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Questions you would ask your ex if you could

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WAS it all a sham?


Were you being fake when you cried when I was gone for the weekend? You certainly didn't look like you were. Especially since you knew I thought it was creepy. Why would you cry if I thought it was creepy? No, you looked devastated that I was gone for the weekend. You grabbed me and said "You're mine!" "Don't leave!" I told you that was creepy and you said you were sorry but you missed me so much. I doubt that was a lie. It was still possessive and scary, but not a lie.


Did you lie when you cried about your ex mother in law? You burst into tears when we were at the mall because you said she was the only mother figure who loved you. You said no one loved you and you grabbed onto me and soaked my shirt from all your tears. I really doubt that was fake. Your sister said it was when I told her what happened, but I usually have good intuition about that stuff and my intuition told me that even with the horrible problems you have including being a liar, you were honest about that. Your ex wife even told me on her own how close you and her mom used to be. I believe that is true.


Why did you start crying every time you thought I was gonna leave you...or any time anyone else left? No, I thnk you lie because you have abandonment issues. That's why you have a sex addicition too.


Why do I feel sorry for you? Even though I know you have issues, YOU HURT ME AND YOU DON'T HAVE REMORSE! Technically, you raped me, cheated on me, lied to me, and treated me like an object for your own pleasure. But I felt for you...I saw your issues and how unloved you felt. I saw how you wanted to change your life and become so involved in the church.


Was your commitment to God sincere? You confessed your past to me. You particiipated in a lot of church functions and did them for free. You seemed so happy when you made a difference in the life of your students. You cried several times when God answered your prayers. You talked about encounters you had with God and even shared something with me that you felt he put on your heart...and it was right on. We prayed together and cried to resist temptation. Was that all fake..............?!


B, why????

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Hey, how is it loving a zombie freak? Do you enjoy the constant talk about vampires and zombies or does it get annoying? I bet it loses its sex appeal after talking about it for 5 hours, right? But I bet that 5 hour phone conversation with her was about me because apparently she knows all about me huh. Just like I knew all about your exes since you talked about them 24/7. That sucks that my whole life story is going to be broadcasted to some zombie chick. But guess what, bub, so is yours. But at least it's anonymous and I don't tell everyone who knows you your business (though I'm so tempted).


Do you wonder what everyone is saying about you? Can you believe that there are still people who think we're together? Michael asked me what happened to you last night...after all this time, he didn't catch on that you and I haven't been together when we were always stuck together like glue. Wow, people live under a rock, don't they?


So did you and "Anna" have fun tonight after the big day? How exhilirating to do something so sexy next to a cute little sassy zombie lover. Can't compete with boring ol church-going me. You said you loved how natural I was. You told me I turned you on like no one EVER has before and that wanted to eat me up. You said you loved my whole "soccer mom" aura and it made you so hard to think about having kids together. We were actually supposed to go talk to a doctor about fertility before we broke up. You said you only used to get turned on by your fetishes and addictions but when you looked at me, you felt love and that made your whole body shiver. Was that a lie? I don't think it is. I saw you get turned on. Whatever anyone says, I saw it. They can't take that away from me cuz I know the truth.


Why did you ruin the trust that was coming back? Face it, we were getting closer. You committed to being honest with me and I believe you were. You told me stuff that was confirmed. You admitted your addicition and wanted help. You were getting everything in order through the grace of God. We were spending tons of time together and it didn't even involve sex! It was just lots of talking, walking, hiking, and spending time together.


Did that not count for anything? I think you think I hate you like everyone else. You believe that I think the whole thing was a sham. In fact, I called you a liar and the whole relationship a lie. But I don't really believe that. You know that, right? but what difference does it make. YOu cheated on me. And for you to say you "thought I was gonna break up with you anyway" is a horrid excuse but it does make sense because I threatened to leave you like 5 times and you started to cry. You said you got tired of me threatening to leave and kinda shut down. Why, though? Why couldn't you have proved me wrong? Darn you!

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When did you start seeing the girl you cheated on me with? You're already in a relationship with her and you were talking to her when I was away.


How did you post your new relationship status in the middle of the day? Taking off work again? Just proves what a loser you are and how you'll never amount to anything. You don't have anything to offer her just like you never had anything to offer me.


How did you two get together in the first place? Where do you two have sex? Do you bring her over the house? Your sis said she would kick your you know what if you tried.


Are you gonna bring her to OUR church? OMG, if you do, I don't know WHAT I will do. I shouldn't have to avoid MY church because of YOU. I'm way more involved. YOU go somewhere else. In fact, don't bother going to church cuz you're a cheating, lying creep.


Why did you have to post your relationship status so everyone at our church could see it? They know what happened, btw, so they're just gonna think you're an even bigger jerk than they already thought. Way to go!


WHY did you tell me I was your dream girl and get all teary eyed, etc. before I left for the church retreat, get up at 4 am to see me off, and then when I return a week later, you are macking on this girl you cheated on me with, trying to cover it up, and admitting a sex addicition? And now you're in a relationship. Wow. You need more help than I do.

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Why didn't you believe in me?

Why did you talk about us going away this summer?

Why did you talk about specific things you wanted to do with me?

Why did you send me the link on hiking?

Why have you PROMISED since April now that we will be biking together soon? When IS "soon"?

Why did you ask if there was still hope for us? Did you miss my answer? It was YES - in writing!

Why were you so afraid to give me space to heal after my divorce? We made it through so much and when I was ready, you faded away.

Why did you stop talking to me? You who would keep me up till the wee hours!

Why do you refuse to answer any of my questions? You'd never let me get away with that!


And the big question - when the hell did you actually leave me? And WHY!

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We're surrounded by so many friends who are in relationships that have been broken by infidelity, secrecy and unhappiness. We weren't one of those couples. You and I were so happy together, we didn't break up because we fell out of love, because we were at different points in our lives, or because we simply grew apart. I don't just miss being in relationship, right now I understand you need to deal with "you", I don't miss us, because there can no longer be an "us" like that. I miss YOU. I'm asking that you set boundaries, I'm asking you to pull a little inner strength from yourself. I'm willing to put in as much time and effort as you need me to, I know this isn't an easy time for you, but I will be your support if you just reach out and take the life line i'm holding out to you. Can you do that?

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I am getting over you nicely, Brian. You always saw me as an object to chase after and add to your "toy" collection. Well, now that I know who you really are, I also see you as an object---which makes it a lot easier to get over you. You are an empty void. A zombie. The walking dead. I am reading a book called Fantasy Bond and it describes what we had to a T. You and I may have had a few stolen moments of genuine relationship, but they were so rare that I don't even see our relationship as real anymore. It was all you after your prey. I realize now from therapy that we are both sick. But you are more sick than I am. I am neurotic. You are psychotic. It is not my fault what you did to me, but it is my responsibility to get out of a relationship sooner when I realize the person is not good. That's where I failed. I knew you were a bad apple, but I chose to take several bites until I almost got food poisioning. Well at least I didn't marry you. Thank God! When I see you now, I just see you as a sad, pathetic, wasted vessel.


I know you very well (you are like my dad) but you are completely unaware of me. I know your motivations, your walls, your phony smile and fake jokes. I can see through you! Your sister can too. It's no wonder you are avoiding us. But thank God! The pastor just thinks you have a sex addicition but even your own dad knows there is way more to it than that (how many dads admit that?). He said you might be a sociopath and he was crying on the phone to me. Of course you couldn't care less. As he was talking to me, he said he heard you chuckling in your bedroom as you watched TV. He explained you as a zombie with no emotions.


How could I love a zombie? That's why it's so easy to get over you. And not surprising you'd go after a zombie loving girl. You two are a perfect fit. That just means I was too healthy for you because we tend to attract who we are, which means I am not enough like you. Thank God!

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HAHAHHA. How does it feel that your new "long term relationship after 3 weeks of breaking up with me" is going back 6k miles way?


Really you figured it out after 3 weeks that you 2 were in a serious relationship. HAHAHA!!!


I guess you are not the only girl on his mind!!!!! I told you I told you I told you I told you. You will never find a guy like me.


Will you EVER be happy?


What goes around comes around. Believe it.

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