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I responded to her text saying that the bar is ok and that I have only been there a couple times. I shouldn't have responded at all but I felt stupid after calling her. If she asks I'll say I was trying to call a taxi as her name starts with T. I realize how much I miss her now and I hate it.

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I responded to her text saying that the bar is ok and that I have only been there a couple times. I shouldn't have responded at all but I felt stupid after calling her. If she asks I'll say I was trying to call a taxi as her name starts with T. I realize how much I miss her now and I hate it.


I think sometimes you start to feel better but once they get in touch it then re hits you again and you realise how much you are missing them. I sent an email when I broke my NC it was an ok email getting some things of my chest but then he responded and all the pain came back and I realised how much I missed him I felt like I had to re start over with the emotions of the break up.

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I've been reopening the same scab over and over again. Its like every time I drink I make mistakes. I am going to start leaving my phone at home when I go out. It's the only solution.


Yeah Im trying not to drink too much at the moment as everytime I do the tears appear luckily I don't have his number so I cant text!

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After dialing her number for 7 years I know it better than my own. I already deleted her but I jut dial her number when I'm really smashed. This has to stop. I am moving on.


I think it's time to start dating a little bit. It'll help me think about other people. I know they won't compare right away but it'll be a good distraction for the time being.

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I felt that way for a long time. I felt like we were going to get back together and that it would cause more trust issues. But I really doubt we get back together now so I think it's best I do what I can to let go. I know that with previous exs it was hard up until the point where I was seeing someone else that I really liked.

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This really sucks. I'm tired of being a prisoner to my own emotions. I'm sick of wondering what will happen and feeling as though I am not in control of my own life. I know my hangover has everything to do with the way I feel but I need to shake these feelings for good. Its really getting annoying.

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SA2000,don't beat yourself over these feelings ,remember that all the emotions your dealing with right now just shows you how genuine your love was ,and be proud of that.


being able to experience what true love really is,and how it hurts is just amazing. some people never, never have this privilege,and yes i say that it's a privilege . don't be upset that your going through this ,just accept it. don't hide your feelings and don't try to fool yourself that you want to date,your way to far from that.


you were able to love a wonderful girl for so many many years ,how can somebody not be happy about that? whatever the outcome is or will be ,nobody knows,but we know one thing for sure,and that's to try and be the best that we can.


it seems to me that you're a very stubborn guy who doesn't want to accept certain things. i'm the same way my friend,but i usually use my stubbornness in my business,i realized that it tends to backfire in a relationship.


regards G

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I like to say I persevere but yeah stubborn is a good word. It will take me a LONG time to completely let her go and I honestly feel like I need to move and change my number but I think atleast dating someone else will allow me to start moving on. I just still don't understand this whole situation. I thought we had a bond that could not be broken. Trying to force it to be broken is so hard.


I think dating will also help my confidence which I really need right now.

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why are you torturing yourself man?

you want to date,you want to move on,you want to be single,you want to be with her,you don't want to be with her.

pick one of them and see what happens. can't have them all i guess


if you want to talk to her,just ask her that you want to spend time but don't want to talk about relationship,not even a second. just spend time and talk,joke and eat,drink whatever but no relationship talk.


it seems that your hiding from her and so does she,it feels like you both playing some kinda game but none of you play it right.

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Yeah I agree. Although I still miss her I think it's best that I walk away. I wanted her back really bad initially but now I am starting to realize that things would never be the same again. I am struggling to let her go and think avoiding her is best. All of my previous exs have moved out of state after we have broken up so it was always easy to move on. I just don't know what to do with this one. It's all a new learning process for me.

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Avoiding her is the best thing for your situation. I don't drive in certain areas of town, drive past her work, listen to the music she likes, check facebook as often or even go to places the remind me of the relationship. All you can do it just give it time and let the memories become fuzzy. I'm right with you SA2000 and I really don't have much to write about in my healing journal anymore because my feelings for her have changed. I miss mine as well but it's just not worth it in the end.

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Just got a call from my buddy. I spend a lot of time at his house and the ex knows it. She Facebook messaged him and said "If SA and I are so bad together why does it hurt so bad and when does it stop?" I told him he can respond if he wants. Atleast I know I'm not alone in this.

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