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The greatest rant in history against sex


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Sex is evil.


Not just because some religions say so, but because I've come to realize that sex is what ruins our lives, distorts our minds and manipulates us into the very behavior we all despise and complain about. Yet nobody stands up to say that sex is probably worse than death itself.


Of course, I am not talking about the act of sexual intercourse itself, which is unavoidable in the creation of life, but the commonly accepted mechanisms of that lead to sexuality. Mostly, sexual attraction, all the cyclical instincts and inconsistent feelings, or attraction in general, if you define romance and love as being a mere decorations to the sexual act.


But if love is your true aim in life, I mean Love with the capital L that people have stopped hoping for, I think that sexuality (I'll abbreviate it as "sex") is the only reason why true Love is always killed.


Since the peace and happiness of youth, sex ruins our thoughts with filth from the first moment we hear about it. The passionate sex they show on the movies and advertisements, the sexy-ness and "hotness" that is praised as it were the only purpose of life. The sexy-ness that makes people loose their minds and loose their control. That makes people stare instead of focus, drool instead of sincerely work, desire instead of care, move on instead of persist, break up instead of forgive.


Yes, sex is the reason why people make decisions in love that break couples apart, make them cheat, make them look elsewhere or feel "unsatisfied". Any love that is founded on sex (and not care and dedication) is more fake than consumer loyalty, which changes as soon as there is a new product: get the best guy/girl available on the market (obviously, ONLY if you can afford him/her, otherwise he/she is "not worth it") and dump them as soon as someone better comes along. That happens only because of sex.


And why do girls go for bad guys who cheat on them all the time instead of honest "nice guys" who truly care about them? Why is there anything such as a "selection" in something that is supposed to be good and ideal such as love? Because of sex.


And the whole "friendzone" urban legend? Oh, this is the greatest example of how love nowadays is merely a slave of sex; I mean, why for donkey's sake would so many people consider it "weird" or "strange" to love and be in a relationship with someone you know since ages and is your best friend? Because of nothing but sex (since sexual attraction fades away over time, and in the meantime other, new people stimulate you much more).


I pray and beg that my life will be less contaminated by sexuality, and I am lucky to say that I feel I am on a successful road, though sometimes I meet the influence of sexuality again, and right now I really needed to make a loud rant against sex after seeing the n-th Hollywood film in which a woman chose the sexier man with "instant attraction" over the lifetime friend who really cared for her.

What a SAD ending!


I 'ing hate sex, and all sick behaviors related to it, from infidelity to promiscuity.


Thank you for reading, and sorry if I wasn't clear enough.

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If someone wants to behave like my brother, I'll treat them like my brother. Simple as.



Obviously this requires a whole separate discussion and I'm sure both of us have already re-iterated our arguments in favor of what we believe in most. But my spontaneous reaction to what you say is: how sad, how sad it is to categorize people according to roles and therefore exclude them from a potentially deeper relationship.

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OP - I cant work out if your attitude is one more concerned with attacking yourself or attacking society… Although I’m leaning towards thinking you have some self-harming tendances.


I'm a health activist and social worker, so you can save your condescending tone for someone else


No, I'm attacking nobody specific, not even society. I'm just expressing my sadness about a behavior that is increasingly glorified and even idolized. A behavior with many flaws, which is even the CAUSE of many flaws, and yet many people ignore.


No, I'm not attacking anyone

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how sad, how sad it is to categorize people according to roles and therefore exclude them from a potentially deeper relationship.


Fact is, familiarity breeds comtempt. If someone puts themself accross as A, then they get treated as A. You can't do that and then complain about not being treated as B.


There is also nothing unsexier and perhaps pathetic than someone who is being my friend in the hope of getting in my pants. Nothing. It's sad and manipulative.



I'm not saying friendship can't be the breeding ground for something more, but not when the friendship is bred purely in the hopes of more.


Not all women go for bad guys who cheat on them. People with low self-esteem do this, not everyone has low self-esteem. If you've set yourself up as the nice guy who'd never cheat and can't get the girl, I can see how it would be a comforting world view though.

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Keraron, I totally understand. But in addition to it destroying relationships, I think it also single-handedly creates relationships - you know, the type that thinks they love you because they are blissfully sexually attracted to you?


Sex does distort our perceptions and while it is supposed to be beautiful, I understand the harm it does.

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OP - Sex is a hard wired and very special part of who you are as a person on the deepest level. To attempt to cut this part of yourself off appears to me to be self-harming. How can it not be self-harming?


I’m sorry I don’t mean to be condescending. I’m worried about how your stance on sex will affect your happiness in life.


I know sex can be used inappropriately. Goodness knows men are extremely sexualised in our society and that’s something that bothers me but sex itself is not the problem.

The way people behave with regard to sex is often a problem but again it’s not the actual sex that’s the problem.


Cars cause a lot of deaths on our roads but it’s not the car’s fault, it’s almost always the way they are used.


Sex can be one of the most healthy of fulfilling experiences a human being can experience. I’d put in right up there with love.

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While once I would have whole-heartedly agreed with the OP, I find myself siding more with agent's point of view these days.

The fact of this alone gives me a depressing thought and makes me think "oh how sad; I truly have given up on love" - but... why should I feel sad about such a thing? Because the reality of life doesn't generally conform to what Disney told us when we were kids? If this is about society and what Hollywood taught us, it works both ways.


Also, the OP sounds like perhaps he doesn't understand attraction. As a guy who has had a couple of "friends-who-you're-not-interested-in-but-keep-persisting" you'd know exactly what I mean. Now place yourself in the shoes of a typical attractive female, who has probably always had to deal with this (and the rest!), and you'd start to see how much sense much of this really makes.

(... "breaking up and leaving for the more attractive person" not included; I think most of the time this scenario is not so simple).


Even so, as one who always believed in love, and nothing but, it's still a depressing thought.

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I don't think sex is evil. It can be amazing, but I agree with a lot of what you say. It is often used as a drug and used for evil, so in that sense, definitely true. There are reasons why so many religions think sex before marriage is wrong. It's powerful and can be used in a bad way. Doesn't mean sex itself is bad, but it's easy to use the wrong way. Kinda like alcohol. A glass of wine a day is good for you, but so many people have the potential to become addicted to alcohol and become alcoholics. Same with sex. It's one of those things can destroy if used the wrong way and our society is saturated with it.


It shouldn't be taboo, but it should not be glamourized either. I love sex (even though I want to wait til marriage next time...I even wanted to before I was Christian, but gave in and had it with my ex fiance).


I agree with a lot if what you're saying though. Any carnal desire or impulse has the capacity to get out of control and become a substitute for things with more substance. Food, alcohol, videogames, sex...things that give fast pleasure and quick fixes. Not "bad" things but hard to moderate.

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Anything powerful has the capacity to inspire evil in human beings. Also, great heights and beauty and inner awareness.


I do not believe that trying to deny something of power is the way to manage it well. It's better to learn to harness it in a way that you find can make a positive difference. For yourself and others.


There are lots of great examples of how sex has helped people.


You presented one side passionately. Now try doing the same with the opposite extreme - how sex is the greatest thing ever. Just for fun and to see if it changes your position at all.

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agree with keraron - think about friendships:


People would much rather go out on dates and out to "meet people" for the purpose of sex, than to just go out with the guys or the girls.


Ever since I divorced, all I ever wanted to do was go out with a group of girls or guys, but the great majority of them who are not married are only interested in weekend dating. It's quite sad. They wind up getting used or coming back with some disease like hpv or herpes.

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