, I have learned just as much from those that post in here as they have from us. I am not leaving the forum, I will return as soon as I get transplanted.


See you all later

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Thank you everyone, I am now in Sunny California!


The trip was great, the "thing" that had me feeling down was resolved, and already things are looking good work wise.


Nothing like taking a long solo trip, to sort things out in your head lol.


Ok i guess I should un-pack now

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That's awesome!! I like your attitude!!


By the way, I've seen you posts around the forum. And I've been meaning to ask, are you really 42 years old and is that really your picture on your profile? Cos in that picture, you're beaming of youth!!! 8)


Anyways, all the best, sounds like things are going to turn out good for ya! Keep that attitude!

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