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found a condom in his wallet. help


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To be honest.. I've never cheated in ANY relationship.. And I've been in some where we have moved past condoms.. I ALWAYS liked to keep a condom on me regardless. Its like a mans wallet and ID. Its vital. What if his buddy needs one? What if he needs to make a ballon out of one while hes drunk? What if he DOES make a mistake and needs protection? What if.. Theres tons of what ifs.. I think its responsible for guys to always have a condom.. Maybe he just likes to spank off into them, who knows. But its responsible to have.. Doesnt mean hes cheating..


These are all common excuses that a person who is cheating will use. The bottom line is he had no explanation for having that condom in his wallet, which is not acceptable for a man that is in a 5 year committed relationship.

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