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Questions you would ask your ex if you could

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If we don't see eachother for a few months, will there still be a possibility of a relationship?

- Already asked her this because the said maybe one day we'll get back together. She said that she might have said that because it made it easier for her, that the chance would be very small after a few months of NC and that she had said the same to some other exes but she would never take them back.. But I still wonder if that possibility will be there..


Don't you have some hope left that we could make it together?

- After our last fight after a great day at a festival when we were technically already broken up, she told me that during the festival she had begun to feel some hope again but that the fight had instantly destroyed that hope again. I wonder if there's a way to restore a bit of it so we can take things slowly to a new beginning..


Are you going to be dating again to forget me?

- The answer to this one may hurt.. She's an outgoing strong person and abnormally attractive, like 1 in a few million.. Which was evident whenever we were at bars or clubs, all male eyes and some female eyes would be on her..

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Do you hate me?

Why did you erase me out of your life after 3 years? We both made mistakes.

Did you ever love me, or was I just fun for you?

Are you remembering the good times we had? Or are you only thinking of what went wrong?

Why did you spend money on a prostitute, while you refused to spend money on ring you promised me? Was she worth it more than me?

Do you regret knowing me? Will you ever forgive me? Do you think about me with distaste? Will you ever be able to think of me in a good way?

Wanting to spend money on my friends and threatening to ask them if they were interested in hooking up with you...did it make you feel good?

Did you enjoy hurting me, while knowing how much I loved you unconditionally?


Regardless of what he did to me....I still don't see him in a bad way. I'm not mad at him or angry...I'm just hurt.

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Why did we fall asleep in each other's arms the night before we had our big fall out?


Why are you taking out all your anger, and guilt on me?


Why do you worry about what everyone thinks about you?


Why do you say, and think you love me?


Why can't you just see the bigger picture?


Why can't you be more positive?


Why can't you see through smoke and mirrors?


Are you retarded?

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Why did we fall asleep in each other's arms the night before we had our big fall out?


Why are you taking out all your anger, and guilt on me?


Why do you worry about what everyone thinks about you?


Why do you say, and think you love me?


Why can't you just see the bigger picture?


Why can't you be more positive?


Why can't you see through smoke and mirrors?


Are you retarded?




that first line is a question I'd like to ask.cause that happened to me too.

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Were you really miserable since Xmas?


Or did you only get unhappy since you hired her at work and she showed an interest? Cos strangely enough you only started ACTING unhappy 2 weeks after she was hired.


Do you really believe that we have nothing in common, that we always fight and that we have no future together?


Or did you start blowing little things out of proportion so you had an excuse to leave me without admitting how much you liked her? Because we have more in common now that we ever had when we met 3 years ago. And just 6 months ago you told me how great we were together because we compromise for each other and because whenever we argued we always talked about it after and sorted things out.


Are you really happier without me? Your friends all say you're "fine" but then you said yourself you don't like telling others how you feel. It seems I'm included in that because you never told me how you felt once in the past 6 months and look what happened.


Why do you ignore me when I actually do ask you these questions in texts or emails? I asked you everything listed above in the last month since we split. I've poured my heart out to you. But you never answer any of them. You just answer things like "how's work?" or "what you doing this weekend?" When I ask if you miss me or if you're happier without me you ignore me.


It makes me feel like I meant nothing to you if you can shut me out after 3 years of love. I gave you everything. You used to look after me, cook for me, cuddle me after a long day at work, help me set up my business, be there for me when my car broke down at 2am and I walked to your house.


Where is all of that support now when I need it the most?

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Deena, this is very theraputic! (sp?)


Why did you bring your ex over for 5 day weekend and invite to stay with you when you already KNEW I didn't want to be around her?


Do you know how strong of feelings I have for you?


Do you not realize just how much I have taken care of you and how much I have given you in the few short months we've known eachother?


Why won't you date me? Besides that you dont want a relationship right now?


Compare me to your ex, what is it that you really want? Me or her?


Do you honestly think she's prettier than me? I've seen her pictures, I don't know why your so addicted to her!


Why have you continuously toyed with my heart?


How would you feel if I suddenly dropped you all together?

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Why did you ignore me yesterday when I IM'd you?


I noticed you were online when you should have been at work. Were you talking to or emailing "her?" Why? Your family and friends told you to stay away from women since you admitted you have a sex addicition. Don't you take it seriously?!!!!!!!!!


What makes you want to do the sexually twisted things you do? Do you have remorse about using women and coercing them into getting what you want? Did you stop to consider their feelings? Or do you enjoy the power you have over them?


Did it scare you when your dad told you that you could go to jail?


Did you hear your dad on the phone with me last night discussing his pain over losing a child (you)?


Do you enjoy all the attention your family, friends, me, and the church are lavishing on you now that you admitted your addicition? You really seem to not care less about us but are probably eating it all up.


Did you only admit the addiction because your family threatened to kick you out? Yes, I know about that.


What exactly did you do to get caught? This obviously happened when I was away with the church on a trip but I still don't get what happened exactly.


Why did you not consider being with an underaged girl when you were married "cheating" but you abused your ex wife because SHE cheated?


I know you really looked through my cousin's shoes even though you lied and made me sound crazy. Your sister told me about the garbage bag shoe collection you had. That is sick. And by the way, please do get rid of my shoes. I don't need them back.


Why did you cry and cling to me when I was out of town for 2 days, but when I was gone for a week, you were already with another woman?! You "loved" me so much that you couldn't stand to be away from me for 2 days, but you somehow got over me and apparently have no more feelings for me this suddenly. Wow. You are a sick puppy.

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Did you ever really care for me?

Was your whole plan to use me to get your ex jealous and to want you back?

Did you cheat on me?

After we broke up, did you keep me tagging along because you knew I loved you and knew I'd fall for your every word?

Did you stay 'close friends' as we called it because you knew you could get want you wanted from me whenever?

Did you ever miss me?

Do you ever think of me anymore?

Why was I not good enough?

Did I give too much of myself to you that you just didn't want me?

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I got to see my ex for an hour after 15 months, and asked all the questions and got the answers, and it relasped me, and shipwrecked me. It doesn't help at all. It just puts more crap in your head to have to process and get over, and I still just felt like why after it anyway.


I don't recommend it, although I think it is helping me move forward more, but it isn't fun at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know until this day you still think of me because you will never love him as much as you loved me, fake it all you want print it out and say it out loud but when I'm around you keep your mouth shut because at the end I was the one that turned that little girl into a woman.


But at the end I wish you the best with him oh and btw does he put up with your family's bull * * * * ?

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I know in your heart, you remember me. I was your first everything. You can deny, block, or try to tell yourself and everyone that I was nothing. I guess 4 years together is nothing right?


You still didn't get over it, no matter what you say. Everything about your new man is different than me. And the differences are things that you said you could never date.


So now that you broke off, a potential future with kids and the whole 9, well actually I left, but you helped me make that decision with the way you treated me in May.


Are you happy with your life so far?

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